Dr. D. Wannabe's Page

 (Created in 2000, but except for finishing the Ph.D. I’m still the same person.)













         I'm Doug, the fool -hardy leader of a group of students who have plunged into creating their own web pages--in a college writing class.
         For some strange reason, I find this to be "fun."  I enjoy working with computers, although I have what I call "cursing moments" when I want to throw the computer as far as I want.
         So, be calm. Persevere.  We shall triumph over this truculent technology!

    Oh, I call myself Dr. D. Wannabe because that is who I want to be. By the end of this summer, I hope to have completed my Ph.D.  However, calling myself Dr. Werden is much, much too formal.  Dr. D. is the appropriate combination of respect and disrespect, convention and unconventional, or formal and informality.  And this is exactly how I run my classes.



















I'm a coffee lover!


I don't function well without it.

















Dr. D. Wannabe's Page | If a dog were your teacher. . . | Thoughts: What is important in life? | My Music | Saffire: The Uppity Blues Women | Surfing Fun

(Favorite sites.)













To contact me:
















Email: dwerden@yahoo.com