USS TALBOT COUNTY (LST 1153) Photos page 9

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All photos on this page were contributed by former crew member Donald Hepburn. This page contains 5 photographs and is best viewed with your screen fully expanded.

E-mail Don here.

A great picture looking aft along the main deck from the area of the starboard, forward, 40mm gun tub. c.-1952. It appears that the ship is at anchor in this photo and the Captains Gig is missing from it's normal davit however the davit is secured as it would be in the event the gig were aboard possibly indicating that the Gig was expected to be gone from the ship for an extended period.

Another great photo. This one showing the ramp from the main deck to the tank deck and then off of the ship through the ramp at the bow doors. This is what troops deployed aboard would see if they were in or operating a vehicle that was being put ashore from the main deck.

Loking forward along the main deck from just forward of the starboard boat davits.

Some of the deck machinery and what appears to be either the stern anchor or a spare anchor.

The movie booth and part of the starboard cargo boom, Early 1950's

You're in page nine of the photo album. If anyone has photos they'd like to share please contact me at the address below.


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