The Drakür [Pr. drak'koor] Freehold is a Teutonic tribe that has been started as an intentional community for the purposes of furthering all branches of  Heathenry.

"Everything is not always logical, though all things are always reasonable."
   --- Fordonist Maxim, since the days of the Third Phoenix Project.

Who are we?

  The Drakür Freehold is first and foremost a social cultural organization and infact "religion" has very little to do with what we are about.  We take a somewhat "philosophical" approach to Heathenry and believe that everything we do is about Folk and the group dynamic.
  Ours is the Road of Fordon that is the seeking of enlightenment and thew by means of the shards as spoken of in our tribal myth.  There are no pretensions as to what and who we are.  There are no claims to being reconstructionists as we do not claim to be building a historical tribe but rather taking what worked for the tribes of yore [at least what we ourselves think worked for them] and applying it in how we do things.  That is to say we are a modern construction rooted in the lore of the past but believe ourselves free to innovate as our needs arise.  In truth we consider innovation a true road to wisdom.
   What are we then?  We are not Asatru, though we share commonality with the same pantheon, we are not Theodish but in a very broad sense in that we are TRIBAL.  We use the word tribe to mean a group of Folk who share commonalties of culture, religion as well as a blood or an ethnic bond.  One is part of the tribe by birth or adoption.
   We do subscribe to the idea of metagenetics after our own fashion.  That is to say we consider what we humans term "soul" to be tangible in its own way and may very well be understood by science should it ever move past its bias against "religion" to understand it.  Conversely we hold a belief in tribal luck which is connected to this idea of metagenetics.  Does this mean we are Folkish?  the best response is yes and no.  Look further and you shall see that our goal is to indeed build things based upon tribal specificity by making them our own.
  We are proudly Rydbergian.  How we view the Eddas and Sagas has been shaped by Viktor Rydberg a 19th Century Swedish scholar and poet.  If you find him distasteful then this is not the place for you to be.
   Unlike many, and perhaps singularly among Heathenry our tribe is dedicated to the Light-Elves who hold a special place in our hearts in that we believe them to be Tivar (Gods used in the Heathen sense).  Counted among the Alfar are Völund the Smith and his two Brothers Egil and Slagfinn as they, specifically Völund are stated to be "Prince(s) of Elves" within the Völundarkviða.
   The basis of our tribes theology comes from three specific Eddic poems: The Völundarkviða, Rigthula, and the Havamal.  To this is added the HRAFNAGALDUR ÓÐINS as well as the Freehold's own philosophical work.  The Draküras-Wita called also Draküras-Veda [Wisdom of the Drakür.  A beast similar to both a dragon and The Phoenix] which contains our founding myth and a number of theological, social, and philosophical commentaries.  Of course we respect the whole spectrum of Teutonic lore which naturally enough includes the Edda's and Sagas.
   It is the Freehold's desire to build a functioning tribal community with its own laws and customs.  To this end we are interested in the sciences to make the establishment of our Sovereign Heathen Nation or Micronation a reality and help out the rest of the Teutonic Heathen community.


Fordonism: Fordonism is our own Teutonic tradition.  In the most simplistic of forms it is the search of wisdom and the understanding of one's self and Folk.  The word comes from Fordon "Destroyer" a sword  mentioned within the Draküras-Wita in the first Runa The Breaking.

Draküras-Wita: Composed of Nine Runa, or poems.  The Draküras-Wita is meant in the same philosophical spirit as Nietszche's Thus Spake Zarathustra .


Heathen Ethics: An exploration of Heathen Thews: The Hávamál and other commentary.

Drakür Culture: What makes us a tribe: Our language, food, ect.

Elf-Lore: Here you can learn about those we call Alfar.  Not the sprites you might think.  Some you may even have grouped snugly among the Æsir or Vanir, or even the Jötunn but we see them more as the third divine race who stand as Vanguards of the World Tree.

Word-Hoard: Common Heathen and Theodish words defined.  Not to be confused with the Drakür Völk-Speak which is particular to our tribe.

Hlaedr: Becoming a Drakür and earning a rank in the Freehold

The Hring: Governing of the Freehold.  Formally known as the "Witan" learn what powers are held by the Nine Lords who advise the Herzog and sit upon the ruling Ring.

Phoenix Project: The Scientific arm of the Freehold.  The umbrella organization charged with finding the means to advance ourselves as a species.  Including genetic manipulation, botany/agriculture, space travel,  cybernetic research, as well as PSI and other extrasensory perceptions. All with corporate backing in the form of Cor Cron Inc. a firm based out of Windsor Connecticut.

Book Hoard: Some obvious books, and some not so obvious, as well as a few controversial ones but all containing a bit of  rede worth seeking.

: Webzine of the Drakür Freehold.

Guest Book: Leave your thoughts.

Drakür Freehold: Yahoo Group.

Links: Roads to others in the Heathen community as well as places and things that we find of interest.