ArtsAction's Autumn, Members only Exhibition May 2nd,2005
Arts Community in Residence at last The Bunyip, March 31st, 2005
After five years of searching, Gawler's arts community has finally found a home.
ArtsAction President, Judy Gillet-Ferguson, last week announced the Old Stationmaster's House at
the Gawler Railway Station will be used to house a community based gallery - providing funding can be obtained to upgrade the building.
The announcement came after recent meetings were held between various art groups in Gawler and Gawler Council to gauge support for the
As a result of those meetings a steering committee, comprising representatives of art and craft groups in Gawler, was formed to explore
possible gallery options...
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Public Meeting for Art Gallery Bid February 7, 2005
A public meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th February, 2005 at 7pm in the Country Women's
Association Clubrooms in Todd Street, Gawler.
The meeting is to gauge support amongst the local crafts and arts groups to establish a community based art gallery in Gawler.
The meeting has been initiated by Gawler Mayor, Tony Piccolo in response to some recent
negotiations for the possible lease of a space and indications that Gawler Council would be prepared to consider a request for some short term subsidies to help a community gallery to become
It is also a response to the Hames Sharley report, commissioned by council in 2003, which indicated
that a permanent gallery in the town was required for the arts to grow further.
All local artists, crafts people and arts and crafts organisations looking for exhibition space within
the Town of Gawler are encouraged to attend.