Cosmetology-What's It All About?
Project profile:
As students enter the exciting world of Cosmetology, it is vital that they are choosing this career for the right reasons. We will explore a variety of careers within this industry, but first we will give credit where credit is due.
Madame C.J. Walker not only paved the way for Cosmetologists today, but she was also the first female African American millionaire. Lets find out how it really began.......

Project Objectives:
Upon completion of this project, students will identify a variety of careers in the Cosmetology industry, research various salon and spas while comparing demographics and services, learn the value of the "Benjamin" and create a budget for their dream salon.

Classroom Management:
Unfortunately, we do not have computers in our Cosmetology lab.  We will make reservations at the library to work on this project. During the onset of the project, we will visit as a class after which, smaller groups will go to the library.
Once the lesson reaches the phases of money management,Cosmetology students will team up with students in the Computer-Aided Drafting program and have a blueprint created for their dream salon.

We will use Proficiency Outcomes as a goal as well as standards set by The Ohio State Board of Cosmetology.


The student will
1. compute with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.
2. compare, order, and determine equivalence of fractions, decimals, percents, whole numbers, and integers.
3. solve and use proportions.
4. recognize, classify, and use characteristics of lines and simple two-dimensional figures.
5. compute averages.

1. know that many different peoples with diverse backgrounds (cultural, racial, ethnic, linguistic) make up our nation today.
2. know the following economic concepts:

a. All levels of U.S. government assess taxes in order to provide services.

b. Individuals and societies make choices to satisfy wants with limited resources.

c. Nations become interdependent through trade
The links for this project:
Madame CJ Walker
State Cosmetology Guidelines
Money Management 101
Cosmetology Careers
Contact Information:
Name: Denise McQueen