Reader and Phycoremediologist, Plant Biology and Plant Biotechnology, RKM Vivekananda College, Chennai 600004, India, and Director, Vivekananda Institute of Algal Technology (VIAT), Ramakrishna Mission Vidyapith, Chennai 600004, India. Ph: 091-044-24813960; Mobile: +91 9444003960; +91 9381487310
research publications
1. Rao, V.N.R and Sivasubramanian, V 1980. Fat accumulation in a pennate diatom Nitzschia frustulum (Kutz.) Grun. Acta Botanica Indica 8 : 139-147
2. Sivasubramanian, V and Rao, V.N.R. 1983. Influence of light and temperature on Growth and photosynthesis of some marine diatoms. Seaweed Res. Utiln. 6: 69-87.
3. Rao, V.N.R and Sivasubramanian, V. 1985. Physiological responses of some marine diatom cultures to the presence of heavy metals. In ‘Oceans – Realities and Prospects’ (Ed.) R.C. Sharma, Rajesh Publications, New Delhi, 243-268.
4. Rao, V.N.R and Sivasubramanian, V. 1985. Studies on the mercury toxicity in some marine diatom cultures. In Marine plants – their biology, chemistry and utilization.(Ed.) V.Krishnamurthy, Seaweed Research and Utilization Association, Madras.115-122
5. Rao, V.N.R and Sivasubramanian, V.1985. Effect of heavy metals on Amphora coffeaeformis (Agardh) Kutz. In ‘Marine Plants – their biology, chemistry and utilization (Ed.) V.Krishnamurthy, Seaweed Research and Utilization Association, Madras. 123-132.
6. Sivasubramanian, V and Rao, V.N.R. 1988. Uptake and assimilation of nitrogen by Marine diatoms. I. Kinetics of nitrogen uptake. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. (Plant Sci.) 98 : 71-88.
7. Sivasubramanian, V and Rao, V.N.R. 1988. Uptake and assimilation of nitrogen by marine diatoms. II. Kinetics of nitrogen assimilation. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. (Plant Sc.) 98 : 89-98.
8. Rao, V.N.R., Sivasubramanian, V. and Gowrinathan, K.P. 1988. Copper binding Protiens from Cyclotella meneghiniana Kutz. Ind. J. Microbiol. 28: 184-187.
9. Sivasubramanian, V and Rao, V.N.R. 1990. Studies on nitrogen assimilation in some Marine diatoms. In Perspectives in Phycology (Prof. M.O.P. Iyengar Centenary Celebration Volume ) (Ed.) V.N.R.Rao Today & Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers. New Delhi 110 005. India, 293-298.
10. Subramanian, V.V., Sivasubramanian, V. and Gowrinathan, K.P. 1994. Uptake and Recovery of heavy metals by immobilized cells of Aphanocapsa pulchra. (Kutz.) Rabenh. J.Environ. Sci. Health. A 29 (9): 1723-1733.
11. Bojarajan, A., Jayakumar, S., Sivasubramanian, V., Arumugam, M and Karunanidhi, N. 2000. Pollution analysis of a few selected water bodies in and around Chennai using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Proceedings of the II National Conference on Spectrophysics NCONS 2000, Aug 9-11, 2000. Chennai, India.
12. Sivasubramanian V, V V Subramanian and S Parameswaran 2000. Studies on the effect of aromatic hydrocarbons on micro algae. Presented in the National Symposium on “Phycology in the new millennium”, held in March 2000 at CAS in Botany, University of Madras.
13. Sivasubramanian V, V V Subramanian and R Murali 2000. Ecophysiological studies in some freshwater blue- green algae. Presented in the National Symposium on “Phycology in the new millennium”, held in March 2000 at CAS in Botany, University of Madras.
14. Sivasubramanian V, V V Subramanian and V Anandaraj 2000. Studies on the kinetics of phosphate uptake by some freshwater micro algae. Presented in the National Symposium on “Phycology in the new millennium”, held in March 2000 at CAS in Botany, University of Madras.
15. Subramanian,V.V and Sivasubramanian, V. 2000. Assessment of the effeciency of an algal bioreactor employing Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Proceedings of the II National Conference on Spectrophysics NCONS 2000,Aug 9-11, 2000. Chennai, India.
16. Subramanian, V.V and Sivasubramanian, V. 2001. Studies on the heavy metal tolerance of Aphanocapsa pulchra(Kutz.) Raben. Indian Hydrobiology. 4(1); 15-23.
17. Bojarajan, A., Arumugam, M., Subramanian,V.V and Sivasubramanian, V. 2001. Heavy metal tolerance, uptake and accumulation by the fresh water plankton, Scenedesmus acuminatus and Mesocyclops aspericornis. Proc. National Conference on National Conference on Environment Biodiversity and Bioethics: Current trends and future directions.
18. Bojarajan, A., Arumugam, M., V Sivasubramanian and V V Subramanian. 2001. A preliminary report on the phosphate levels and plankton in a few selected freshwater bodies in Kancheepuram District, South India. Indian Hydrobiology 4(1) : 11-14.
19. Ranjith Kumar R, Hanumantha Rao P, Raghavan B G, Subramanian V V & Sivasubramanian V 2005 Studies on the extraction & purification of pigments from the effluent of an alginate industry Proc National Symposium on Microbial & Plant Biotechnology’ held at Loyola College, Chennai.
20. Murali, S., Bojarajan, A., Dhandayuthapani, K., Subramanian, V.V and Sivasubramanian, V. 2001. Studies on the ecotoxicity of heavy metals in certain marine plankton communities. Proc. National Conference on Environment Biodiversity and Bioethics: Current trends and future directions.
21. Anandaraj,V, V V Subramanian and V Sivasubramanian 2001. Studies on the kinetics of phosphate uptake by some freshwater micro algae. Indian Hydrobiology 4 (1): 1-9
22. Dhandaythapani K, A.Loganathan, G. Theerthamalai, V V Subramanian and V Sivasubramanian. 2004. Influence of light and ammonium on growth and nitrate uptake by Scenedesmus acuminatus and Chroococcus sp. Indian Hydrobiology 7: (1 &2)133-139
23. Dhandaythapani K, V V Subramanian and V Sivasubramanian. 2004. Studies on the uptake and recovery of heavy metals by immobilized cells of Chroococcus minutus presented in the International symposium on Envirotech held at New College, Chennai during October 2004.
24. Dhandayuthapani K, V V Subramanian, Mazer Sultana and V Sivasubramanian 2004. Heavy metal toxicity in marine diatoms. Presented in National seminar on Healthy Environment for the next generation held during Dec 2004 at Loyola College
25. Bojarajan A, M Arumugam and V Sivasubramanian 2004. Trophic transfer and bio-magnification potential of cadmium in a typical freshwater food chain. Presented in National seminar on Healthy Environment for the next generation held during Dec 2004 at Loyola College. Chennai.
26. Dhandayuthapani K, V.V. Subramanian, M.R. Krishnan, Mazher Sultana and V. Sivasubramanian. 2005. Studies on the uptake and recovery of heavy metals by immobilized cells of Chroococcus minutus (Kutz.) NAG. Poll. Res. 24 (Special Issue): 271-274.
27. Ranjith Kumar R, Hanumantha Rao P, Raghavan B G, Subramanian V V & Sivasubramanian V 2005. Studies on the extraction & purification of pigments from the effluent of an alginate industry, Presented in the ‘National Symposium on Microbial & Plant Biotechnology’ held at Loyola College, Chennai from Feb 17th to 19th 2005.
28. Vignesh,M. S Shivsankar, R Hanumantha Rao, R Ranjithkumar and V Sivasubramanian 2006 Phycoremediation of effluent from tannery and pharmaceutical industries- a lab study. Indian Hydrobiology 9(1): 51-60.
29. Sivasubramanian, V. 2006 Phycoremediation – Issues and Challenges. Indian Hydrobiology 9 (1): 13 – 22..
30. Muthukumaran, M, B G Raghavan, V V Subramanian and V Sivasubramanian 2005 Bio-remediation of industrial effluent using micro algae. Indian Hydrobiology 7(suppl.): 105 – 122.
31. Murugesan, S and V Sivasubramanian. 2005. Cyanobacteria of Porur Lake, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Indian Hydrobiology, 8 (1): 49 – 54.
32. Raghavan BG, R Ranjithkumar, P Hanumantha Rao, M Muthukumaran, V V Subramanian and V Sivasubramanian. 2006. Phycoremediation of effluent from a chemical industry. Presented in the National Symposium on “Algae, Man and Biosphere” held at Poondi Pushpam College during 24 and 25th February 2006.
33. Kamaleswari J, S Murugesan and V Sivasubramanian 2006. Bioremediation of automobile effluent using cyanobacteria. Presented in International Seminar on Environmental Biotechnology, ENVIROTECH 2006 held during 5 to 7th July 2006 at JBAS College for Women, Chennai.
34. Kamaleswari J, S Murugesan and V Sivasubramanian 2006. Bioremediation of automobile effluent using cyanobacteria. Presented in International Seminar on Environmental Biotechnology, ENVIROTECH 2006 held during 5 to 7th July 2006 at JBAS College for Women, Chennai.
35. Ranjithkumar R, M Muthukumaran, B G Raghavan, V V Subramanian and V Sivasubramanian 2006. Micro algal Bio-diversity in various industrial effluents. Presented in National symposium on “Algal Bio-diversity and its role in bio-remediation” held in Chennai during September 2006 at R KM Vivekananda College, Chennai.
36. Kamaleswari J, S Murugesan and V Sivasubramanian 2006 Screening of freshwater algae for phycoremediation potentialities of industrial effleunts. Presented in National symposium on “Algal Bio-diversity and its role in bio-remediation” held in Chennai during September 2006 at R KM Vivekananda College, Chennai
37. Hanumantha Rao P, B G Raghavan, V V Subramanian and V Sivasubramanian 2006 SKY-GEL - Application in micro-algal cultivation and phycoremediation . Presented in National symposium on “Algal Bio-diversity and its role in bio-remediation” held in Chennai during September 2006 at R KM Vivekananda College, Chennai
38. Christina Poornima, V Sivasubramanian and S Rajan 2006. Phycoremediation and quality enhancement of groundwater . Presented in National symposium on “Algal Bio-diversity and its role in bio-remediation” held in Chennai during September 2006 at R KM Vivekananda College, Chennai
39. Bojarajan A, M Arumugam and V Sivasubramanian 2007 Contribution to ecotoxicological study of cadmium, copper and zinc in the freshwater food chain: Implications in assessing trophic transfer coefficient and bio-magnification potential Presented in National Seminar on”Environmental biotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges” during February 22nd and 23rd, 2007.
40. Bojarajan, A, Arumugam, M and Sivasubramanian , V. 2007. Toxic action of cadmium, copper and zinc salts individually and when mixed on the freshwater algae Scenedesmus acuminatus and Ankistrodesmus convolutus. Pollution Research 26(4): 627 – 630.
41. Bojarajan, A, Arumugam, M., Subramanian, V. V and Sivasubramanian, V 2007 Heavy metal tolerance of the micro algae, Scenedesmus acuminatus and Ankistrodesmus convolutus – A Laboratory study – Pollution Research 27(1): 77 – 82
42. M Muthukumaran, P Hanumantha Rao, R Ranjithkumar, B G Raghavan and V Sivasubramanian 2008 Occurrence of micro algae in wastewaters and industrial effluents – Paper Presented in National conference on Current trends in algal biodiversity and biotechnology held at CAS in Botany, University of Madras on 7th and 8th February 2008
43. Bojarajan, A, Arumugam, M. and Sivasubramanian, V 2007 Toxic action of cadmium, copper and zinc salts individually and when mixed on the freshwater algae Scenedesmus acuminatus and Ankistrodesmus convolutus. Poll. Res. 26(4): 627 – 630.
44. Kamaleswari J, S Murugesan and V Sivasubramanian 2007 Screening of freshwater algae for phycoremediation potentialities of industrial effluents and wastewater. Eco. Env. & Cons. 13(4): 697 – 701.
45. Murugesan, S and V Sivasubramanian 2008. Freshwater diatoms from Porur Lake, Chennai. Indian Hydrobiology, 11(1) : 149 154.
46. Murugesan, S and V Sivasubramanian 2008. Freshwater algae from Porur Lake, Chennai. Indian Hydrobiology, 11(1) : 133 140.
47. Aarti Narasimhan, P Sumathi and V Sivasubramanian 2008. Algal treatment (Phycoremediation) to improve water quality. Indian Hydrobiology, 11 (1) : 173 184.
48. Kamaleswari, J, S Murugesan and V. Sivasubramanian 2008. Bioremediation of automobile waste using cyanobacterium. Presented in the National Symposium on Algae in agriculture and food industry held in Pachaiyappas college, Chennai on 20th and 21st September 2008.
49. Gurukasi Rajan, K, R. Dinesh Kumar, D. Manikandavelu, V. Sivasubramanian and K. Dhandayuthapani 2008. Improvement of nutrition and economic value of fish by selective feeding with micro algae (Chroococcus sp and Scenedesmus sp). Presented in the National Symposium on Algae in agriculture and food industry held in Pachaiyappas college, Chennai on 20th and 21st September 2008.
50. Narayani, M, A. Subanthini, V. Sivasubramanian and K. Dhandayuthapani 2008. Mathematical model for heavy metal bio-filtration by cells of Chroococcus minutus. Presented in the National Symposium on Algae in agriculture and food industry held in Pachaiyappas college, Chennai on 20th and 21st September 2008.
51. Malathi, K.S, K.S. Malini, V. Sivasubramanian and K. Dhandayuthapani 2008. Nutrient removal from fish culture by immobilized cells of Chroococcus sp. Presented in the National Symposium on Algae in agriculture and food industry held in Pachaiyappas college, Chennai on 20th and 21st September 2008.
52. Paradeepkumar, S, G. Thiyageswaran, P.D. Murali, V. Sivasubramanian and K. Dhandayuthapani 2008. Enzyme kinetics of marine diatom, Navicula sp. Presented in the National Symposium on Algae in agriculture and food industry held in Pachaiyappas college, Chennai on 20th and 21st September 2008.
53. M. Muthukumaran, V V Subramanian and V Sivasubramanian 2008. Utilization of algal biomass for colour removal, pH correction and sludge reduction in dyeing effluent. Presented in the International seminar and workshop on sustainable utilization of tropical biomass, conducted at University of Kerala during 15th and 16th December 2008.
Dr V Sivasubramanian and his team have set up the First Phycoremediation plant at SNAP Industry. Algal remediation technology helps in pH correction of the acidic effluent and complete reduction of sludge formation. SNAP is now a zero disposal company. The phycoremediation plant has been in operation from September 2006. The effluent generated by the industry is highly acidic and of very high TDS ( 25000 mg/L). The entire effluent is evaporated using slope tank. The algal biomass produced is used in Biofertilizer preparation and sold by the Company. The amount of CO2 removed during phycoremediation process is being calculated to claim carbon credits......more ....., CLICK HERE FOR NEWS ITEM IN DECCAN CHRONICLE ON EFFLUENT TREATMENT