Ruth and Specs ran out and went to the Newsies. She held out her hand and was so excited showing them. Some Newsies were congratulating Specs on his courage to ask her. Ruth said, "Oh! I can't wait! I always wanted to wear my mother's wedding dress and my father walking---." She then fell silent. Specs said, "I think it's about time we pay your family a visit." She said, "I can't do that." He said, "Why not?" She replied, "They think I'm dead. They don't know where I am." He replied, "Well, when we visit them--" "NO!" she said, "I'm not going to them, ever." Specs said, "Fine, we'll just bring them here." He then walked out the door. She said, "Wait! I'm coming with you then!" she then walked with him.
   At the door he said, "Are you ready?" She smiled and nodded. He said, "All right." He then knocked on the door. An elderly woman answered. She said, "May I help you sir?" He said, "Ya, we came to see uh, William and Emelie." She bulged her eyes. He said, "What's da matter?" She said, "Young man...Emelie died of cancer only 8 months ago and William shot himself." Ruth was speechless. She said, "What about their children?" She said, "Oh, the two boys moved west to continue their medical career, and Victoria is with her new husband now. Oh, and Ruth was murdered by a young man...I forgot his name..well she was murdered more than a year ago, but I'm sure you already knew." She frowned. She said, "And who are you maam?" She replied, "Helen. I'm William's mother." Ruth looked at her and said, "Don't you recognize me grandmama?" Helen looked at her and said, "No, no I don't lady. What's your name?" She smiled and said, "Ruth." Helen looked at her closely. She said, "My youngest granddaughter Ruth? It's not possible!" Ruth nodded and said, "And this is Specs." Helen looked at him and said, "That who they said murdered you my dear." Ruth smiled and said, "This is my fiancee grandmama." Helen clasped her hands together and laughed. She said, "Oh! I do have family here still!" She then held her grandaughter close and hugged her for a long time.
   Ruth explained to Helen about the wedding and such. Helen said, "Say no more. Wait here." She then walked upstairs. A few minutes later she came down with her mother's wedding gown. It was still beautiful, but a bit dusty. Ruth smiled and said, "Grandma, I'd be more than happy if you came to our wedding." Helen hugged the bride and groom and said, "I'd love to!"
   Ruth got the addresses of her brothers from Helen. She sent them an invitation. To be nice she also sent Victoria and her family an invitation by going to their house to prove to them that Ruth wasn't dead. Her sister though was still an angry woman. She kept telling her that she was the cause of the death of their parents, though they both knew it wasn't true. Ruth said, "Look, I want to invite you to the wedding. Do you wanna come or not?" Victoria smiled and said, "I'd love to come."
   The day of the wedding came. It was held in the street outside the Newsboy's Lodge House. All the Newsies and "their" women were there. Her brothers had arrived with Victoria and Helen. At the front wher Specs was, the priest who held the funeral for Specs and Ruth's unborn child was there to pronounce them man and wife. The moment came. At the end was Ruth, in her mother's beautiful white gown with Kloppman, taking the place of her father. Suddenly the Newsies sang softly to Ruth and Specs while Ruth and Kloppman walked down the aisle..
Open the Gates and sieze the day. Don't be afraid and don't delay. Nothing can break you. No one can make you. Give your rights away. Arise and sieze the day
Specs stood there, proud. With Skittery being his best man. The priest went on with the sermon with "We are gathered here today..." and all the stuff every reader should know about in a wedding because Meg's too lazy to write the rest. *Meg slaps the narrarator* Ow! Sorry! Anyway. So the priest said, "Is there anyone gathered here today who thinks these two should not be wed? Speak now or forever hold your peace." There was silence. The priest smiled and said, "Then let us continue." Suddenly, Morris Delancy said, "Ya! I know why these two should not be wed!" Specs said, "Go away Morris, you weren't invited. Morris said, "Don't you wanna hear why you two can't be husband and wife?" Specs rolled his eyes and Ruth rose an eyebrow. The priest said, "Do continue." Then Morris grinned as he said, "Because she'll be DEAD before you are both pronounced husband and wife!"
   Suddenly two gun shots were heard coming from Oscar's gun. He shot Ruth twice. Then the Delancy brothers ran off laughing before the Newsies could catch them. Helen was crying on Kloppman's shoulder. Specs kneeled there holding Ruth's hand. He said, "We have to get her to a hospital!" Ruth coughed and said, "No, I won't make it." He said, "Don't talk like that, you know I can't live without you." She said, "Continue the sermon, PLEASE.." Specs said, "But Ruth.." She said, "It's my dying wish." The priest, who was grazed in his leg ignored his wound and said quickly, "Ruth Hoder. Do you take Johnny Specs to be your husband, to have and to hold til death do you part?" She weakily said, "I do." He turned to Specs and quickly said, "Do you Johnny Specs, take Ruth Hoder to be your wife, to have and to hold til death do you part?" He said, "I do! I do!" Skittery then handed the rings to Specs. Ruth smiled and weakily put a ring on his hand. Specs then put a ring on her hand. The priest said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride."
   Specs and Ruth kissed passionetly, while she was on the ground, bleeding. She didn't care.
   Suddenly Ruth stopped kissing and was motionless, lying on the ground. Specs held her hand still and said, "No Ruth, please. Don't do this to me." Claude, her brother, ran to her and checked her pulse. He then checked to feel her heart. He looked down and started crying. He put the veil over her beautiful face and said, "She's dead."
   The funeral day wasn't pretty. It was raining and pouring. Specs cried all day that day. He stared at the casket the whole time of the funeral. He said, "I'm going to miss her beautiful face, her soft touch, her laugh. I'm going to miss...her." He saw the casket being lowered to the ground, right next to their un-born child. Everyday after that he went to her grave and sat there, mourning over her. Always putting a flower by her grave. Singing sweetly to her. Until one day, all that changed.