















Bad experience                 28 January 2005

We would like to share a bad experience we have recently had with a well known French bookshop and publishers, so that others do not have to go through similar unpleasant circumstances.

We publish here books on egyptology and related subjects (as Ediciones MAAT) and we have been selling them in Europe, North and South America, etc. without any problems for quite some time. We request that the payments must be made by cheque sent to our address and made to a specific name we provide due to excessive charges by local banks for other ways to settle the amounts owing.

In all cases and without any exception for several years we have received such payments within a few days, or at most, a couple of weeks.

Four months ago we sent books for a total amount of U$S 272 to Librairie CYBELE of 65 bis rue Galande, Paris, France and shortly after they replied to one of our emails asking them to settle the amount owing, by saying that the books had been received and that a cheque had been sent (as we would find out later, a similar statement to that so often heard: 'the cheque is in the mail...').

When we wrote saying that we had received nothing, they replied that their bank had reported that the amount had been deducted from their account(?). We pointed out that even if a cheque had been sent and intercepted and cashed by others, in those cases banks everywhere are covered against such frauds and that in spite of their problem, the situation was that we were out of U$S 272, plus the U$S 100 spent on forwarding expenses, and being a small struggling publisher, we could not afford having unpaid orders after four months and the books having arrived safely to their premises.

The result so far is that they have not replied to several emails and letter by regular mail demanding payment. A brief phone call proved that they are currently open for business and therefore they received our messages. Being the amount not too high, legal steps are out of the question for basic financial considerations, so we have had to accept that we will never receive the amount they owe us.

As a final note, we sent them an email warning them that if no payment was made we would make people aware of this situation through internet and by other means, as well as letting the local French Embassy know what had happened, but even this message brought no reply at all from these people.

Our message to potential customers of such a firm is what the ancient Romans so wisely used to say: caveat emptor.


              J. J. Castillos

    (on behalf of Ediciones Maat)



Information about your Institute                 (2 February 2005)

Dear Sir,

I would be very much grateful if you kindly let me know the details about the eligibility for admission to M.A or Mphil course (Archaeology) & scholarship provisions in your University.

I secured 65.25% in my M.A examination (Archaeology) from Calcutta University. At present I’m a final year student in Archaeology (P.G.Diploma) from Deccan College Pune.

So, if you kindly let me know about the above mentioned Information, I will be very thankful to you. Looking ahead for your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Mr.Sayan Bhattacharya - INDIA



Dear Sir,

Thank you for your message. We do not offer post-graduate programs, we only teach at the undergraduate level. We cannot offer scholarships because our tuition fees are very small (U$S 100 per year) and we get no financial support from the government or private sources. Besides, living expenses in Uruguay are rather high and you would be better off applying at an Egyptian university, like Cairo University or the American University in Cairo, who may offer scholarships and where the living expenses are much lower, besides being in the country where all the relevant monuments are.

Best wishes,

          J. J. Castillos



Sobre su artículo en egiptomaní                 (4 Febrero de 2005)

Estimado Prof. Castillos:

Aunque soy biólogo de profesión, tengo cierto interés en la egiptología, sobre todo en la historia tan larga que tuvo esa civilización y en el hecho de cómo la sociedad humana ha sabido adaptarse y sobrevivir por milenios a un medio tan particular como el valle del nilo, usando métodos tan rústicos, pero finalmente tan efectivos, como los que aun podemos observar en diversos medios rurales del mundo.

Quería mostrarle mi apoyo a la nota que publicara en el sitio del IUE y que fuera reproducida en Me resulta increíble que a esta altura de la historia, habiendo ya tanta cantidad de información seria y certera sobre la historia, la sociedad, los medios de vida, la escritura y la religión del antiguo egipto, siga habiendo charlatanes difundiendo teorías ya refutadas o inventando nuevas historias fantásticas.

Uno de los medios a los que me refiero es el canal argentino "Infinito". Transmite un programa llamado "el ojo de Horus", donde mezclan algunos datos ciertos con una serie de especulaciones e invenciones que afirman de ciertas, tales como la conexión de los sacerdotes egipcios con otros en la Atlántida o el complejo monumental de Djeser construído para servir de central de energía eléctrica.

Sobre la religión, y tal vez estoy poco documentado para opinar mucho, también creo que hacen especulaciones extravagantes. En ese programa repiten y reiteran que los egipcios creian en la sucesiva serie de reencarnaciones de la que tenían que liberarse. Tal como yo entiendo esa es una creencia hinduísta (karma), no egipcia. Tengo entendido que los egipcios simplemente creían en dos vidas, antes y después de morir y que el ideal era lograr una postvida tan placentera como la vida real, no había ninguna serie karmática que los atormentara con volver una y otra vez al mundo real, más bien amaban demasiado la vida real y de esa forma deseaban tener una vida parecida después de morir. Es como lo interpreto de libros más serios que he leído.

Hace falta una mejor difusión de información seria y científica, no hay dudas.



Bolívar R. Garcete-Barrett

Museo Nacional de Historia Natural del Paraguay

Sucursal 1 Campus U.N.A., 2169 CDP

Central XI, San Lorenzo




Egiptólogos y Egiptómanos                 (30 de Abril de 2005)


Soy un aficionado a la egiptologia y he descubierto la pagina En un primer momento lei los primeros textos con ilusion, pero pronto noté el encorsetamiento a que les someten los canales oficiales. Es una pagina con un gran trabajo de revision histórica, pero sobre todo de desacreditación a todo aquel que no comulgue con las ideas de la arqueologia clásica.

Es paradójico que, con el pretexto de ser los únicos con capacidad de valerse de la ciencia, se aferren a las mas trasnochadas teorias, desacrediten las voces que se oyen en oposicion a sus teorias, y sin embargo no sean capaces ni siquiera de nombrar en su pagina datos que no son capaces de explicar, porque simplemente no tienen explicacion y derrochen cientos de lineas atacando a otros investigadores sin la capacidad mediatica de que ustedes disponen.

En sus textos subyace un rencor desmedido hacia todos aquellos que investigan al margen de la egiptologia centralizada, y queda especialmente enfatizada la envidia que les produce que otros recojan los beneficios económicos que a ustedes se les escapan de entre sus ambiciosos deditos.

En esta lucha entre David y Goliath, ustedes tienen los recursos, pero permitanme que les diga que carecen de la objetividad y la libertad informativa que los peyorativamente entrecomillados piramidologos poseen y que confio acabe con su ya mermada credibilidad.

Yo les sugiero que a modo de salvavidas extiendan la mano a los nuevos investigadores al margen de los intereses económicos que les estrangulan la vision mas alla del beneficio economico y comiencen a limitarse a informar en vez de intoxicar con teorias que ya no convencen a nadie ni a base de documentales del discovery channel.

Mando estas lineas sin animo de ofender y con la mejor intención, porque no creo que ningun bando tenga la veracidad definitiva, y hay que poner los hechos sobre la mesa y dejar las desacreditaciones para Gran Hermano.

Limitense a informar, y si no saben la verdad, sigan estudiando (y de paso algun dia salgan del aula y viajen a El Cairo).

Daniel Ruiz (España)


Re: Egiptólogos y Egiptómanos                 (1o. de Mayo de 2005)


Por supuesto que Ud. tiene derecho a su opinión y como Ud. la dice, respetuosamente, es atendible como protesta desde su punto de vista personal.

Sin embargo, si nosotros no combatiéramos esas muchas caprichosas teorías de aficionados que se publican en libros o en internet, le estaríamos haciendo un muy pobre servicio a quienes no saben ver la diferencia entre conclusiones sobrias y científicas de los expertos y las fantasías sin fundamento real de esos aficionados.

Según Ud., deberíamos soportar callados que gente diga en libros que las pirámides no eran sepulcros sino templos u otra cosa, a pesar de la evidencia en contrario, o que las momias tienen maldiciones o que había una "casta" sacerdotal egipcia con profundos conocimientos esotéricos, comparados con los cuales nuestra ciencia moderna queda rezagada, o que en el antiguo Egipto tenían energía eléctrica, etc.

Lo que Ud. propone es legitimizar el engaño y la impostura con la que algunos lucran o adquieren efímera fama. No, señor, si actuara así mi conciencia me lo reprocharía.

Extendiendo su protesta a otros campos, y si la misma prosperara, tendríamos a curanderos y hechiceros practicando medicina y matando mucha gente o permitiendo que murieran sin atención médica moderna, sin protestar para no infringir los "derechos" de esos aficionados; o aficionados a la ingeniería construyendo puentes por los que Ud. estoy seguro no transitaría, pues podrá estar equivocado pero sin duda tiene el buen sentido de saber qué es confiable y qué no; o que barberos siguieran extrayendo dientes como en el pasado o que las casas y edificios fueran construidas por cualquiera que pensara que está capacitado para ello o que cualquiera pudiera difundir con total impunidad lo que se le ocurra.

En mi país hay uno de esos "maestros" que con gran descaro miente y engaña, inventó una técnica de meditación "egipcia" que llamó "dabraká", hace que sus discípulos hagan una "danza del árbol" que es también de su invención, construyó una pirámide donde por una módica suma hace tratamientos usando "la energía de las pirámides", ese es el tipo de gente que Ud. pretende amparar con sus dichos, lo que yo rechazo de plano pues es defender cosas que en realidad son indefendibles por el engaño y el abuso de la ignorancia popular que implican.

          J. J. Castillos



RE: Egiptólogos y Egiptómanos                 (1o. de Mayo de 2005)

Hola de nuevo,

Le agradezco que haya contestado al mail que le envie con tanta celeridad. Gracias por su tiempo y por su opinion, que valoro y respeto, sin embargo me gustaria apuntalar un poco mi opinion, opuesta en algunos aspectos a la suya, de forma que pueda conocer algunos de mis argumentos.

Evidentemente no defiendo a ningun farsante ni voy a dar la cara por nadie que no sea capaz de aportar un minimo de pruebas o fundamentos de rigor cientifico, pues que seria de nuestro conocimiento de la historia sin una solida base de comprobacion de los hechos. Sin embargo de algun modo yo pertenezco a esa nueva generacion que ustedes tachan de iluminados que creemos en algo mas que lo que se puede ver y tocar. Lo digo sin rubor y pienso que hablar de egipto sin dejar una puerta abierta al misterio, lo desconocido y la espiritualidad es un error tan grande como decir que ya no nos queda nada por descubrir.

No pretendo que acepte que las obras egipcias eras de una perfeccion y una manufactura brillante incluso para nuestros dias, pero si realmente no ha reflexionado acerca de ello le invito a releer traducciones de textos como libro de los muertos o los textos de las piramides para que descubra que quizas los egipcios eran efectivamente tecnologicamente deficientes, como usteden defienden, pero espiritualmente estaban a años luz de nuestra flamante cultura moderna.

De verdad me reconforta saber que tiene usted una conciencia, porque creo que llevar una publicacion de ese nivel conlleva una responsabilidad moral grande, pero por otro lado me entristece descubrir en sus palabras un escepticismo extremo hacia cualquier corriente alternativa como puede ser la homeopatia, la acupuntura, la reflexologia o las flores de bach, terapias sin el menor fundamento cientifico pero de eficacia demostrada, por poner solo unos ejemplos. De ahi a defender a un tipo que cura con la energia de las piramides, hay un abismo, a no ser que se demuestre esa capacidad curativa, claro está. De tal forma, yo no legitimizo el engaño, y mucho menos el afan de lucro de quienes se aprovechan de los incultos e ignorantes, pero sin embargo defiendo la libertad de información y en la capacidad del hombre para sacar sus propias conclusiones sin necesidad de una pauta global como si fueramos burros en busca de una zanahoria.

Como colofon a mi carta me gustaria aportar algo positivo, ya que entiendo que mis cartas han sido a modo de reproche, pero lo hare a mi manera. Le daré un consejo: Abra los ojos y descubra que hay un mundo mas alla de la medicina moderna, de las leyes fisicas que recien descubrimos e incluso de las que estan por descubrir y que la respuesta a muchas preguntas sobre uno mismo no siempre la tiene el maximo experto mundial en la materia, sino (aunque suene a utópico) uno mismo en su interior.

Es un placer hablar con usted, de nuevo gracias por su tiempo.

Daniel Ruiz (España)


Re: Egiptólogos y Egiptómanos                 (2 de Mayo de 2005)


Es común que quienes objeten el rechazo de los egiptólogos profesionales por las llamadas teorías de "alternativa", digan que es porque ignoran la real profundidad de las mismas y las niegan sin haberlas estudiado a fondo. Puede ser el caso de muchos, pues no tenemos tiempo para andar investigando cosas que ya de entrada suenan a disparate, pero en mi caso, en una etapa de mi vida investigué una serie de temas paranormales y "de alternativa" y al poco tiempo me desengañé pues vi que no eran cosas profundas y verídicas sino fantasías de mentes que miran la realidad concreta con ojos poéticos en vez de científicos y por ello dan como hechos cosas que sólo existen en sus mentes.

Si Ud. es feliz creyéndole a esa gente y en la eficacia de las medicinas de "alternativa", allá Ud., respeto su derecho y que algún día arriesgue su vida eligiéndolas (si es honesto y coherente consigo mismo), si se ve aquejado de alguna terrible enfermedad, yo soy un hombre sano y feliz y siempre he confiado en la ciencia, que me ha brindado salud, conocimientos sólidos y honestidad intelectual, que no hallo en esas otras aproximaciones que Ud. parece admirar.

          J. J. Castillos



The Punt of the Ancient Egyptians                 (6 June to 10 August 2005)


I have a theory about the above subject and I will be posting it here so interested people can read it and make comments on it:





          Wael Fekry Hasan




Re: The Punt of the Ancient Egyptians                 (10 June 2005)

You say:

"So, I hope that our Forum-colleagues allow me the suitable number of e-mailing times to end-up, before considering the matter as fully exhibited to them .. And at the same time, I hope they do not leave me all-over the time in some dark sea of silence, by letting it come about like a 'Blunt Monologue' .. But instead, I hope for their enlighting-greenery of utterance, which can be by turning the procedure into a 'Brisky Discussion'. If we succeed in reaching this form .. it should be .. for the sake and benefit of civilizational-sciences promotion".


OK, since you ask, and request "not to be left in a dark sea of silence", I´ll give you my opinion about your first two postings.

I live in Uruguay and I am also very interested in the ancient past of that wonderful land, Egypt.

First of all, your style. Your phrases are pompous, unnecessarily complicated by artificial and convoluted turns of phrase, unlike any you find in standard egyptological articles. I don´t know you personally, but they seem the English of a foreigner struggling to express himself in English and bringing into it constructions alien to normal English or by a self-educated native English speaker who has not had a higher education and therefore confuses complicated sentences, overloading them with adjectives as a half-baked attempt at scholarly writing. This makes your statements often hard to follow and your points obscure and vague.

I don´t know where you got the idea that Queen Hatshepsut actually went herself in the famous Punt expedition she sent, you can imagine that for a person in her position, leaving the throne for a long time would be like comitting political suicide... Besides it would be an unheard of participation, pharaohs usually SENT people to those far away places and anxiously awaited their safe return with the goods that the people from such places had to offer.

You talk (write) a lot, promise and titilate as if a lot of new knowledge will come from your inspired pen, but in the end all that you offer is empty talk and speculations you indulge in.

This is not the way academic egyptology works and when you quote people like Velikovsky, largely discredited for so many solid reasons many years ago, and others by authors like Caroline Seawright, who seems to have said that Hatshepsut was the first Queen to reign over Egypt, ignoring other earlier ones like Meryet-Nit of the First Dynasty, Nitocris of the Old Kingdom, Sobeknefrure of the Middle Kingdom, or when you see as a "problem" that Hatshepsut had said that the expedition to Punt that she organized was "unique", when it was common for every ancient Egyptian accomplishment to be (falsely, of course) described as a "unique" event, "for the first time" or "nothing like this had ever happened or was ever done before", empty but self-gratifying boasts, then your attitude appears to be that of someone only superficially acquainted with egyptology but nevertheless, trying to leave your mark with a new "theory".

Fine, if it makes you feel good, but why not leave this to the professional egyptologists and save yourself lots of unnecessary embarrassment?


Luis Vignolo 



Re: The Punt of the Ancient Egyptians                 (13 June to 2005)

Dear Signor Vignolo,

To begin with, as modern and intellectual humans, we'd better be kind and hearty to each other, in a better level than that exhibited by your 'start' with me, my Respectful Signor. We, naturally and most likely, should appear like "Two Birds Of Different Nests", .. like the cases of billions of corresponding or chatting people on this planet, .. but we have to be much more patient and much more delicate with each other than what we have shown already, I am sorry to say... I also take liberty to say, that it is not usual for "English Language Writers", to attack each other in a very much escalated level, and in the very first time, like what I read from your pen, or 'key-board', dear colleague. I 'take my chances' and try to refer to some points of my writings, that seem to be taken by you in a harsh or an unfair way, I am sorry to say:

1. During the times of a number of dynasties [ like the 18th, the 19th and the 20th ] .. the length of Nile that was under the control of an Egyptian Pharaoh, exceeded the 1300 kilometers limit. Despite that, Pharaohs did move, numerously, in-land to very far places from their capitals, and frequently nothing happened. The Pharaohs protected themselves with the ideas they deliberately washed the peoples' minds with, about "Being More Than Normal Humans" and "Their Invincibility and Sacredness" ... etc. They were helped by the usual well-known attitude of the egyptian towards his chief, of extreme obedience and nearly 'succumbing' life-style. So, it wasn't so dangerous for Hatshepsut to leave Egypt, when she had to leave to get rid of her personal agony.

2. Caroline Seawright was not right to say that Hatshepsut was the 1st female Pharoah, if she meant that that queen specifically was number one in the sequence, or the 'list', of egyptian queens. There is a slight possibility that she meant that Hatshepsut was "the foremost one" among them, or among those who ruled solely, with no interference from a contemporaneous king. At any case I was quoting her pointed-to phrase, for simply saying that People still knew about that queen, despite all the obliterations.

3. I did not quote Velikovsky in my 2nd part, but quoted what he quoted. I have the right to quote him if I want to contradict him, or if I see something right in his views. He is wrong about many many things, all right, but that doesn't give us the right to cancel all his writings. Right my dear Sir ?

My thanks for your concerned stance...

          Wael Fekry Hasan



Asociación Internacional de Egiptólogos                 (23 de Setiembre de 2005)

Entré a la página web de esta asociación supuestamente profesional:

Asociación Internacional de Egiptólogos

y me encontré con una larga lista de gente cuyos libros había leído, profesores y arqueólogos de renombre, pero para mi asombro también encontré otros nombres, como el de un Dr. Davidovits (especialista en polímeros) que dice que las piedras de las pirámides eran sintéticas, no naturales, sin poder probar de ningún modo tal disparate que casi nadie acepta:


También está el nombre como miembro de un español, Francisco J. Martín Valentín, quien publicó una gramática de la lengua egipcia que fue considerada por otros egiptólogos españoles como llena de errores y que contenía trozos de otras obras similares copiados o adaptados como si fueran suyos:

F. J. Martín Valentín

F. J. Martín Valentín

F. J. Martín Valentín

Me temo que dicha asociación no se hace ningún favor con tales membresías pues no puedo imaginarme a un Colegio de Abogados que tolere como miembros a gente que escriba libros de leyes tomando cosas escritas por otros como suyas y llenos de equivocaciones, en EEUU sé que muchos abogados han sido expulsados y no han podido ejercer más su profesión por cosas no tan graves o como si un Colegio de Arquitectos tolerara como miembro a alguien que dijera que el hormigón armado de los edificios en realidad no es tal sino bloques de piedra natural especialmente trabajados...

¿Por qué en egiptología parece que está bien tener tal gente ufanándose de ser lo que no son? No me parece que tal cosa le haga ningún bien a ninguna profesión.

Atentos saludos,




Re: Asociación Internacional de Egiptólogos                 (25 de Octubre de 2005)

Te comprendo perfectamente y a mí me llamó la atención esa gente en esa Asociación... En el segundo caso que mencionas, me han dicho que ese señor no ha desmentido las muy graves acusaciones que se le han hecho, quizás porque no puede, sino ya lo habría hecho para proteger su reputación. A lo sumo insulta a quienes lo critican. Y hasta parece que lo han autorizado los egipcios a reparar una tumba en ese país... Estamos en un mundo loco. Imagínense la escena en un juzgado: un abogado es acusado de cosas muy graves, una serie de testigos aportan evidencia contundente, detallada y fundamentada en citas directas, a ello el acusado responde con agravios a los testigos, dice que lo quieren "linchar", que es una conspiración en su contra y nada más; ¿qué les parece que va a decidir el juez? ¿Han ustedes alguna vez hallado a alguien que hace estas cosas y reconoce ser culpable? Como dicen en mi país, a esa gente más vale perderla que encontrarla... y no le hace ningún bien a nadie.

Samuel Lerner       



A Reply For Signor Vignolo's Comments                 (29 March 2006)

Dear Professor Juan Jose Castillos,

It looks quite difficult to express, here and now, all my Sincere Thanks .. for all that prolonged and heavy posting of a great deal of my redacted parts, on the matter of the "Indian Ocean Mountain of Orient". I understand that all this is costing "electronic space" and money on the behalf of your world-famous forum and society. At the same time - and after all that past time since the posting started - a sensed dense need to make a modified and renewed redacting on the subject has become apparent for some researchers here in Egypt. For example : The idea of abolishing the "classical" thinking of Punt as being in Eastern Africa, and the introduction of a Southern Asian one, has met some good stances already in Egypt, and needs heavy excessive analysis now, which is not present at the moment in my first edition, on your website. Also the subject of the health case of Hatshepsut, seems to need some more caution on dealing with it, than what I've adopted already in the posted parts. it may surprise you Sir to declare that the form of writing itself, especially in the 1st part, needs some 'comforting', with some agreeing in that aspect with the 'annoyed', but concerned, comments of the thankable Signor Vignolo! The fact that he deprived me of his constructive criticism for so long, is not to my joy, I may say. For what I said above, I hope you Sir become convinced of the removal of the already posted parts, untill I be able to send other writings, in replacement. And if it is seen as a better idea, I may send about a completely different subject ( e.g.: The Real Relationship Between Avaris And Waset, or The Newly Found Origins of Egypt And The Egyptians ).

Wael Fekry Hasan     


NOTE FROM THE MODERATOR - I hope you will understand that I cannot remove postings to our Forum since such changes would give previous visitors the wrong idea that we can erase with the elbow what we have written with the hand, not a very serious impression, which I am sure we don´t want to convey to others.

What I´ll do is post corrections as you send them to me and so other people will see the evolution of your views, without hiding anything. Remember that we own our silences but we are slaves to our statements.

Perhaps you will find useful a visit to:

Egyptology and Pseudo-Egyptology

Various comments in Spanish and English

We will consider your future postings for the Forum if you wish to deal with another subject concerning Egypt.



Interview                 (3 April 2006)

Dear Sir,

My name is Diana Pena and I am a student at Floresville High School. I am currently enrolled in an Independent Studies class, where I am researching the philosophies of life according to Egyptian mythology. For the course, I am required to interview an expert in the field of Egyptian mythology. Your background and knowledge of Egyptian mythology would bring a different and vital aspect to my paper and presentation that cannot be found in research.

I would sincerely appreciate it if you could answer a few of my questions about the creation of life on earth, how the world will end and what we will expect after life according to Egyptian mythology. I can e-mail the questions to you and you could answer them at your convenience. Thank you for your time and any help would be greatly appreciated.


Diana Pena

Floresville High School



Re: Interview                 (4 April 2006)

Dear Diana,

> 1. What are the prophecies foretold according to Egyptian mythology on how the world will end?

We have to be careful not to let our modern religious or other prejudices interfere with our understanding of ancient very different mentalities and beliefs. Christians should not look for an Egyptian apocalypse or muslims try to see in king Akhenaten a forerunner of monotheism. However some egyptologists think they have found sources (the more specific are very late examples) which involve threats to destroy mankind (and even an actual slaughter of people by the gods) but nowhere a clear and established notion that the world will definitely end some day. That is a christian belief, not an ancient Egyptian one. So I find some attempts at seeing an end of the universe in pseudo-prophetic writings or in threats by gods, to be far-fetched.

> 2. What are the factors and gods significant to the end of the world?

As I said before, I don´t share such views but several Egyptian gods are mentioned in some texts as destroyers of mankind or some of the great gods of creation having second thoughts about going back to square one, so to speak, but even those colleagues who accept an end of our world (not the universe) in ancient Egypt admit that it would be followed by a rebirth. The great god Ra, the goddess Sekhmet, and others take part in these myths but there are several variations according to which doctrine or theology is involved.

> 3. Besides from the idea that man came to this earth from the tears of Ra, what other philosophies are there about how man was created?

There were several schools of thought according to which god was at the centre of creation, the major ones were the ones around Atum or Ra, Thoth and Ptah. For instance, the god Khnum created man in his potter´s wheel, but there isn´t in ancient Egypt the emphasis and details on the creation of man that you find in the Bible.

> 4. What caused the end of Egyptian mythology’s popularity?

It hasn´t ended because it´s very popular among masons, mystics, theosophists and others today, but that applies to small groups of California-New Age-type of eccentrics that have always been among us. Among most people I think it was the conversion of the ancient world to Christianity that gave it its death blow, by banning all sorts of pagan beliefs.

> 5. According to Egyptian mythology, what is the origin of the watery chaos?

As far as I know it doesn´t say it was ever created, from it the creating god emerged and then the creation, to speak of who or what made the primitive chaotic ocean is like asking a christian who made God.

> 6. There is a great emphasis put on the existence of Ma’at, so why is Ma’at a feather and not something else?

Many of the reasons why the ancient Egyptians chose the feather as a symbol for the goddess Maat or a dog for Anubis or an ibis for Thoth are obscure and although some colleagues speculate, since I haven´t found any clear ancient justification for such symbols, I refrain from giving any reason until they become available. Scientists don´t invent but rather search for answers and keep silent until they are found.

> 7. What was the attitude of the Egyptians in relation to reincarnation?

Nothing at all, the idea that the ancient Egyptians believed in reincarnation is a fabrication by modern eccentrics who can´t provide proof from ancient texts. People died and went to the Egyptian heaven or were destroyed by a monster, nowhere they say you could come back, that belongs to other religions.

> 8. How did the Egyptians go about for forgiveness of their sins before the Hall of Judgment? ?

There was no such thing, that is a christian belief. You were either good or bad by your deeds while alive and were treated accordingly. That´s all. However, some believed you could cheat by using magic and successfully denying your "sins", I hope the gods had ways to expose such tricks, but we´ll never know. It´s the eternal struggle of man to achieve power over the gods or nature through magical means, it perhaps helped make them feel less impotent under the absolute rule and power of the gods.

> 9. What would be the reasons that would cause the destruction of man according to Egyptian mythology?

It was like in most religions the evil behaviour of men, although evil wasn´t entirely human since it probably emerged from some of the gods themselves that were considered as evil by certain local cults and by all in late times, such as Set, the enemy of Osiris and Horus.

> 10. If the deceased had already passed the weighing of the heart during the Hall of Judgment, then what is the importance of the deceased appearing to the gods before entering paradise?

Well, the test decided your fate but after being found "just of voice" or "justified" the gods had to formally receive you in "heaven", they were two different steps in your path to the other world.

I hope this will be useful to you. Your questions were interesting, I confess I have NEVER been put in any trouble at any congress or meeting, by my colleagues, it has always been kids with their fresh and inquisitive minds who pushed me into difficulties, so I´ve learnt to respect (and fear a bit) anybody under fifteen more than others. I hope you can get an A+ for your choice of questions.


J. J. Castillos 



Various matters                 (24 June 2006)


Dear Sir, I did visit your good website on a few occasions but I recently was searching for the Turin Papyrus and I was surprised that you seem to be one of the FEW serious website that had the PHOTOS of the original paintings.
A few other websites have it-but these are porn related websites and they only have the computer enhanced drawings that DO make it more PORN LIKE..
In any case:
1- this erotic Turin papyrus- is that what is called the Turing Judicial Papyrus ?
I am looking for a full analysis of this papyrus(not just the erotic part of it) and as well as the various hieroglyphic/hieratic signs..
That papyrus was 8.5 feet long by about 10 inches large..
I do know that there is a book out called "Sacred Sexuality in Ancient Egypt:The Erotic Secrets of the Forbidden papyrus" by Ru Schumann Antelme [ISBN 0892818638],Powell Books,Oct 2001,264 pages
but unsure if it oncly concentrates on the "erotic aspect of the Turin papyrus"...
2- Suez steles-(3) I have been trying to get hold of the hieroglyphic(core-original) texts as well as their translations-so far only the Old Persian form in cuneiform script appears to be available..
These steles are:(dated from time of Darius 1er)
1-Tell el Mskhourah
See this link:(I asked them but unable to help me)
The valid reference I have is: Jean Yoyotte,l'Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale-Darius et l' JOURNAL ASIATIQUE  260:253-266 (1972), p. 256 texte 5A:12   et  5B: 17
Notes: 1--I am no expert,just an amateur;I am more interested in the language per se than in the monuments etc.. 
  2-so many many alternative theories   out there but  these writers  all but to a very few know zero about the AE language,Coptic,Arabic,etc..hieroglyphs.
They also have a tendency to quote/misquote  one another.. as their "source/original documentation" upon which they are basing their "researches.."
They also seem to have amnesia to the fact that from its inception the AE religion was MONOTHEISTIC..And now we have a profileration of "High priests of the AE religion,etc. the more bolder  claim to have received their hidden knowledge from  secret Sufi masters while in Cairo ! Of said masters I doubt they could even properly read Arabic !
3-You might want to have a look at these websites as well:     where on their Website update they trash the "Bosnian Pyramids"..
But a funny thing here- in their printed July/August sisue- it is very non committal,written by a local journalist..
Prof Harding big visit to the excavation sites- lasted a generous 15 minutes ! And then on his way to a press conference in Sarajevo to trash the excavations..
To get   real sense of what is going on  go to:   (warning- many commercial websites with similar names)
Infgos have just been updated(june 24th)...It is a hughe discovery...
Also the articles there are based on OLD DATA(mid April-MAy- when the excavations where just starting)
You might want to give a try at this website-in Spanish mostly-claim to have found a big pyramid in Spain (?!!)
For the  new Italian pyramids,north of Milan,    an anomalous research center
The magazine that started it all- in Czech (about paranormal stuff..)WM magazin
4- finally for alternative theories to the decipherment of hieroglyphs- here are 2 sites.
one by Mr Tarek Abdel Moty ,an  Egyptian and independent researcher    I advise to view that website- many mirrored versions seem to exit but some viruses are being put into the pooups on those no longer maintained websites..
I imght add that e-mails go unanswered so...?
The problem here is that a webstranslator was used so the English is pretty mangled up as the French too and I suspect same thing for the other languages as well.
But if you know Arabic(I do not) you can get a good idea about what his theory is all about..
He makes some pretty amazing claims.Also accusatiosn which to a degree seem to hold(see below)..
He mentions the "red mercury" also that Egypt changed fundamentally around 1200 BC(it could explain the findings of the Erotic Turin Papyrus)
The specialists he mentions in regards to Champollion being wrong-due to the bad translation I cannot find their exact name nor that of their book- if you have a clue- do let me know..
I have no astronomical knowledge or in chemistry so I cannot judge the portions he is talking about astroniomy and  the "red mercury"
He claims that partt of his discovery was stolen by one Dr Ossama Alsaadawi that he only used one portion of it and has found Biblical and New testament figures as well as sacred texts and parts of the Islamic religion(Qu'ran,Allah etc..)in AE texts..
His websites do not seem to being updated anymore..
As for myself- I tend to find that Champollion did make some mistakes etc..but to what extent ? Also many (serious)websites seem to have their own version of the Egyptian" alphabet.."
I do know that EA Wallis Budge is ANATHEMA to all egyptologists except a very few..they really hate it when ones mention his name..they are  simply horrified..
The other researcher- Dr Ossama Alsaadawi   or
You will notice that many of his explanations are still in ARABIC-were nveer translated and they do appear to be very important..
Dr Alsaadawi  has been very ill since mid-May so his bsites are not longer being maintained and more and more broken links.I have not had any further contacts by e-mail with him since that time..
I did try to download his website but as they are complex-mirrored to one another on different public hosting websites-I resorted to downloading some of the files  that I was able to..
One of the main reason was that Dr Alsaadawi was physically threatened,harassed etc by governmental authorities(he is a Sunni Muslim in a Muslim country..) as well as religious authorities-as soon as his "discoveries" about AE- links toI Islam started to be mentionned..
Some of his books were seized and publicily burned,his websites were closed down,etc... all of the  media in Egypt was forbidden to interview/talk about him,the Egyptian government exerted heavy pressures to prevent him from publishing his books in other  Arab countries or sellign  them there or being interviewed in any other Arrab country..
As Dr Alsaadawi was a high ranking officir and came from a military family- this social status was able to keep him alive and out of prison.

Also he maintains that Tarek A. Moty is a liar but I have doubts on that portion of his sayings..
It also appears that Dr Alsaadawi came back into grace at beignning of 2006..I was in contact with him since last Sept or so-via e-mail on a semi-regular basis.After many e-mails on my part I was able to get him on 3 radiostalk shows
His best interview was given on WORLD of the Unexplained on March 20th 2006- see their archive(free) in English..
Also I recently found out that apparently he did not return calls to appear on other radiohows as well.Why ? Governmental pressures,lack of time,etc..??
His method of "native Egyptian"- I often asked him to make it clearer but he was very reluctant to do so,soemtiems claimign legal reasons ?(see claims of Tarek A. Moty)..
I do know that  some of  his books are once  again available since 2006-told me that they could be pirated-but the publisher told me he was the only author from which they got their books direclty from.
If you try to learn his method -on his website something amiss here  it does not add up;I did emntion to him hsi books-told me that they were outdated etc,..
And some terms-I wanted an explanation-told me tiem was not ripe,etc,that some day I would understand; yet I was able to find out that the sought explanations by me were in effect told ,2 ,3yrs ago on posts he made on old BBS-forums !
Sorry to bother you about the above-it sounds like a soap opera and maybe it is so !. 
So I finally purchased some of his books from:    then search for Dr Ossama Alsaadawi.I bought 4.. ,2 in Arabic (I am starting to learn Arabic so eventually I will make some sense out of them-after racking for years my brain to learn some  basic Japanese,hence Arabic  suddenly  seems to be very easy !)
 -The Introduction to a New and True Hieroglyphs(ed 1999)  (part Arabic-over 75 %,part English 25%)-it contyaisn infos NOT on his website
-Hieroglyphic Roots vol 2- only in Arabic only ,a soret of a continuation of his vol 1
-Hieroglyphic Roots,vol 1 (2ed 000)- in English (some text is also in Arabic but in English as well)
This is the MOST important book- with it I can understand what he has been saying on his ewbsite-to a degree for he only explains 10 out of 20 main family glyphs.
According to him the "egyptian alphabet"as we now it(it is not on his website-if I had not purchased his book I would still be in the dark) is in fact a family of sounds..
Also by NOT putting up front/publicising his real method he lost over the past years all of his support !
Was viewed  as a "cook( delusional)-imagine some claiming that what who have studied all your life is bogus,wrong for the past 200 yrs and on top of that your faith was a sham and it was this foreing  abhorrent religion that was the real creed !

So when egyptologists + other had to swallow that the AE were not the Copts nor Arabs,that the AE language was still  alive and the colloquial language of the native Egyptian of today(Colloquial Egyptian  Arabic) that was the end ...
I heard that his(Dr. Alsaadawi) theory  well known in Egyptian circles but nobody wants to talk about it...
To resumate- Dr Alsaadawi states that the AE alphabet is in fact:
-based on 20 basic phonetic  families like the A family having the vowe sounds  a-e-i; the A family;the B family-:b-p sounds,the C family having the sounds c-s--x, etc.. and each family having many hieroglyphs
This ,to give you an idea,similar to the reference list of Marc Line,as an aid in using Faulkner's , A Concise Dictionary of Midlle Egyptian see this link:
Also(as per his Hieroglyphic Roots vol 1):
-each symbol(glyph) in each family could be used as an independent letter with a basic sound related to its family regardless of its general conception.There was "no rule" for that.
-an infinite number of of phonetic combinations can express an infinite number of of AE words
-the hieroglyphic language is NOT alphabetic [I guess this is why no dictionaries were ever found of AE]
-it has between 40,000-50,000 precise phonetic or oral expressions
-to the AE these expressions were the words of GOD and therefore SACRED
[Dr Alsaadawi gives references but based on his own system(!?) which I am at lost to find]
-oral learning was thus all important,no mistakes  were allowed
- to record these "sacred words",1000 hieroglyph signs were designed,each with specified serve these expressions by making different combinations based on "firm rules"
-these expressions were coded in the form of short hand words for some unknown reason
-the original KEY is needed to get the original meaning of the _expression
-the AE kept ot stored a sort of back up system written in full alphabetic language.Letters were carefully choosen to minimize  drawings.Later that became an advanced form of the Demotic language
-AE classified rational Egytian people[the scribes only ?]:-into divisions
                                                                                  :then into squads,
                                                                                  :then into smaller units,etc...
Each subgroup was responsible to learn by heart only a very limited number of these expresions,without any mistakes.In turn they had to reach to their successors what they had learned.
-each Pharaoh/King had to adopt one or two precise expressions out of these sacred expressions,to show the way he thinks or believe..Thus the majority of the words inside a cartouche are NOT names.Each is a selected _expression that can normally be used in an AE text !
And Dr Alsaadawi states the following- the HILL sign is a secret of the AE language Gardiner X1 ,assigned  value  "t" .
IMPORTANT:  *  phonetical value assigned by Dr Alsaadawi.
That sign ,G[X1] has in fact the phone value of  "TL/tal".That sign was used for both phone values
So T , could be phonetically as a T ,re G[X1]  or an L ,re G[V13]* but L never be used as a T.
The only way to differentiate between both tones is to know the context of the word in a sentence.
Finally T ,re G[X1],has 2 additional tones: H,re G[O4],only comes at end of a word with no successive words
                                                              t'a, the emphatic "t"  in Arabic alphabet,16th letter.
From the above you can therefore state that :(Arabic alphabet=alphabet)
G[X1]  = T  = "taa", 3rd letter of the alphabet   =  G[N16]
G[X1]  = L  = " laam",23rd letter of the alphabet = V[13]*
G[X1]  =H  = "haa",26th letter of the alphabet  =G[O4]
G[X1]  =H  = "Taa",16 letter of the alphabet
And as a WHOLE the Hill sign G[X1]  has a precise phone, "Allah",which means GOD.It mainly cnaisn the phones of L and H
So you can see that just this statement was enough to enrage even the moderate muslims in Egypt vs him !
Also on account of Islam not much progress can be a complished by native Egyptians unless they tow the official lines,stated by one Dr Z Hawass..
As an official FATWA has been edicted vs ALL AE artefacts since April 1st(no joke here)by the Grand Mufti of Cairo,a call to destroy ALL of AE artefacts.. some zealots are already starting to do it... despite press releases it has NOT been rescinded so it is in effect.

Re: Various matters                 (25 June 2006)


Dear Sir,

You shouldn´t be surprised that many people don´t reply to your messages, probably because you go on and on and on about many subjects, expecting people to go to every url you mention, very few people have the time for all that.

I notice that you have a rather muddled view of ancient Egypt and perhpas that is due to paying attention to non-academic sources, that in their chaotic confusion puzzle people who consult them rather than provide reliable information.

I strongly disagree with your view that ancient pharaonic religion was orginally or at any other time monotheistic, my advice is: stick to academic sources, that will not always agree on everything, but will allow you to understand ancient Egypt as far as we can nowadays.


          J. J. Castillos



Charlatanes y la egiptología                 (26 de Agosto de 2006)


He leido este trabajo suyo con mucho interés y quisiera saber si tiene usted otros trabajos sobre teoría egiptológica a los que pudiera tener acceso. A pesar de que ya soy un académico maduro, filósofo de profesión y catedrático de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, soy neófito en el campo egiptológico y me preparo para cursar una maestría Dado que mi campo de especialidad es la epistemología, en cuanto teoría de la investigación científica y de las implicaciones gnoseológicas de sus resultados, tengo especial interés en la estructura del campo disciplinario de la egiptología. Le agradecería mucho cualquier orientación que usted pudiera brindarme.


Juan Diego López

Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


Re: Charlatanes y la egiptología                 (28 de Agosto de 2006)


Muchas gracias, si visita nuestra página principal:




y visita nuestros numerosos vínculos sobre Egipto (especialmente los de Artículos y Ensayos sobre Egipto, el Informe del Octavo Congreso y muchos otros) hallará lo que busca.


            J. J. Castillos



BLACK ATHENA                 (12 October 2006)


I´ve read somewhere that Bernal has written a third book based on linguistic evidence to support the idea that Greek civilization had a largely Egyptian origin from its very beginning, is there any truth in this?




Re: BLACK ATHENA                 (18 October 2006)


Yes, I have read about it but it is receiving criticism already from scholars, so don´t take Bernal very seriously, check:


and you´ll see he is another eccentric talking (writing) of what he knows little about.

Jimmy (



Estudios de Egipcio Medio                 (27 de Diciembre de 2006)


Me he enterado por alumnos del Instituto Uruguayo de Egiptologia que en los cursos que alli se imparten se sigue utilizando la Gramatica de Alan Gardiner y ello me ha causado sorpresa pues se han publicado otras gramaticas posteriormente y me pregunto por que no han actualizado la bibliografia que usan para sus cursos. Les agraderece me aclaren el punto, si ello fuera posible.





Re: Estudios de Egipcio Medio                 (2 de Enero de 2007)


En un intento por disipar sus dudas, le diré que el propósito fundamental de los cursos de lengua egipcia antigua en nuestro instituto no es formar filólogos sino más bien capacitar a nuestros futuros egiptólogos generalistas, aptos para enfrentar cualquier tema del antiguo Egipto con razonable idoneidad, para comprender textos en escritura jeroglífica egipcia. Gardiner fue utilizado casi universalmente en universidades de todo el mundo, y aún es citado en trabajos especializados, porque satisface esos requerimientos básicos. Se le han criticado a Gardiner muchas cosas, y después de él han aparecido otras gramáticas que han tomado en cuenta los avances logrados en las últimas décadas, pero para el propósito básico que nos propusimos, encontramos que Gardiner continúa siendo satisfactorio. En las clases introductorias alertamos a nuestros alumnos, sin embargo, sobre los avances introducidos por Polotsky, Loprieno y otros, y si algunos desean posteriormente ser filólogos, disponemos de gramáticas más recientes como las de Allen, Hoch, etc., así como textos de Loprieno, conjuntamente con gramáticas y otros textos que cubren las áreas del egipcio arcaico, del egipcio del Antiguo Imperio, del Neoegipcio, del demótico, del copto así como los diccionarios de Faulkner, Erman y Grapow, etc., que satisfacen por lo menos los requerimientos básicos de tales alumnos, para luego ampliar su base bibliográfica a medida que se produzcan avances en cada uno de esos campos de estudio, ya sea en artículos de revistas o monografías.


        J. J. Castillos