Complete Educational Resource Pages

Brain Research for Kids


Marco Polo An excellent source for lesson plans and online resources in the areas of Humanities, Geography, Mathematics, Economics, Science and the Arts. Lessons are well-written and the site has a powerful search engine.

Blue Web'n is a searchable database of over 1000 outstanding Internet learning sites categorized by subject area, audience, and type (lessons, activities, projects, resources, references, & tools)

Connected Teacher Besides lesson plans allows you to search a database of over 10,000 teachers online so your students can begin collaborating with classroom across the world.

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators contains lesson plans, clip art, a dictionary, online experts, and if you sign up you can make and save puzzles and quizzes online!

Busy Teacher's Web Site contains excellent links to other web sites related to the content area you choose. It also contains lesson plans and classroom activities for those content areas.

New York Times Learning Network An excellent site which contains lessons and much more!

The following sites are good starting points for exploration. Each leads to a huge number of interesting and useful lessons, resources and activities for teachers, administrators, instructional designers, trainers, counselors and other educators.

AT&T A teacher resource page leading to things such as online mentoring and projects, government resources, Acceptable Use Policies and professional development.

Cyber School Bus page can be translated into Spanish and French. It contains "Teaching modules, classroom activities, and ongoing events on global issues: Human Rights, Health, Land Mines, Environment, Women, Poverty". It also contains some interactive pages for students. A complete educational web site. Anther complete educational web site.

The Learning Network A great overall educational page.

Excellent Writing Essentials from

TeachNet will lead you to other resources, lessons, classroom management and educational news.

SchoolHouse Rock You remember Grammar Rock, Multiplication Rock, Science Rock, America Rock and Scooter Computer and Mr. Chips. If not, these are catchy tunes to get your students singing and memorizing.

Searchopolis will link you to web pages related to the subject area you are looking for and also contains a site preview so YOU don't waste your time previewing a page!

The Global Schoolhouse contains online collaborative projects, field trips, games, lessons, printable materials, video conferencing, teacher discussion boards and a lot more.

WebCrawler Education K-12 has a wealth of information for you and your students to use including areas of study, homework help and museum trips. is a completely bilingual site for teachers. It has books in English and Spanish and much more!

Jigsaw is a cooperative learning technique that reduces racial conflict among school children, promotes better learning, improves student motivation, and increases enjoyment of the learning experience.


Dole Fruit company has some cool resources for kids and educators.

Fun for Kids section
Educators section

Sesame Street has some cool stuff for kids.

Multimedia Rubrics for Web Page Design, Multimedia, Video Production, Presentation and Collaboration.

Graphic Organizers: All sorts of graphic organizers for teachers to download.


Brain Research for kids


Neuroscience Resources for kids

Worksheets, word search, crossword puzzles

Lesson Plans

Blue Web'n is a searchable database of over 1000 outstanding Internet learning sites categorized by subject area, audience, and type (lessons, activities, projects, resources, references, & tools)

Classroom Connect contains downloadable lessons and activity sheets.

Kathy Schrock's page contains a searchable database for lesson plans by grade level and by content area.

Busy Teacher's Web Site contains excellent links to other web sites related to the content area you choose. It also contains lesson plans and classroom activities for those content areas.

AskERIC Lesson Plans- The Educational Resources Information Center Lesson Plan Collection contains more than 1000 unique lesson plans that have been written and submitted to AskERIC by teachers from all over the United States.

Lesson Stop has a complete list of lessons in all content areas.

Lesson plan finder
Lesson Plans for 6-8 Grade

Education World This site contains a searchable database and and extensive links to educational sites for students, teachers and administrators.

Printable Material


TeachNet will lead you to other resources, lessons, classroom management and educational news.

PuzzleMaker This is pretty self-explanatory.

Printable Worksheets

Printable Flashcards

Online Reproducible worksheets for a variety of content areas.

Arizona Education Standards

Content Standards Main Page Official Arizona Department of Education

Standard Areas

Language Arts



Social Studies

The Arts

Comprehensive Health


Foreign Language

Workplace Skills

Functional Standards for students with significant disabilities
Comprehensive Health

Workplace Skills



Listening and Speaking

Viewing and Presenting


Arizona Technology in Education Alliance (AZtea) Technology Standards
This page contains a hyperlink version of the AZ which links to words in the glossary and other content standards.

Technology and Learning

Virtual Field Trips
Online Collaborative Projects
Web Quests
Schools Online
Acceptable Use Policies
Web use in the Classroom
ISTE: International Society for Technology in Education

Learn how to use Flash with this tutorial


Virtual Field Trips

NSTA98 & 99 Virtual Field Trips Page An incredibly well-rounded page including topics such as museums, exhibits, outdoors, science, zoos,children's sites, and plenty of virtual field trips in each category.

Virtual Field Trips This site contains a list of categories with virtual field trips for those areas.

The Franklin Institue Science Museum has a multitude of virtual field trips.

Field Trips: A list of available field trips including one on The Desert.


Good Practices


Geology Virtual Field Trips

Quick Time Virtual Field Trips

Virtual Hawaii

Field Trips and Museums

Yahoo list of Interactive Activities

 back to Technology and Learning

Web Quests

Check these sites to find out what WebQuests are and how to make one.

Introduction to WebQuests

A WebQuest about WebQuests

WebQuest templates

Building Blocks of a WebQuest

WebQuest Taskonomy describes the different types of WebQuests.

A Rubric for Evaluating WebQuests.

K-3 Grade

More K-3

3-6 Grade

4-5 Grade

6-9 Grade

6-8 Grade


9-12 Grade

More 9-12 Grade

WebQuest Matrix lists WebQuests by level and content area.

Attributes of K-3 WebQuests

Math web quests

Designing SMART Web Tasks for EFL students

Web Explorer Home page similar to Web Quests, hosted by the New York Times Learning Network.

back to Technology and Learning

Online Collaborative Projects

LIGHTSPAN and the Global School House

Houghton Mifflin Project Center has project links in the areas of Reading, Social Studies, Science and Math.

Collaborative Projects

Community Web Projects

Schools Online

Classroom Connect's Teacher Search

WEb66 This is a registry of K-12 sites around the world. Check out what other schools are doing on their web sites. You can access information about schools including student handbooks, dress codes, cost for student lunch, academic programs etc.!

Myschoolonline Find a school, teacher or PTA site online using

E-Pals has students speaking over 100 different languages communicating. So can you!

KeyPals Link up with students, teachers and join projects.

Fantastic School Web Site An example of an excellent school web site.



Web Use in the Classroom

Pacific Bell focuses on Filamentality which helps you use the Web in the classroom or library.

Rubrics for eval. web sites. Go to Exemplary site awards and then to the hyperlink in the text (rubrics)

Multimedia Rubrics for Web Page Design, Multimedia, Video Production, Presentation and Collaboration.

Online guides for creating web pages


Judi Harris' Network-Based Educational Activity Collection: This Web site is designed to support and extend your use of Virtual Architecture: Designing and Directing Curriculum-Based Telecollaboration.This collection of exemplary network-based educational activities provides teachers with good ideas for K-12 classroom-based Internet projects in a variety of subject areas. It also contains a wealth of literature and discussion on Internet integration.

All about CALL(computer assisted language learning) use in the ESL classroom.

Claris HomePage Online tutorial for this Web design software.

Make your own online web page Use this online editor to create a single web page in less than 30 minutes.

Yale Style Manual: In depth guide to making web pages

ClickMarks is a free online bookmarks manager.


To get an idea of how you want your Web site to look, it is a good idea to look at outstanding Web sites that other people have created. Look at these sites for good examples of Web design and organization.

The United States Department of Education

The United States Information Association

The University of Washington

Several organizations give awards for outstanding Web sites. The following two Web sites are examples of this type of Web site. Visit them for examples of what Web users like to see.

Best of the Web

Internet Professional Publishers Organization

Customizing your web page

Apple iTools: Using OS9 you can get free email, access educator approved web sites, online storage, and web site

School Notes: Leave notes online for parents and students



 back to Technology and Learning



Microsoft in Education

Microsoft Classroom Teacher Network

In and Out of the Classroom Tutorials Online courses for teachers and students

Productivity in the classroom lesson plans in a variety of content areas: Lesson focus on content but require skills using Microsoft Office applications/programs.



Acceptable Use Policies

Example Acceptable Use Policies (In Spanish too!)

ATT&T Resources for safe Internet use This page has about 10 links to other useful pages which cover topics like Acceptable Use Policies for K-6, K-12, various sample policies, issues related to computer use and safety tips.

Reference Materials

Virtual Reference Desk

Virtual Library

Word and Dictionary activities

Printable Graphic Organizers

Reference A complete reference page

Netdictionary has over 400 Internet terms.

Reference Topics A reference desk for students and teachers


Online Experts

Ask an Expert This link provides addresses to experts in a variety of fields. Students can e-mail them through the Internet and ask them questions pertaining to certain topics.

Expert sites will lead you to another list of online experts. This page is from The Stevens Institute of Technology.

Scheduled Online experts from Kathy Schrok's Guide for Educators

Professional Development

Two-Way Language Programs-inside the Creighton District

Two-Way Language Programs-outside the Creighton District

E-Mail Marsha Castillo, the Title VII Systemwide Creighton School District Director, with questions about how to successfully integrate a Two-Way Language Program in your school.

An Urban Educational Journal, contains archived articles by leaders in the field including Stephen Krashen.

From An Urban Educational Journal: A list of articles dealing with bilingual education.

An excellent article about the English Only Law of California.

SISKIND'S IMMIGRATION BULLETIN: contains newsletters in PDF format

National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education - Central resource for sites on most aspects of bilingual and ESL includes links to organizations, schools, lessons, programs and more.

Enlgish Learners and Education: This page comes from the California Dept. of Eduation and has links to organizations, policies and other issues.

Brain Research and Education

Susan Kovalik and Associates

US Department of Education

Arizona Dept. of Education

AZ Dept. of Ed. Professional Development

ISTE International Society for Technology in Education

CABE California Association for Bilingual Education

OBEMLA Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Language Affairs.

NCBE National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education

NABE National Association for Bilingual Education

The United States Department of Education

The United States Information Association

CAL Center for Applied Linguistics

National Center for Educational statistics

Child Stat's Find information about health, economic security, population and much more!

Career Guide for teaching abroad

If you work in a school or District in which the needs of English Language Learners are not being met and you would like to know how you can make changes, email Frank Bill Sr. In one year, Frank successfully rallied community support in Woodstock, Illinois by taking parents to board meetings and publishing various articles in local newspapers. Thanks to Franks effort the school hired a bilingual teacher. Frank can help you become a proactive member of your school district or community.

Continuing Education/Junior College Spanish Department Head, Eva Bill can give you incredible insights and recommendations as to how to teach all levels of Spanish by incorporating culture into your lessons. Email Eva with questions about Latin American Cultures, especially The Ancient Mexicas and Venezuelan culture.



Educational Databases

The Internet Public Library Youth Division An incredibly diverse database for teachers and students.

Argus Clearing House Another diverse database for teachers and students.

Internet Sleuth is a list of 2000+ databases that can be searched- good if you find one on your topic.

Education World is a database of educational web sites that you can search.


Educational News


An Urban Educational Journal, contains archived articles by leaders in the field including Stephen Krashen.

From An Urban Educational Journal: A list of articles dealing with bilingual education.

An excellent article about the English Only Law of California.

Urban Education Web Page was created to serve urban students, families, and educators. It contains over 900,000 abstracts of journal articles and non-journal publications. Great for research!

Education Week will keep you updated on just about everything relating to the field of education.

TeachNet will lead you to other resources, lessons, classroom management and educational news.

Teacher Connect Stay Connected with this free online service

eSchool News Online Get a free trial issue to this complete educational online journal or register to search the database of articles on technology issues.

NCBE Newsline Archives

HotBot wired news

ESL Cafe Dave Sperling: this page contains books in areas you choose from. It takes you straight to Amazon to buy that particular book. A good reference.



Clip Art
The ultimate in clip art. You can make your own clip art,
animate it and download it to your own computer for use.

Clip Art .com

AppleWorks clip art

Barry's clip art

Clip art for Foreign/Second Language Instruction

Animations, Graphics, Javascripts

Clip art with motion

-----------------------------7d125732200ca Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="A:\specialedcontent.htm" Content-Type: text/html specialedcontent

The following links were recommended by Robin Cerato who is a Special Education Teacher for the elementary grades at Loma Linda School. Thanks!

LD Online

The National Information Center for Children and Youth w/disabilities

Special Education Resources broken down into over 20 categories

The Council for Exceptional Children

Learning Disabilities Association

National Attention Deficit Disorder Association

The International Dyslexic Association Web Site

US Dept. of Education (Office of Special Education Programs)

The Council for Exceptional Children

ERIC Clearinghouse on Disbilities and Gifted Education

Office of Special Education

American Hyperlexia Association


Deaf/Blind Online

Dyslexia, Learning Disabilities, and Literacy Resource Site

Dyslexia: The Gift

Federal Resource Center for Speical Education

Federation for Children with Special Needs

Helping your Highly Gifted Child

Institue for Special Education

Integration of Handicapped Pupils in the Mainstream School System

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Multicultural communication

Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections

E-Pals in Spanish, English and French

Exploring Ancient World Cultures This page contains links to different countries and cultures.

Siempre con Alegria has great links to other sites regarding culture.

Web Quest about Hispanic Heritage for 4th grade students

HispanicWeb Pages


-----------------------------7d125732200ca Content-Disposition: form-data; name="userfile"; filename="A:\pesafetyhealth.htm" Content-Type: text/html Physical Education

Physical Eduation and Health


PE Central

Petereson's PE Page This page contains an incredible amount of links to other PE sport links.

Physical Education Primary LTD

Education World PE Central contains a host of PE links.

Health and Safety- Yahooligans 

Fire Safety-Yahooligans

Traffic and Road safety-Yahooligans

Boating and Water safety- Yahooligans

Mosquito safety-Yahooligans

Poison Safety-Yahooligans

AskERIC Lesson Plans- The Educational Resources Information Center Lesson Plan Collection contains more than 1000 unique lesson plans that have been written and submitted to AskERIC by teachers from all over the United States.

International Food Information Council


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Internet Strategies | Teacher Resources | Recursos en Español |Second Language Resources | Content Area Sites | Special Education | Home Page

Content Area Resources


PE,Safety, Health

Women's Studies




Learn Spanish

Native American Studies

Art and Music


Language Arts

Technology and Learning

African American Studies

Earth and Weather


Social Studies


Latin American Countries


Marco Polo An excellent source for lesson plans and online resources in the areas of Humanities, Geography, Mathematics, Economics, Science and the Arts. Lessons are well-written and the site has a powerful search engine.

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