My friends continued.
Phil is an enigma, both naive and worldly straight and two faced. An emotional turmoil thats powerful even for a 17yr old (and we have doubts as to that is his age), he has broken many a girls heart and made enemies because of it. Nonetheless his easy going manner and quick sense of humour not to mentiont he face that he and i can communicate telepathically which drives my girlfriend mad has earned him a place as a friend of mine.
Richi my aunt is one of the first pandas i met, a mother and a glammy she is quick witted and ferociously protective of everyone. Another woman i know with a savage temper As shown from the photo she also doesnt like having her picture taken and i think is the only one i have of her
Tim is one of my oldest pals and is my best friend. I have known him for four years and have been very close for much of that time. We have been mistaken for borthers on more than one occassion. Since i became more and more involved with the goth scene we dont see each other as much as we used to. Always someone to rely on he and i have cried on each others shoulder  a lot over the years he helped me a lot when i broke up with ria which in hindsight was the best thing to happen to me since i met her. He and i will no doubt be friends for many years to come.
Tracy my mom and the one who introduced me to the panda family in the first place bless her, a heart of gold beneath a big bust and an attitude of take me as i am or fuck off is the best way to describe her  A long suffering victim of me she nonetheless puts up with it with good grace
Hazel, my sister (panda speaking) and a girl i was slightly infatuated with when i first met her, always good for a laugh, like me a wicca and proud of it we became quite close for awhile and sparks flew for a bit but they fizzled out shortly after she moved away and quite luckily really otherwise i wouldnt have met philly. A shoulder for her to cry on we hardly ever see or hear from each other now.
My real sister Vicki and a true sweetie. Me and her are extreemly close and nobody messes my little sister around if i have a say in it and believe me i ALWAY have something to say about it. My biggest shoulder to cry on Vicki always knows she can trust me anything.
I couldnt make this picture any fucking smaller so i thought fuck leave it as it is this is the last one for this page anyhow. This is Dave who did have the unfortunate duty of having Les live with him for a bit. A tradtional rocker currently in the process of regrowing his hair he is another of the pandas at he is the second oldest (despite being older than me in reality) A long time bitching partner of mine where Les was concerned and believe me he had reason to bitch where that guy was concerned. An easy going kinda guy and a rabid wolverine when you get him going he and i stood shoulder to shoulder against the fight started by the townies at Les's birthday and it was a shining example of why rockers and townies dont mix.
Ok i dont have a picture of her however this part is about Emma, we are best friends and have known each other for five years and were introduced by my ex. The female version of me, goth, kinky, sweet and a person i can count on to slap me round the head when i deserve it or let me cry on her shoulder when i need it. And vice versa, conversations on sex (frequently lol), love, life, men are bastards women are bitches conversations and basically telling each other our deepest darkest secrets. Not bad seeing as we've only met each other twice. Hopefully we will meet up in the not too distant future the next time either she comes over here or i go over there.