Parts of a Horse
Here's a diagram of a horse that I got from Hunter's Pony Farm.
Here are some other diagrams I found around the web (please let me know if it is yours and you would like me to take it down!):

(1) Poll. (2) Atlas.(1st cervical vertebra) (3) Axis. (4) 7th (last) cervical vertebra. (5) Scapular Cartilage. (6) 18th (last) Thoracic vertebra. (7) 6th (last) lumbar vertebra. (8) Sacrum. (9) 1st coccygeal vertebra. (10) Pelvis. (11) Femur. (12) Fibula. (13) Tibia. (14) Calcaneus. (one of the tarsal bones forming the point of the hock) (15) Hind splint bone. (16) Hind cannon (metatarsal 3) (17) Sesamoids. (18) Navicular. (19) 3rd phalanx (pedal or coffin bone) (20) 2nd phalanx (short pastern) (21) 1st phalanx (long pastern) (22) Tarsal bones (hock or ankle) (23) Patella. (24) 18th (last) rib. (25) Costal cartilage. (26) Xiphoid cartilage. (27) Ulna. (28) Fore splint bone. (29) Sesamoids. (30) Navicular. (31) Fore cannon (metarcarpal 3) (32) Carpal bones. (technically the wrist but always called the knee) (33) Radius. (34) Humerus. (35) Sternum. (36) Scapula. (37) Mandible. (38) Diastema. (bar) (39) Canine. (40) Incisors. (41) Cheek teeth. (42) Facial crest. (43) Orbit. (44) Cranium.
The underside of a hoof.