*~=- The Heart of the Woods -=~*
- - -
A Druidic Life - - -
* *What's New * *
**Whats New**

Starting Out
What's a Druid?
Global Information

General Skills
Mini Skills
Herbology & Concoctions

Helpful Hints and Random Bits
--Research and Development
The Library of the Oak
Firefighting & Patrolling
Gaelic, Latin, and the Ogham
The Guardians of the Wood

Chammilla Lena-Weltsdown
Deonymus TijuLena

Mistalis Vorondil

Silverwind Sa'Rithven-Jaydde

Send us an
::Changes::    As of August 23, 2002 - @ 9:14 PM CST
--       Added in the Fifth Book Into the Library of the Oak, The Codex of Cures

::Changes::    As of August 16, 2002 - @ 3:06 PM CST
--       Added in the Second Book Into the Library of the Oak, the one on Poisons
--       Added in the Third Book Into the Library of the Oak, the one on Houses
--       Added in the Fourth Book Into the Library of the Oak, the one on Pets
--       Added in the first of many triggers to come, the ones on theft.
--       Partially finished with personal page of Silverwind, Currently missing history and small family info.
--       Two more gaelic phrases for you all.

::Changes::    As of August 15, 2002 - @ 9:32 PM CST
--       Added in the First Book Into the Library of the Oak, the one on Oakstone and herbs
--       Added in the Charter of Oakstone.

::Changes::    As of August 13, 2002 - @ 3:48 AM CST
--       Updated the side bar a bit, Changed some names. Mainly Gaelic is now "Gaelic, Latin, and the Ogham."
--       Tattoos is in.
--       Added in the Section of Research and Development
--       Added in the Section of The Library of the Oak
--       Gaelic, Latin, and the Ogham is In. No Latin yet, Some Gaelic, and the Full Ogham. Working on the Coligny Calander, to be added in soon.

::Changes::   As of August 11, 2002 - @ 3:45 PM BST (British Standard Time)
--      Starting out is in.
--      Help Guildnovice Druids file is uploaded and available.
--      Deonymus has discovered that penguins armed with frozen swordfish are excellent hench-men
--      Silverwind noticed that one cannot fly without learning to walk first.
--      Groves is Up and in. Only missing Percent for Smudge.
--      Survival, Vision, Weaponry- they are all in- missing a few percents though.
--      Maps are up, well- partially. We have them linked from Perseons website.
--      Links are Active and should all work.
--      Defenses are IN!
--      The Real Druids, Litterally! is in.
--      Metamorphics is in.
--      Miniskills is in
--      What's a Druid? is in.
--      Added in an informative page about REAL druids from What's a Druid?
--      Herbology & Concoctions is almost complete- Missing four different %'s.

::Sections Still under Construction::
--       Triggers
--       Aliases
--       Fire Fighting and Patrolling
--       Bashing
--       The Personal Pages of the Guardians
--       The Library of the Oak and the books held within
--       Research and Development Sections

::Messages from the Woods
From Silverwind-
August 23, 2002
       I have been a bit busy lately to put anything in, but today I inputted the Codex of Cures. I hope to get back on track shortly and finsih up the sections. Be well.

From Deony-
       August 11, 2002
        Hiya guys! This would be the slightly insane me welcoming you to a stunning website as deesigned by Silvy up there, and I'm sure all of us hope you'll find it useful. If you want to contact me about anything in particular regarding the Novice or Apprentices, feel free to toss me a message on Achaea, or email
       Enjoy the site, and remember, it's there for you, so feel free to contribute!