EiBi's DX Sounds
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File size is max. 136 kB. Recordings are from around 1994 unless otherwise mentioned.
- La Voix du Sahel, Republique du Niger, 5020 kHz. An ID
- Radio Omdurman, Sudan
- La Radiodiffusion Gabonaise, Libreville, 4777 kHz.
- 9640 kHz, 2200 UTC? Do you remember? Yes, that's La Voz de Sahara Libre, in Spanish!
- Radiodiffusion Togolaise, Lome, 5047 kHz
- Georgian Radio, 5040 kHz: The IS
- The IS of IRIB - Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting.
- Listen how the North Koreans called their beloved leader and comrade Kim Il Sung, when he was still alive in 1994
- Radio Korea from the capitalistic south is also with us
- This is very historic. A German-language announcement of Radio Afghanistan!
- Uhm, I can't tell, was it still 5012 or already 6155? Anyway, this is Singapore, Radio One!
- Not an every-day's catch at that time, and passed away in the meantime: The Time signal station VNG from Australia.
- From where Noah is said to have stranded... Radio Yerevan calling.
- A past and pleasant service...a Deutsche Welle tx site ID of Trincomalee, Sri Lanka
- From the dark era of YOU-KNOW-WHO, before the Iraqi people were LIBERATED by our chief GEORGE DOUBLEYOU... an English-language announcement from Baghdad, Radio Iraq International (recorded in 1998 on 11785 kHz).
- Well known: The IS of Radio Canada International.
- Another piece of history: A Radio Nacional do Brasil, with an announcement in German, 15265 kHz
- Not very good, but still an ID of Radio Nacional de Paraguay, 9735 kHz
- An ID of Radio Táchira, San Cristobal, Venezuela!
- United Nations Radio, broadcasting via Radio for Peace International, Costa Rica.
- A whole lotta shakin': The stirring IS of the Voice of America!
- Renamed WJIE, you won't note a difference to radiostation WJCR Upton, Kentucky. 7490 kHz.
- Letters with a meaning... WWCR World Wide Christian Radio.
- Another speaking clock: YVTO, Caracas, Venezuela, on 5000 kHz.
- Radio Netherland's Relay Station on the island of Bonaire
Day of birth of this page... July 11, 2000
Last update August 23, 2004
Write to me if you feel to: Eike.Bierwirth (at) gmx.de
Go to my main site http://www.eibi.de.vu/