US Fourth Amendment
Right to Privacy
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall
not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,
supported by oath or affirmation, and particularily describing the place to be
searched, and the persons or things to be seized"
- US Fourth Amendment
The right to privacy as esconed in the 4th Amendment of the US
Bill of Rights in the US Constitution is under full scale attack.
Violations are occuring on all levels. The advent of the digital information
communications revolution, by its very nature, is antithetical to basic human
Credit cards, ATM cards, welfare Qwest card benefits (food stamp and cash aid)
etc...not only manage and dispense electronic cash, but their transactions can
easily and illegally be monitored and tracked by government and corporate
computer security networks.
Embedded GPS (global positioning satellite system) chips in cell phones, laptop
computers and automobiles can easily pinpoint and monitor a person's location
on Earth at any given time.
Surveillance cameras and high speed digital police state computer networks can
now ticket and photograph speeders on city streets and highways, as well as
instantaneously monitor, track, record and perform instant checks on drivers
via their licence plate numbers.
Computer e-mail and internet use is easily controlled, monitored, tracked and
surveilled by national and international corporate and government security
networks, such as the FBI's Carnivore and the NSA's global Eschelon electronic
spy systems.
Recently, with the passage of the USA Patriot Act in October 2001, the NSA, the
FBI, the CIA, the NRO, the OHS and the whole panolpy of government alphabet
soup agencies in the USA, have been given the green light to systematically
violate citizens 4th Amendment right to privacy under the guise of so-called
"national security" and to target political dissidents on behalf of
the International military-industrial-banking-corporate-intelligence empire.
US airport security is instituting CAPPS 2 (Computer Assisted Passenger
Pre-screening) which now requires air travellers to provide their name,
address, phone #, date of birth etc.. as well as the complete surrender of
their national identity in order to travel, effectively gutting the 4th
Amendment right to personal privacy and initiating the formation of a federally
controlled national police state.
Already, the new Office of Homeland Security (OHS) conducts citizen profiling;
gathering and compiling records, dossiers and information on certain people
such as their names, addresses, phone #'s, political and religious
affiliations, IRS records, medical history, education files, DMV records,
firearms ownership papers, organizational memberships etc... This information
is then fed into a central database for cross-reference and psychological
profiling. Within the OHS, an Office of Internal Security (America's new Nazi
Gestapo) is busy at work classifying "dangerous citizens" and
"dissident citizens" into a new catagory known as EOTS (Enemies of
the State) slated for active "containment" measures.
The central theme of the onslaught of the Information Age (which we are now in)
has most to do with with the evolution and implementation of a cashless money
system- the pinnacle of which will culminate in what is known in revelational
christian scripture as the "mark of the beast". Put an invisible
laser tatoo personal barcode on everyone's right hand or forehead and you have
the ultimate violation of privacy instituted, as well as the MASSES in TOTAL
submission to the State. Another word for it is: Slavery.
Under the USA Patriot Act, the government can now go into your home while you
are away, copy your hard drive, files or whatever from your personal computer,
gather and take any information they wish. Sections 216, 217 and 218 also allow
for unrestricted wiretapping, tracing and interception of e-mail messages and
internet activity of anyone in the USA without the need to obtain a court order-
in DIRECT violation of the privacy protocols that the 4th Amendment was
originally designed to protect.
In addition to the treasonous and illegal Patriot Act passed by Congress in
2001, a newly dubbed "Patriot Act 2" is currently being shoved
through "piecemeal" in the US Congress by way of Senate and House
resolutions. These provisions will expand original Patriot Act powers to
investigate and detain US citizens without probable cause and do so under the
cloak of secrecy and so-called national security.
These resolutions are:
HR 3179: Anti-Terrorism Intelligence Tools Improvement Act of 2003
HR 3037: Anti-Terrorism Tools Enhancement Act of 2003
HR 2934 and Senate Bill 1604: Terrorist Penalties Enhancement Act of 2003
HR 3040 and Senate Bill 1606: Pretrial Detention and Lifetime Supervision of
Terrorists Act of 2003
Under the Patriot Act and Patriot Act 2 provisions passed in the Intelligence
Authorization Act in 2003, the FBI doesn't need a court order or probable cause
to obtain the transaction records for patrons at libraries, ISP's (internet
service providers), telephone companies, travel agencies, car dealers, banks or
other businesses.
The Bush Administration has, in effect, willfully, ruthlessly and maliciously
decimated the privacy protection provisions of the US Fourth Amendment Right to
privacy guaranteed by LAW in the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution- the
supreme LAW of the Land until deemed otherwise.
Steve Jones
2290 Ashland Ave
Ashland, Oregon
1. US Bill of Rights
Website: The
US Bill of Rights
2. Bill of Rights Defense Committee
241 King St- #216
Northhampton, Massachussetts 01060 USA
3. ACLU Privacy and Technology Campaign
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad St- 18th Floor
New York, New York 10004 USA
4. The Surveillance Society
5. New International Intelligence Regime
6. EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center)
1718 Connecticut Ave- NW
Suite #200, Washington, DC 20009 USA
7. The Fourth Amendment
1311 Broadway, Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 USA
8. National Lawyers Guild
143 Madison Ave- 4th Floor
New York, New York 10016 USA
9. Center for Constitutional Rights
666 Broadway- 7th Floor
New York, New York 10012 USA
10. Action America- Privacy and the 4th Amendment
11. Privacy International
Headquarters European Union:
2nd Floor, Lancaster House
33 Islington High St
London, United Kingdom, N1 9LH, European Union
In the United States:
1718 Connecticut Ave- NW
Suite 200, Washington DC 20009 USA
12. Electronic Frontier Foundation
454 Shotwell St, San Francisco, California 94110 USA
13. Privacy Rights Links:
14. Rutherford Institute
P.O. Box 7482
Charlottesville, Virginia 22904 USA
15. Stop USA Patriot Act 2
16. Alex Jones/Infowars
3001 South Lamar- Suite 100
Austin, Texas 78704 USA
17. Independence Institute
13952 Denver West Parkway, Suite 400
Golden, Colorado 80401 USA
18. Global Information Revolution
19. The Matrix (Multi-State Terrorism Information Exchange)
20. Office of Homeland Security: America's New Nazi SS
21. 666- Mark of the Beast