Remains of the Day - Dylan Sung

Remains of the Day

Hakka - English --- English - Hakka Dictionary
A romanised Hakka dictionary of the web author's dialect hailing from Hong Kong.

Hakka Qu Tone
In some dialects of Hakka, the Qu tone is split into two pitch registers.

Dialects of China
Pronunciation of about 2700 characters in 18 Chinese dialects, Middle Chinese notation, and Zhongyuan Yinyun pronunciation.
HTML version using Big5 Chinese encoding and Unicode IPA.

CEDICT : Chinese / English Dictionary
Paul Denisowski's CEDICT Project sorted by Initial Chinese character for download.
(Zip includes a program converts the whole lot into HTML with character index).

Unicode Extension B Charts
This set of webpages lists all the characters in Extension B of Unicode 4.x. You need the (sursong.ttf =) SimSum (Founder Extended) font, or equivalent to display most of the characters that can be viewed. There are gaps in the display, as many Vietnamese chunom characters aren't available in this font. I created these pages as a tool for copying & pasting characters which I cannot input any other way.

Chinese Japanese Korean Vietnamese Characters
Chinese characters have been used in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. We shall discuss some of them here, and includes characters created outside China in the so called sino-xenic locales.

The only female Chinese emperor, the Empress Wu created some characters, and proscribed the use of these over other more recognisable ones. These characters are listed in various sources, and some appear in the Kangxi Dictionary.

Issues from sci.lang newsgroup

Notoriously Badly Translated Menus!

Well, my sides nearly split when my sisters and I first clapped eyes on these, so, I decided to give something more accurate as a translation instead.

Files for download

Useful Links

Dylan W.H. Sung

Dylan's Other Place
Other things which came to fill my time.