Communities of practice online: Reflection through experience and experiment with the Webheads community of language learners and practitioners

 Week 1



I created a theory overview site at
Would you all mind checking it out? I would appreciate your comments a lot.
Thanks a million!
I plan on linking each quick definition to more detailed info and putting my bibliography at the bottom level for the real diehards.




Great diagram and the definitions are also easy to comprehend. However, I'm having problems understanding the arrows (in the CoP Theory Overview). The positioning of tree that represents the Community of practice is good, as it shows that it is the epicenter, and according to your definition has three components, knowledge, practice and community. Now, the arrows only tells me that there is one component and that is, Knowledge, and that it has two other subcomponents, practice and community. There should be three arrows from the the CoP tree pointing to each individual component. What do you think?
Should there be an arrow that links community and practice? I think that there should be one. Evonline 2002 Webheads is an epitome of CoP, members take on the roles of students and teachers, and we practice what we've learned and what we
preach, and we gain additional knowledge as we evolve. And as we continue to participate in this community, practice then becomes imbedded in our almost daily interactions.
You have done a marvelous job, Chris.

p.s.I liked the 'tree of knowledge' the most;-)


Hi Chris,

Just a few words to say Thank You for this wonderfully illustrated mindmap of the oak tree as a growing community and all the little acorns and sprouts making growth possible. Remember to mouse over the different ares to find the related short definitions on new pages.
I love this garden metaphor a lot. The idea of a "knowledge tree" triggers my own imagination so well. And Inspiration is a cool software for this!
Forgot where I have most recently seen a good definition of the difference between seeing virtual learning environment as a building and a garden – but I think I can reconstruct the argunemtation - in the building you suppose walls and places to frame the interaction (often between a teacher at the board and students at their tables), while the gardener can only prepare the soil, plant and nurture the seed, fertilize and hope for a good outcome. In
your desgin, I also see more new trees in the future, indicating that NEW communities of Practice may grow up and some day make a whole forest :-)


Dear all,

I would also like to complement Chris on exactly the sort of graphical information management interface that I was championing in my last post. As a newcomer to WIA I really wish there were something like this as a front-end for all the text pages. I'm not saying this to in any way devalue the Herculean efforts of all those people who have built WIA from the ground up -- but rather just to register my reactions as a newcomer to the WIA universe.


Hi Aiden,

Thank you very much for drawing my attention to the arrows. I changed them so the 3 main concepts (Knowledge Domain, Community, Practice) point to each other bidirectionally, and the are arrows pointing to each other from the CoP tree:
I like your comment about "tree of knowledge". I was looking at it all from an organic point of view, and "tree of knowledge" fits that mold well.
I also learned a bit doing this:
1) Original diagram done from Inspiration 7.
2) Saved as a gif file.
3) Saved diagram as an HTML site. Automatically generated hot spots to the other pages.
4) Tweaked the hot spots to get rid of the hot spots that referred to the green circles in the diagram and deleted those pages.
5) Uploaded the monster.
6) Per Aiden's suggestions, added more/different arrows, but did not want to go throught generating a new Web site again. So I saved the diagram as a gif again. Hotspots stayed where they were because I only added arrows.
7) Uploaded the gif file. Done.
Thanks again, Aiden. It was a cool learning experience as well.


Dear Chris,

Great work! Congratulations on a very enlightening and explanatory overview. It has helped me clarify ideas through a simple and to-the-point explanations in a clear and imaginative layout. I see WiA represented in all the concepts you refer, thus, I sincerely think it is an invaluable starting point for that book we are all thinking about.
Thank you!

BTW, I'm planning to talk very briefly about WiA in my annual APPI(Portuguese teachers of English) conference presentation and then to have the audience chat with Webheads. Will you allow me to show or link to this theory overview?

Cheers, Teresa


Dear Chris,

This a fantastic graphic metaphor of our WIA CoP. I enjoyed the links to the concepts. I second Tere's idea that it may be the starting point for our WIA CoP book. I would even suggest the graphic for the book cover.
Thanks for such a great job!


Hi all

I really liked the schematic and I think it's great the way Chris explained all the concepts in hyperlinks. This is indeed an excellent way to introduce a topic or, as Don says, organize a web page (though I'm afraid creating graphics to introduce each page even on a web site as modest as WIA would take me into my next lifetime; a great idea but the time!)
In fact I liked the graphic so much that I made sort of a logo out of it. May I have permission retroactively to use the graphic in reduced logo form in the way that you see it presented here?
Also on this page you see illustrated a way of presenting threads so that each contribution is associated with a face. This is one of our community building techniques and is one reason we like to get photos from as many of you as possible. The reason I chose the thread in question is not only that it gives me an opportunity to illustrate this technique but also that it is a good example of how our community interacts ...
- Chris spontaneously producing a definitive diagram
- Aiden giving feedback, acted upon by Chris
- Teresa indicating that it suggests to her a starting point for an eventual publication
- Dafne suggesting this would make a good cover graphic for the book Tere is visualizing
- and Don chiming in to indicate that this is a good model for object oriented organization of web pages
I'm working on this page
and I'll be back in touch when I'm done.


Dear Christopher and all,

I found your new page with graphics about CoPs to be excellent. In  fact, I was so impressed, I'm wondering where the best place is to put it in our Yahoo Groups. In week 2, we talk about "What is a CoP?" It would seem to fit there, so I'm wondering about making a link to it from the assignments page in week 2 as a way of better explaining the paper you helped me write.

Chris Jones  


I think Chris's diagram is something we'll find useful throughout our session in framing our discussions in the context of some of the copious literature on communities of practice, and we are fortunate to have Chris among us as he is immersed in this literature at
Accordingly I've used the logo form of Chris's diagram (as a graphic link to his interactive version, I trust with his permission) in my Week 1 (this week) web page at
Furthermore, I have made a LINK to it from our YahooGroups portal site.



Dear Webheads,

Thank you all very much for your kind words. I didn't realize that this diagram could be so useful in so many areas. I am honored that anyone would want to use it as a book cover or a logo (thanks Vance, Daf, & Tere). That's great!
I see the diagram as belonging to Webheads in Action, so please use it and link
it as you'd like. It would be great to see how many directions we can go withit.
Vance - logo- cool!
Tere - presentation of WIA to her Portuguese colleages - great!
Chris - Week 2 - fine! ..... but in other weeks and uses as well (e.g. Week 4).
(Just a quick question about Week 2: Assignments page? Is someone being instructed on what a CoP is?)
Sus - Feel free to add any metaphors you create.

I liked Vance's idea about framing discussions with it. I had that in mind with a live discussion in Week 4. Please frame any discussions with the diagramas you all see fit.
Like Don, I like diagrams and graphics, too. Tere has a great WIA page, which
is very useful for finding things (I love her page). Vance gathers all of our
activities and organizes, catalogs, arranges them, etc. One of us can do the
graphic diagrams and front ends.
One word of caution: I believe the diagram represents a summary of the main theory components, and not a live or existing CoP (at this point). Perhaps someone could find some concrete examples of each attribute that is representative of Webheads (or is that what we is going to happen in Tere's book??). I would be happy to link it all up.


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