Could it be that we are that "BLESSED GENERATION" of Daniel 12:12 and Matthew 24:34?
Daniel 12:11,12,13 depicts 4 distinct events and 3 intervals.
* ------- * - * - .?. - *
The 4 given events WOULD BE, THEN, the delimiters of the 3 GIVEN intervals, and the intervals then, ... would be SUCCESSIVE.
* ------- * - * - .?. - *
And THUS, ...
the "turning away" of Daniel 12:11 LEADS TO the "setting up" of the abomination of desolation 1290 days AFTER the "TURNING POINT", ...
ALSO, ...
the "turning away" WOULD BE the SAME "turning" of
the covenant of Daniel 9:27 at the mid point of the 7 years
regarding the "sacrifice and giving" OF THAT
NOTE THAT THIS "continual" process of giving land for peace ALSO DID "cease/ take a rest" for 20 MONTHS (*), EXACTLY at MID POINT, at PURIM 1997. (NOTE also: even the word "PURIM" denotes a turning of events.)
So putting Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 12:11,12,13 together, we now have:
* - * ------ *|* ------ * - * - * - .?. - *
1 - 2 ------ 3|3 ------ 4 - 5 - 6 - .?. - 7
"1" - the HANDSHAKE "WITH RABIN", that was prophesied "WITH RAB"!!!
"2" - ONE MONTH LATER, the DATE the DOP, the 1st phase, took effect
"3" - PURIM 1997, the "MID/TURNING" point (Daniel 9:27 and 12:11)
"4" - 1260 days from PURIM 1997, the coming prince (but privately at UN meeting in New York then), UNVEILED ???
"5" - 1290 days from (the 1st day of) PURIM (1997), the abomination of (that brings) desolation, - the leader of Israel handed over the Temple Mount to the UN AND the care of (the people of) the god of the Muslims then - right after the riots of the preceeding days that exploded out after only 7 of the originally planned 17 MK's visited the Holy Mount of their God - the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
"6" - 45 days later, at day 1335, ... Could THIS DAY be the turning point to indicate that we are THE BLESSED GENERATION?
"7" - some (UNSPECIFIED) time later, BUT AT the EXTREME END day, DANIEL is to be resurrected (at THE FIRST and THE BLESSED RESURRECTION!!!)
Or grouped a little differently:
1st event . "RABIN" HANDSHAKE ...
7 year countdown BEGINS September 13, 1993
=> 1st/2nd interval = 1290 days ... faith is kindled
3nd event . THE TURNING AWAY ... MID-point is CONFIRMED Purim 1997
=> 3rd/4th interval = 1290 days ... faith is nurtured
5th event . THE ABOMINATION (that leads to DESOLATION, IS CONFIRMED? - Barak, the Prime Minister of Israel gave over the Holy Mount to the UN, and particularly to the care of (the people of) the god of the Muslims ... Thus, religious WAR over the Holy Mount is kindled ... SO, ... 7 years seems to be NOW proven past?)
=> 5th interval = 45 days ... of trial of faith (and also trial of peace/piece process, ... leading to "time of Jacob's trouble")
6th event . THE BLESSED GENERATION ... Faith's endtime reward begins November 17, 2000?
=> 6th interval = unspecified time ... This generation gets to see all of Matthew 24:29-31
7th event . RESURRECTION ... the Blessed HOPE REALIZED
And then:
=> 1000 year interval ... Satan bound, but still mystery of iniquity
EVENT - Revelation 20:7 ... Satan loosed
=> "little season" interval ... the final battle is prepared and executed
EVENT - fire comes down ... a great white throne (Revelation 20:11 and on ...)
=> EVERLASTING interval ... mystery of iniquity finished, new heaven and new earth
(*) Please Note!
20 MONTHS seems to have been NO LITTLE "rest" so as NOT TO BE MISSED.
For 20 months the news was filled with the peace broke down ... in March 1997 ... when Israel broke ground at Har Homa in East Jerusalem ...
Like a broken record, the news kept counting, 1 month ago, 2 months ago, 3 months ago, ... right up until, 20 months ago ... !!!
After "WYE", the focus seems shifted to the FINAL SOLUTION!
PLEASE consider this:
PRAISE THE LORD! Is this prompt, to count out, the unique points ... an order / in order to build our faith?
Like the "man who was born blind", we too, may NOT have known/ seen much; but "ONE thing we (NOW CAN) know / see":
THIS (1)"peace" (2)process, which was (3)"WITH RABIN", with (4)ITS terms of (5)"continual" (6)"sacrifice and gifts" of land for peace with its (7)"turning away" (8)"in the midst", where it (9)"ceased/ took a rest" for 20 months, and which has been (10)repeatedly (11)"confirmed/ caused to be strengthened", and NOW HAS BEEN "CAUSED TO BE (12)"strengthened for 7 (years)", does, ...
PRECISELY WELL fit Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 12:11,12,
... and so counting, with the first day of Purim 1997 as "1", to "day 1290",
THAT is WHEN we SAW THIS ABOMINATION ... (a 13th confirming point even) ... the Temple Mount WAS handed over by Barak, the Prime Minister of Israel, to the UN AND THE care of (the people of) the god of the Muslims.
And then, this leads to "the time of Jacob's Trouble" ... but BARUCH HASHEM!!! ... he ("Jacob") WILL BE saved out-of/through it.
Yes, ... even now we are to PRAISE THE LORD, for 45 days later, at "day 1335" there is a "BLESSING"!!! ... Could it be that THIS generation IS THE generation TO SEE and EXPERIENCE and LIVE through ALL the EVENTS of Matthew 24:29-31, culminating in BEING CARRIED UP by the Holy Angels TO BE WITH THE LORD and those who have been resurrected in the FIRST resurrection?
In light of what Yeshua promised regarding "cutting/ lopping off/ attenuating" this tribulation so that saints might live through it,
(Matthew 24:29 might readily be translated:) "soon into the tribulation of these days",
ARE WE THAT VERY generation to SEE and EXPERIENCE and LIVE through ALL the EVENTS of Matthew 24:29-31, culminating in BEING CARRIED UP by the Holy Angels TO BE WITH THE LORD?
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