substitutes sold as MDMA
fake MDMA
test it!
final note....
(this is bad!)
Keep in mind that dealers searching for profit-only may produce fake ecstasy, often containing other (sometimes dangerous) drugs that take less effort (or none) to acquire/produce and frankly, quite often, pills are sold with no illegal drug content of any sort. Sometimes, users don't recognize that the "rolling" they experienced was not really MDMA- hence, they might buy it again. Fake e, especially that that is obviously a fake is commonly referred to (negatively) as "bunk." 
Also, in an effort to produce more pills, sometimes MDMA is cut with these substances.
Many like Special K and Speed are popular drugs, actually sold as seperately as well. Again, taking these drugs is not bad- the wrong in the substitution of "good" drugs for e is when the user is not aware, and can possibly do serious harm to themselves without knowing (such as mixing Ketamine with downer drugs).
Not all of these substances are bad (like the two afore-mentioned), but nonetheless dealers who would sell you things other than pure ecstasy without your knowing should be avoided.
Here's a list of things you can find. If you have anything to add, please send it here!
Advil/Tylenol Yes, people sometimes sell o.t.c. drugs as e. The labels are always soaked off, so they may look convincing. Assuming you all know what Advil, Tylenol, and the like would feel like..... ;)
A relative of MDMA, it can be described as "a more classically psychedelic substance that leads to a longer and stronger high than the user anticipated." 
DXM A chemical in Robitussin (the cough syrup). Pills such as Green Triangles contain nothing BUT DXM, which is the same as drinking an entire bottle of Rob. This shit does NOT make you feel good! Most people become dizzy and feel "out of it," and some hallucinate. Some peoples' skin will itch and NOBODY wants to dance after taking it. After taking it, some people will require hospitalization. If DXM and MDMA are taken together, they inhibit the breaking down of each other. Overdosing is easy- if you have accidently taken DXM, do not take MDMA until you are fully recovered.
sold seperately
Also an amphetamine and known as perhaps the mack daddy of the stimulants. Speed is rather similar to ecstasy because it is a stimulant, and many people (myself included) would take e that tested as speed- but it will not provide the "touchy-feely" aspects that MDMA does. Realize that speed and amphetamines (ecstasy as well) in general are by NO means completely safe, even in good purity. 
sold seperately
A "nice" hallucinagenic/psychadelic, preferred by some users. Less often sold as e because there is already a market for it, but at one time it was considered to be a valid replacement. Sometimes causes upset stomach, etc. and mucus-related allergic reactions. And of course, the psychoactive properties. Can be a dangerous combo with some prescription psychiatric drugs.
PMA PMA is a strong stimulant that is cheap to produce. It is a considerably dangerous and risky drug- PMA has taken lives all over the world.
Special K
sold seperately
Ketamine (Special K) was originally a human anesthetic. Drugs catagorized with K include PCP, DXM, and N.Oxide ("laughing gas"). Many people enjoy K, as in small doses it delivers the "floaty" feeling and in larger quantities can cause the user to hallucinate. K can be extremely mentally addicting, and combined with other drugs (downers) can have negative results.
Atropine A prescription drug, which relaxes the muscles of the lower intestine. Prescribed for cramps and "irritable bowel syndrome". Overdosing on Atropine can be extremely toxic (10g+). Atropine is in the same catagory as K and PCP, it's a bit of a mix between downers and hallucinagens.
Heroin So they say, anyway. It's a rather hazy subject- once bought pills which were supposed to contain heroin, but no telling if they actually did. Heroin is a powerful narcotic and extremely addictive. Heroin overdoses are perhaps the most famed "drug deaths," claiming many otherwise awesome people.
(accepted*) : test kits like EZ-Test will test this as an MDMA-like substance. It is close enough for many people and gets the job done.
This site and the information therein do not promote the use of ecstasy. MDMA is an illegal substance and e_scene and its affiliates claim no responsibility for anyone utilizing this information in illegal manner.
e_scene is copyright© 2000