Unnatural ways to make dreads/Making dreads FAST
Dread Perm
Silky Dreads
Loomed Dreads
Dread Extensions
have to go into a salon to make dreads with these methods.
Your hair should be at least 3 inches long.
will need:
1 Metal Comb
1 jar of DreadHead Wax
1 Bottle of DreadHead Shampoo
1 Bottle of Locking Accelerator
1 pack of rubberbands
1. Wash your hair with a shampoo that leaves nothing behind. I used DreadHead shampoo, and I think it works great.
2. Section your hair into sections that are 1 inch by 1 inch. You can use rubberbands or clips to hold the sections together while you section the rest of your hair.
3. Next you will begin to backcomb the hair. Take the rubberband off the section. Spray some Locking Accelerator on the dread. Wait until the Locking Accelerator dries, then start at the root and tease the hair towards your scalp. Only backcomb a small section of hair at a time, this will keep the dreads from forming loops.
4. Once you have finished backcombing the dread, put a rubberband at the root of the dread and one at the tip. Then add a little DreadHead wax to the dread to make it look nice.
Backcombed dreads look just like dreads when they are finished and take about 3 months to lock up.
Your hair should be at least 6 inches long.
jar of DreadHead Wax
1 Bottle of DreadHead Shampoo
1 Bottle of Locking Accelerator
1 pack of rubberbands
1. Section your hair off into 1 inch by 1 inch sections, you can use rubberbands to hold your sections.
2. While washing your hair, rub your head in a clockwise motion. You can switch hands while you are rubbing, just make sure you are still rubbing the hair clockwise.
3. After you finish washing your hair let your hair air dry, then pull apart the sections, where the rubberbands are. If any rubberbands break during this process just put new ones on.
4. After you have pulled apart the section, palm roll each section. You can add wax after you have palm rolled, then palm roll a little more.
The dreads will look similar to dreads after you make them, and they will look like real dreads in about a month. They will take about 3 months to lock up completely.
Your hair can be any length.
jar of DreadHead Wax
1 Bottle of DreadHead Shampoo
1 Aloe Plant
With the Neglect method you basically do the least amount of work to your dreads so it will take them longer to lock up. With the neglect method you can choose to wash your hair or not. I do recommend washing your hair because it will keep your scalp from getting dandruff. Waxing is a natural product to use on dreads but with the neglect method you also can choose to wax or not wax. Waxing help condition the hair so it won't break. Aloe is also a natural product your can choose to use or not. Aloe also helps condition the hair. The choice is yours.
The Neglect Natural method takes 6 months to two years to lock up.
Your hair should be at least 3 inches long.
jar of DreadHead Wax
1 Bottle of DreadHead Shampoo
1 Bottle of Locking Accelerator
1 pack of rubberbands
1. Wash your hair and let it air dry.
2. Use the rubberbands to section your hair into sections that are 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch.
3. Twist the sections back and forth between your fingers. Spray a little Locking Accelerator on the twist and let it air dry, then twist the sections some more.
4. After you are finished twisting each section add a little DreadHead wax to the twist. Just use a little bit and Work it in real good, you can use a hair dryer to melt it in all the way.
The twisting method looks similar to dreads after you make them, and will take about 6 months to lock up.
Your hair can not be longer than 2 inches.
jar of DreadHead Wax
1 Bottle of DreadHead Shampoo
1 Bottle of Locking Accelerator
1 soft bristle brush
1. Wash your hair and let it air dry.
2. Spray some Locking Accelerator on your head and let it air dry.
3. Rub the brush in a clockwise motion over your head. Little dread balls will begin to form.
4. You can add a little DreadHead wax to help condition those lil' dreads. Don't add to much, just a little, because a little goes a long way with this stuff.
Your dreads will look like dreads right after you make them, and it will take about 2 months for them to lock up.
Your hair should be at least 6 inches long.
jar of DreadHead Wax
1 Bottle of DreadHead Shampoo
1 Bottle of Locking Accelerator
1 pack of rubberbands
1. Wash your hair with the dread shampoo and let it air dry.
2. Section your hair into sections 1 inch by 1 inch. You can use rubberbands or clips to hold the sections together, while you section off the rest of your hair.
3. Take the rubberband off the section and braid the hair, once your are finished put a rubberband on the tip and one on the root. Do this with all of your sections.
4. Once you have braided all of your sections, add and little Locking Accelerator and a little DreadHead wax to them and palm roll them.
The dreds will look like braids after you make them, and will continue looking like braids until they lock up in about a year.
Your hair should be at least 6 inches long.
jar of DreadHead Wax
1 Bottle of DreadHead Shampoo
1 Bottle of Locking Accelerator
Hair Clips
1. Wash your hair with the dread shampoo and let it air dry.
2. Section your hair into sections 1 inch by 1 inch. You can use clips to hold the sections together, while you section off the rest of your hair.
3. After you have sectioned the hair, take a section down and twist it, add a little Locking Accelerator and a little DreadHead wax to the twist, and twist the section into a little ball. Use the clip to hold the section down. Do this with all of your sections.
Twist and Pin will look like little twist after you make them and will take about 6 months to lock up.
Your hair should be at least 6 inches long.
jar of DreadHead Wax
1 Bottle of DreadHead Shampoo
1 Bottle of Locking Accelerator
1 pack of rubberbands
1 Dread Tam
1. Wash your hair with the dread shampoo and let it air dry.
2. Section your hair into sections 1 inch by 1 inch. You can use rubberbands to hold the sections together, while you section off the rest of your hair.
3. Once you are finished sectioning all the hair put the tam on. Rub the tam around on your head in a clockwise motion.
4. Once you are finished rubbing your hair take the tam off and pull apart the sections where the rubberbands are.
5. Once you have pulled the sections apart, palm roll them and add a little dread head wax.
With the Tam Rubbing Method your dreads will look similar to dreads after you make them and will take about 3 months to lock up.