KUBASAKI HIGH SCHOOL  Okinawa, Japan Class of 1988
Welcome to my education page! Look over it and tell me what you think? Hard to believe I have been able to accomplish all this huh? Well I did! And I'm currently working on my MLS in HISTORY from Ft.Hays State in Kansas (via internet) to which I plan to get my doctorate from The Air Force Institute of Technology in Dayton, Ohio (Wright-Patterson AFB)  Wish me luck and pray me a blessing!
Questions for this lesson:
Comm College of the Air Force
- AAS Aviation Operations
AAS Aviation Maint Technology
Vincennes University
- AS General Studies
San Bernardino Valley College
- AA Liberal Studies
Riverside Community College
- AA History
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
- AS Professional Aeronautics
BS Professional Aeronautics
* Minor in Aviation Safety
San Diego Miramar College
- AS Private Pilot Studies
Coastline Community College
- AA Management
1. Why is every solution an "American" solution?

2. Why haven't they solved President Kennedy's death?

3. How many Iraqi civilians have been killed since the launching of the recent Iraq War?

4. Why do blacks make up 40% of the prison population in the U.S., yet we are only 18% of the population?

5. If this is a "democracy" that we live in, then why are more people incarcerated in the U.S. than any other country in the world?

6.  Why doesn't the U.S. Gov't make it as costly to outsource jobs oversea's as if they would stay here?

7.  Why wasn't President Bush "IMPEACHED" for misleading the country to war?

8. What is the "real" reason  40% of our combat troops must stay in the U.S.?

9. How can a PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION investigate the very person whom appointed them?

10. Why is GAS PRICES so high?
6/17/05 - Finally finshed the graduation ceremony on San Diego.  It was good to do because I saw some people I haven't seen in 3 years or so when I attended Miramar in 2002? It was hot and the ceremony was nice and not too long.  A few friends came out and that was enough for me.  As I graduated, I thought about the one person who always told me what I could be and what I should be.  LaDonna.  The sad thought is no matter how many accolades I recieve, the fact that she is not there to see and witness all of this is a shame. She always saw my potential.(Of course I was stubborn and hardheaded and didn't see it myself.) But I still credit her for setting my feet and eyes in the direction of higher education and I will be forever greateful to her. Wherever she may be, my THANKS & GRATITUDE will always be with her...  Thank you LaDonna.  Your never forgotten. Never. - D.Saadiq