The following links were recommended by Robin Cerato who is a Special Education Teacher for the elementary grades at Loma Linda School. Thanks!

LD Online

The National Information Center for Children and Youth w/disabilities

Special Education Resources broken down into over 20 categories

The Council for Exceptional Children

Learning Disabilities Association

National Attention Deficit Disorder Association

The International Dyslexic Association Web Site

US Dept. of Education (Office of Special Education Programs)

The Council for Exceptional Children

ERIC Clearinghouse on Disbilities and Gifted Education

Office of Special Education

American Hyperlexia Association


Deaf/Blind Online

Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities, and Literacy Resource Site

Dyslexia: The Gift

Federal Resource Center for Speical Education

Federation for Children with Special Needs

Helping your Highly Gifted Child

Institue for Special Education

Integration of Handicapped Pupils in the Mainstream School System

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Physical Eduation and Health


PE Central

Petereson's PE Page This page contains an incredible amount of links to other PE sport links.

Physical Education Primary LTD

Education World PE Central contains a host of PE links.

Health and Safety- Yahooligans 

Fire Safety-Yahooligans

Traffic and Road safety-Yahooligans

Boating and Water safety- Yahooligans

Mosquito safety-Yahooligans

Poison Safety-Yahooligans

AskERIC Lesson Plans- The Educational Resources Information Center Lesson Plan Collection contains more than 1000 unique lesson plans that have been written and submitted to AskERIC by teachers from all over the United States.

International Food Information Council


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The following links were recommended by Robin Cerato who is a Special Education Teacher for the elementary grades at Loma Linda School. Thanks!

LD Online

The National Information Center for Children and Youth w/disabilities

Special Education Resources broken down into over 20 categories

The Council for Exceptional Children

Learning Disabilities Association

National Attention Deficit Disorder Association

The International Dyslexic Association Web Site

US Dept. of Education (Office of Special Education Programs)

The Council for Exceptional Children

ERIC Clearinghouse on Disbilities and Gifted Education

Office of Special Education

American Hyperlexia Association


Deaf/Blind Online

Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities, and Literacy Resource Site

Dyslexia: The Gift

Federal Resource Center for Speical Education

Federation for Children with Special Needs

Helping your Highly Gifted Child

Institue for Special Education

Integration of Handicapped Pupils in the Mainstream School System

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Multicultural communication

Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections

E-Pals in Spanish, English and French

Exploring Ancient World Cultures This page contains links to different countries and cultures.

Siempre con Alegria has great links to other sites regarding culture.

Web Quest about Hispanic Heritage for 4th grade students

HispanicWeb Pages


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