the health risks of mdma (e)
fake MDMA
test it!
final note....
MDMA/e has long-term and short-term risks. Short-term risks & "remedies"  include:
"e-tard" edness : user feels extremely stupid, quiet, perhaps apathetic after comedown. Duration of stupor typically ranges 1+ days, depending on quantity and quality of ecstasy.
quick "fix":
take vitamins. a packet of many ("energy/ booster packs") work well. also, (this may sound funny) drink Tang (or something similar). Not only does it taste awesome and keep you going, but it has vitamin C and doesn't leave your stomach feeling strange.
speedy heart rate: the heart pumps much faster on e because it is an upper. this poses a problem ESPECIALLY if the user has any type of heart problems. it is also a key element in overheating.
know your limits. if you heart is pounding in your head, chill a little.
overheating: your body temperature can escalate to dangerous. combined with dehydration, it can cause your organ collapse or even failure and can overstrain your muscles and/or bones. 
be careful, esp. in a hot, crowded dance floor. BUY water, if need be.

The long-term risks of ecstasy are attached to a chemical in the brain called seratonin. MDMA speeds up the production of seratonin, the brain's potential "fun factory" chemical- which affects/decreases one's feelings of depression, hunger,  and rest (fatigue). In an "average" brain, adequate amounts of seratonin should be produced to correlate to the body's specific needs- seratonin tell your body / gives you the sensation when you need to eat, rest, and your general emotional state. People who have too little seratonin production, for example, can become severely depressed and are often prescribed medication to regulate the production of the chemical. Majorly increased seratonin can also possibly induce hallucinations (which can also be "corrected" with psychiatric medication). What MDMA (real ecstasy) does is flush all the brain's seratonin into the body, which produces sensations of increased energy and the user will not feel tired or hungry typically until after it wears off (the "high"). Because of it's close relationship to amphetamines and it's blatently energizing effects, e is considered an "upper". However, when the seratonin is all used up, the user will often (as ecstasy can affect everyone slightly differently, also taking into account quality and quantity) feel extremely tired (especially if you've been dancing;) and later on hungry. Some people get depressed after they take e. After all the seratonin has been flushed into the system though, it is harder for the brain to "restock" the seratonin and in some cases (depending on whom you hear it from) the brain actually produces less of it. Frequent use of ecstasy can lead to permanent damage of the brain and again, depending on your source, is rumoured to associate with Alzheimer's if used too often. But, "respective" use of e with good lengths of "recooperation" (and tolerance-lowering) time works for many people. 
This site and the information therein do not promote the use of ecstasy. MDMA is an illegal substance and e_scene and its affiliates claim no responsibility for anyone utilizing this information in illegal manner.
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