Don's Home Places Scotland Scotland Maps Contact
Scotland is generally divided into major geographic regions as follows:
  • Highlands
  • Central Lowlands (Midland Valley)
  • Southern Uplands
  • Northern Islands (Orkney's, Shetland)
  • Western Islands (Outer and Inner Herbrides)
However, there are many other ways of dividing the country. See maps below.

Source: Scottish Mountaineering Club

Source: Gazetteer for Scotland

Other Maps:
Arran at our Genealogy Web site
Ordnance Survey Get-a-Map
List at Gateway to Scotland,
Gazetteer at U. Edinburgh ,
Lonley Planet, Yahoo Interactive (Incl. travel directions)
About Scotland (Tour Map)
Regions defined at The National Tourism Board

OI Outer Islands
H Highlands
A Aberdeen and Grampian Highlands (Castle and Whiskey Country)
P Perthshire, Angus & Dundee and the Kingdom of Fife
WH Western Highlands
E Edinburgh & Lothians
G Greater Glasgow & Clyde Valley
S South

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last updated 16 Jun 2003
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