Drew's Web Page
The purpose of this website is to inform you the reader all about me. My full name is Andrew Harold Johantgen and I graduated from the University of Dayton in May 2002 with majors in International Business and German. I am currently working for the Department of the Navy as a contract negotiator. So far I am enjoying the responsibility and the challenge of this position. I live in Bethesda, Maryland right on the metro, which gives me access to everything in the DC area. This page includes all kinds of cool stuff such as my old resume, papers from college that I was really proud of for some reason, a play that I wrote in German/English in light of 9-11, pictures of my favorite cities around the world, my thoughts on beer and wine, and my contact info so all you internet stalkers can call me at 4 o'clock in the AM to ask me if my refrigerator is running. I will also include a German speaking section when I get around to it for all you krasse deutsche Leute.

I got back from a vacation in Germany a couple of weeks ago. If you want to check it out a link to the online foto album is below. I spent nine days there, splitting my time between visiting my friend Dawn in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the newly rebuilt city of Berlin. The digital camera worked pretty well for this adventure and I hope you enjoy!
Here's me at a bar in February.
Here I am in Dayton Beach last summer!
Here's me with the Gang right after returning from Germany
Foto Journal
American Resume
Favorite Places
Social Info/Party Pics/Buddies
German Resume
Contact Me
Academic Papers
Beer and Wine Journal
I like BMWs a lot, I figured that since I had to have advertisements on my free geocities site anyway that I might as well add some of my own!