Hello! I'm Elaine(Lepage)Boucher.(aka The Dream Mistress)
I hope you enjoyed my site and my books, I guess all that's left to say is
"See you in a book"!!!

From the Dream Mistress.

To everyone who has wondered about the woman behind the Dream Mistress. I am in my early fifty’s a mother of five,
Two boys and three girls, also a grandmother of six three of each. My children have been my life and inspiration. Most of my earlier stories are based on their trails and tribulations they got into growing up Nothing serious, just growing pains. I came from a family of twelve, eight brothers and one sister and my mother and father. So one grew up quite quickly, and learnt that if you wanted anything out of life you have to earn it. You could say I started to write late in my life, however there never seemed to be the time before. To darn busy raising my children and looking after a sick husband. Besides its not how old one is, but how young you feel. Oh yes and a very good imagination. God knows that writing is not a easy way to make money, believe me there have been many nights I’ve sat up pounding my keyboard, only to discard most of what I’ve done.
Yet it is the best time, when there is no one to disturb me.
Because of those late nights, I have over sixty or more manuscripts all hand written, some of which are on the Internet.
When all you good people sign my guest book it makes all my hard work worth while. I also enjoy your E- mails too. Especially telling me how you like my stories. In some ways it makes up for all the returned manuscripts. From all the response, I am trying very hard to get the chronicles and Dragons Claw finished and sent out. "Wish me LUCK". To be sure all those that have asked for it I’ll e-mail you at once, when it is published.

My thanks for all your support.

As always the Dream Mistress




I have a whole new Guestbook.. If you would
like to see my old one, Please click HERE

Or HERE For my last guestbook




This is a webpage made for me by my daughter Volcana
Take a look.





<BGSOUND SRC="itmatterstome.wav">

Now Playing... It Matters To Me.

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