Just like the Video Collection, Tring video also released a total of 5 different videos of 'The Dreamstone'. They also released all the same episodes that the 'Video collection' had already released.
Again like most of 'The Dreamstone' other video releases, Tring video also released nearly all episodes out of order. The first volume is o.k. as it has episodes 4 and 5. Volume 2 however has episodes 6, which is correct, but it also has episode 9 'Too hot to handle' when the episode should be DS07 'The shrinking stone'
Volume 3 is almost correct! The only thing is that the 2 episodes on this tape are the wrong way around as episode 8 'Blob's incredible plan' is before episode 7 'The shrinking stone'! So if these episodes were swapped around with 'The Shrinking stone' being the first episode on the video they would be in the correct order. Volume 4 is the only other Tring video apart from volume 1 to feature episodes in the correct order.
I'm not sure why they did what they did with the 5th release video, but they put DS12 'Argorrible attack' as the first episode which is correct, but released 'The knitted balloon' as the 2nd episode. 'The knitted balloon' is episode 3! Really it would have made much more sense for the 2nd episode on this video to be DS13 'Megattack', but for some strange reason 'Megattack' was never released and it's one of the best episodes!
Another thing to note about 'Tring' Dreamstone videos, is that they released a couple of videos with just one episode on them. The episodes on these were released as part of the 2 episode Tring releases mentioned above so they are not really significant to anyone who is buying the videos just to watch them. They may interest anyone who collects 'Dreamstone' items though.
Below is a full guide to all 5 'Tring' Dreamstone video releases as well as pictures of the 1 episode releases mentioned above. Please click on the cover of the first 5 videos to view a larger full scan of the whole cover. Unfortunately I don't have full cover scans of the 1 episode videos.
Title: The Dreamstone
Episodes: DS05 'Voice of Zordrak' and DS04 'Invisible Blob'
Released: 1995
Video deleted?: Yes
Notes: Episodes in wrong order! (Invisible Blob should have been the first episode on this video) Another thing to note is that this video has a very similar cover as the video released with the 'Voice Zordrak' episode (see videos below)
Title: The Dreamstone
Episodes: DS06 'Albert is fishnapped' and DS09 'Too hot to handle'
Released: 1995
Video deleted?: Yes
Notes: Episodes in wrong order! (see above)
Title: The Dreamstone
Episodes: DS08 'Blob's incredible plan' and DS07 'The shrinking stone'
Released: 1995
Video deleted?: Yes
Notes: Episodes in wrong order (see above)
Title: The Dreamstone
Episodes: DS10 'The Daydream Bubble' and DS11 'The Statue collection'
Released: 1995
Video deleted?: Yes
Notes: N/A
Title: The Dreamstone
Episodes: DS03 'The knitted balloon' and DS12 'Argorrible attack'
Released: 1995
Video deleted?: Yes
Notes: DS03 'The Knitted balloon' is out of place on this video and should have been released earlier on or replaced by DS13 'Megattack'
Title: The Dreamstone
Episodes: DS04 'Invisible Blob'
Released: 22nd May 1995
Video deleted?: Since 5th November 1996
Notes: This episode was also released on a Tring video with the episode 'Voice of Zordrak' (see first video at top of page)
Title: The Dreamstone
Episodes: DS05 'The Voice of Zordrak'
Released: 22nd May 1995
Video deleted?: Since 5th November 1996
Notes: This episode was also released on a Tring video along with 'Invisible Blob' (see first video at top of page)