Update:  1/19/05


Girls Lacrosse



Ø    If you still have a Game shirt from last season it needs to be returned!!!  Please contact me if you have one.

Ø    Information on Indoor pre-season practice will be posted next month.  You will receive an email with this information. 



Parents, Volunteers, Coaches

Ø    As always, we are looking for volunteers for the upcoming season.  Opportunities include coaches, team managers, timekeepers, snack bar help…  Please contact me if are interested. 

Ø    If you have an interest in coaching, there are some upcoming coaches clinics. I strongly recommend attending one.  DYL will reimburse you for the registration fee.  Further information can be found on the Mass Bay Girls Lacrosse website www.mbyll-girls.org


Ellen Jennings

978-762-4723 (home)

978-766-7149 (cell)
