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July 9, 2003

Last weekend, we had our first rehearsal since our gig at the Yak.

We haven't been able to do much recently, since we've been quite absorbed with our latest project. We've been commissioned by the BBC to work on a new nature documentary series, "Sliding with Molluscs". So we've been taking our slugs out and putting them under the microscope.

Anyway, in the series, we present a brief evolutionary history of this captivatingly simple, but most practical, class of animal. From those ancient navigators of the ocean-floor, the trilobites, to the micro- snails of present times, we give you the low-down.

The scripting has been done, as has most of the computer modelling. The rest should be a snap, although we do need to find a presenter with enough personality to carry the shows. Maybe we can offer that position to the winner of the next Dr. Finbar competition.

For further information and regular updates, head over to our website,


As you may recall, we submitted an entry to Triple J's unearthing of Victoria. A few weeks ago, they shortlisted about 150 entries or so for a second listen. Owing to what we can only assume was an administrative error, we did not make the cut.

This could be a blessing, though. While we remain festering miles underground in our bunker, we can continue, unfettered by impediments such as actual success, to refine and refine our masterplan for domination of the charts.

THE DR. FINBAR COMPETITION Mk. something or other

We must admit that we've been a little lax in releasing the details of the winning entry, and in handing over the prize. We will discharge one of those obligations now. As you may remember, entrants were given the task of supplying a caption to a rather intriguing photo of Sam taken at our Vibe Bar gig. To view the winning entry, as selected by our esteemed and experienced panel of judges (Pete), you need merely to open the jpeg attached to this email.

The winner, who shall henceforth be known only as Mr. XXX, has already had a short piece of fiction published in a women's magazine, so it's not altogether surprising that he has succeeded here. We can tell you that the piece in question was perhaps a little racy. We can also tell you that he subsequently repented and, suitably contrite, attempted to enter the priesthood. Regrettably, he was knocked back. Perhaps he shouldn't have repented...

As for handing over the prize, we have been reluctant to part with it. As the chill of winter has set in, we've found it has become more or less indispensable. However, we are loathe to go back on our word. We suspect that an opportunity will arise soon enough where it will be possible to ...............


We're painfully aware that there is a future, and that we have been allotted a place in it. Therefore, we'll get crocking and try to secure a gig or two.

That's all for this week. We hope that one day you get the sofa of your dreams.

The Dr. Finbar Trio



saturday, may 31, 2003, 8.30pm. The Yak Speakeasy, 160 Hoddle St., Abbotsford, with John Dale.
friday, april 18, 2003. The Velour Bar, 123 Smith St., Collingwood. With Jessica Paige.
friday, february 22, 2003. The Old Colonial Hotel, Brunswick St., Fitzroy. With a panoply of other performers, including the Altamonts, Su and Ash, Rohan and Russell, and the J-man.

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