Speak To Me
by Uri Moonraiser

Speak to me at sunrise
When the night has lost it's battle
Against the power of the light

Speak to me in the morning
When the air around me vibrates
From your presence alone

Speak to me at noontime
When the sweltering sun makes mirages in the red dust
That swirls in the wake of your passing

Speak to me in the afternoon
When a fleeting look from you
Gives my heart wings

Speak to me in the evening
When the glow of the fire
Is eclipsed by your radiance

And when the night has won again
And you come to me on elfen feet
With magic fingers on my skin
Speak To Me
Poetry Page
The Sun of the Superstitious
by Uri Moonraiser

When the velvet cloak of midnight
Has enveloped the eye of heaven
And I lie huddled within my furs
Alone and longing for my love
I conjure him and the dream begins

I feel his weight upon me
His heat upon my skin
And the dizzying rapture
of his sensual mouth
As he showers with me with kisses

My hands catch fire in his blazing hair
And his ocean eyes bore into mine
With their hypnotic, trance-like gaze
And I feel myself drowning
In waves of passion

His moans and sighs of ecstasy
Coursing through my body
Like a lightning storm
Turn to words of love
Echoing in my ear

"I seek the Sun" he whispers
"for pnly she can dispel the omens,
vanquish the signs and symbols,
and destroy the demons
that bring fear and superstition.
Only with her do I find freedom"

My body thrills and my heart weeps
Aching from vast emotion
That comes with love and truth
And the knowledge that the dawn has come
And now the dream must end

But when I wake no dream I find
But my love's form entwined in mine
The glowing embers of his hair
Hang over his turquoise eyes now lidded in sleep
The dream is over, the vision remains
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