September 11, 2001
Washington DC, New York City, Pennsylvania
America Under Attack!

I've come across a very interesting website, the address is

Among other things, I've taken two of the more interesting pages from this site and reproduced them here.  I can't swear to the validity/accuracy of either article, but they seem to make sense to me - especially the first.  Read them for yourself, take a look-see at the website itself, make your own judgement.
Strange Case Of The Black Box And The Indestructible Passport
by Sam Yousef
Specific source for this page:
Skolnick - US Government Had Prior Knowledge Of Emergency
By Sherman H. Skolnick
Specific source for this page:

Like I said above, I couldn't possibly swear as to the validity of these two reports.  However, I
can say that I've heard other information that puts these in a fairly reliable position.

If either of these two reports are true, I'd imagine that I'm not the only American what would like a few answers to some obvious questions.

ATTACK On America!
America Under Attack!
September 11, 2001
Letter To The Perpetrator
May God Have Mercy On Your Soul
Because We Won't!
I Have A Fear For This Country
Are We Doing The Right Thing?
Some Interesting Questions
A couple of rather interesting
articles that raise some
very real questions
Monday Vs. Tuesday
What A Difference A Day Makes
Invitation From Boeing Aircraft Mfg.
Imaginary letter, sent to me via e-mail
If You're Not Happy With America
It's Our Red White & Blue
We Like It And We're Not Going Anywhere
(reserved) (reserved)
Title Page


Attack On America!

Vietnam Memorial

USS Cole Memorial

My Dad In WW2
(Some of Dad's "Adventures" On Guadalcanal)

USS Astoria - A Mother Reaches Out
(A Guadalcanal Story)

Pledge of Allegiance by Red Skelton

A Different Christmas Poem

Why The Flag Is Folded 13 Times

The Story Behind "Taps"

Confederate States of America

"Hanoi Jane" Fonda - TRAITOR

My Adopted POW/MIA's

John Wadsworth Consolvo Jr.
Paul V. 'Skip' Jackson III