The Equipmentshop
The Airborne EquipmentShop
Gavins in Recent Combat
Soldier's Load Solution
Deja BS all over again: U.S. Airborne/Air Assault tanks, no excuseGreat ideas on Airborne tanks
ASSAULT GUNS & LIGHT TANKS AT WAR Good site for M8 AGS and M551 Sheridan info/pics
THE U.S. ARMY'S CHINOOK REPLACEMENT great aviation ideas!
Armored HMMWVs/Strykers inadequate on the Non-Linear Battlefield ... has weight table of M113 appliqué armor at the bottom.
Inside the Ontos Next to the M113 the Ontos is my new Little Hunny, so heres some juicy details dirt on this hard-to-research SOB
BREACH KITS FOR COMBAT ARMS UNITS good stuff on counter- mine/boodytrap
Using binoculars to see, not be SEEN great page on binos
Wrist compass situational awareness some good compass ideas, but Mike and Carl, needs pics updated! They're all missing!
Bayonets obsolete, or just another myth? good page on bayonets, the last ditch weapon!
M40 FPM carrier: mobility killer better pro-mask pouch NOW!

Required reading
Army Field Manual (FM) Library - allways good reading
FM 3-25.150 Combatives
FM 21-75 Combat Skills of the Soldier
FM 7-7 The Mechanized Platoon and Squad (APC)
FM 90-5 Jungle Operations (some good stuff, not nessesary to read all)
FM 90-8 CounterGuerrilla Operations
Sun Tzu's 'Art of War' - must read, from the Gutenberg Project
My wishlist, only contains military-related items

Where to buy
Brigade Quartermasters - buy gear hear
US Cavalry - buy gear hear too
-Ranger Joe's Military and Law Enforcement Gear an other place

Specific pieces of equipment
A Weapon For All Seasons: The Old But Effective RPG-7 Promises to Haunt the Battlefields of Tomorrow
Lockheed Martin: C-130 Specs Spec sheet from the manufacturer on the C-130, most specificly take-off distance
Similar to above, only on the C-17 and unofficial, similary motives too
ASP-30mm autocannonBackgrounder on the weapon that should largly replace the US's MK-19 and M2HB HMGs inventory

FAS's page on US ground combat systems
Russian Weapons Systems Good site on Russian systems with plenty of info
The AFV Database One of my all-time favorites, offers detailed specs on just about every AFV that ever entered the US inventory
Achtung Panzer ! Good site with info on most all of Germany's WWII-era armor
JED Military Equipment Directory Another good site with profiles on all sorts of modern military gear (mainly pics)

WWII Battalion Good site on battalion-and-below organization - Gallery Has TOEs for WWII units of all nations, but rank/equipment names are oft uninteligable to me

The Bucket Shop '113 site with pics of allmost all still-existent versions, geared tword modelers
Soldiers For The Truth (Col. Hackworth)
Phil West's Scrapbook
Urban Operations Journal An other good site, this time on MOUT, extensive enough that hard to pick just one to read in a spare moment
Panzerfaust Good site on the ancestor of the RPG, one of the most ingenious weapons of our time Homepage of the Israeli special forces, plenty of good pics and tips
War Online Small site with some good articles on Middle East -related military issues
MODELERS INTEREST GROUP VIETNAM WAR May have some '113 and other interesting AFV model pics, havn't explored it yet
Welcome to PS Magazine Army Preventative Maintenance Magazine, must read for all Professional soldiers!