Age (D.o.B.)
21 (5/22/81)
New York City, NY
Entrance Theme
Freak on a Leash by Korn
Face, but currently with a heelish attitude
Wrestling Style
High Flying
Jimmy "Rock Hard" Jackson
Johnny Viscous
Vincent Jones
Melissa Faith
Jessica Elizabeth Star Summers
Los Gringo X
Chico Loco
Jeremy Maddox
Sebastian Bock

"The Eagle"



GWA Olympic Title (2X)
GWA Maximus Title
Best Falconer Gladdie Award
Best Promo Gladdie Award
Made it to the Sweet 16 in FWF's LMS 2k1 Tournament
6th Place in FWF's WWC Tournament
GWA Legion Title (w/ Sebastian Bock)
Greatest Matches/Feud
Ultimate Overdose at FWF Cyberslam V against MISSLE
Hell's Winter, The Bird Cage, and Tortured Souls Asylum (Deathmatches) against Jakob Grimes
Hell in a Cell at GWA Anguish against Chris Damm
Favorite Quote
"You cannot defeat what you do not understand..."

"Expect the Unexpected..."

Ring Attire/Appearance Entrance
Ring Attire- He doesn’t wear regular wrestling attire. He wears all black. Black jeans that let him move with ease and let him have full flexibility. He also usually wears any type of black T-shirt or Tang top. He will wear a black trench coat and black sunglasses to the ring, but will remove them before his matches start.

Appearance- Joey isn’t your average 21 year-old. He works out and stays in shape so he can perform to potential. His long blonde hair and the way he dresses give him a depressed look. He looks like he’s just been pissed off, but will never say he has been. In reality he no longer is depressed, but will at times become depressed when something bad happens to him.
[Sudden darkness. Complete silence fills the arena as no one in the arena knows what to expect as there is no music... Yet.]

#Like this#

[The melody of "Freak on a Leash" by Korn starts up, just as the lights begin pulsating all over the arena. Strobe lights flash rapidly, as if in a dance club. Confusion slowly fades away and turns into a burst of cheers as a shadow-like figure steps out onto the stage.]

#Something takes a part of me.#
#Something lost and never seen.#
#Everytime I start to believe,#
#Something's raped and taken from me... from me.#

[The lights around the entrance turn to an orange color as "The Eagle" appears in large letters on the big screen. The letters are broken apart as an Eagle breaks through, soaring over a canyon of lava, as it cries out.]

#Life’s gotta be always messing with me (you wanna see the light),#
#Can’t it chill and let me be free (so do I)#
#Can’t I take away all this pain(you wanna see the light),#
#I try to every night all in vein, in vein.#

[Standing there, he wore his black trench coat over his pants and black shirt. He looked around the arena with his eyes hidden behind the black sunglasses. He began his descent to the ring, walking with intensity and complete focus on his upcoming match, expecting anything and everything to happen. He grabbed the top rope and pulled himself up onto the ring apron. With out any effort he flipped over the top rope and landed on his feet. Walking over to the far right hand corner he leans against the turnbuckle and waits.]

History Personality
Click for Joey's History Joey is filled with rage and depression. From his life at home to how he see the world in his eyes. Because of how his family sees his cousin and his success, Joey has become irritated with this and is now set out to prove to his family and the world that he can be as good as Jimmy Jackson is, but better. Joey was raised in New York and has lived in New York City most of his life. This is a partial cause to his depression. He is never seen happy, he’s always looking down, but once in the ring he’ll become filled with anger and rage. He’ll do what it takes to get a win. You’ll never see him admit to being pissed off. He doesn’t care for anyone except his girlfriend and valet, Angel. She’s the only one he cares for. In his eyes he doesn’t need the respect of the fans, wrestlers or his family. He claims that his cousin’s success was a mistake. For this he is out to make a name for himself and at the same time prove that he has more talent than his cousin. Be careful and don’t mess with his girl. Joey is protective of her and will do anything to make sure she’s safe and out of harms way, even if it means killing a man. This is a guy you want to watch because he will try and hurt you, if you get in his way.

Some say Joey has changed since he was last seen inside of a wrestling ring. His career cut short by Evan Levine side lined him, but more so his depression grew deeper. Just after getting over the unknown death of his mother, Joey has met a new enemy, murder. His girlfriend and soon to be his wife was raped and murdered and there wasn't a thing anyone could do to stop it. Joey has allowed himself sink into the lowest depression, but the thought of suicide would never be acted out on his behalf. He awaits the moment in which he'll over come this new enemy of old and find a way to get himself back inside of a wrestling ring. If that happens, you best bet that Joey Jackson will become twice as deadly as he once was. You might say he has learned a few things from his cousin, but no one will ever know until we see him in the ring once more.

So much has changed for Joey, more importantly his personality. With Jessica by his side he has become a better man that he previously was. Over time he has come to learn and accept the changes that have taken place within his body. He went from being depressed to being truly happy in his life. Then disaster struck with Jakob Grimes, but because of the saga with Grimes Joey has fully become aware of the things he once hid. Accepting all that makes him who he is, he has now become agressive. A man who once cared not for the use of a weapon in a match, he now has no problem trying to kill a person with a guitar string. Watch out for him, he's growing deadlier and deadlier everytime someone messes with his personal life, especially the woman he loves...
Standard Moves Signature Moves Trademark Finisher/s

1) *Asai Moonsault
2) 450 Splash
3) Corkscrew Plancha
4) *Suicide dive
5) Russian Leg Sweep
6) Guillotine leg drop
7) Boston Crab
8) Reverse Enzuigiri
9) DDT/Evenflow
10) Moonsault
11) Enzuigiri
12) Flying Bulldog
13) Choke with knee (opponent on ground)
14) Leg lock
15) *Spinning Reverse DDT
16) Flying body splash
17) *Spinning DDT
18) Hurricanrana
19) Frankensteiner (opponent on turnbuckle)
20) German Suplex
21) Rolling Cradle into pin
22) Sunset flip into pin
23) *Dragonrana (450 into a Hurricanrana)
24) *Dragon Suplex
25) Fisherman's DDT

*- Denotes Favorite moves/Biggest pops

1) Death’s Plummet- Diamond Dust. It's an off the top rope somersault 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog. With his opponent dazed Joey goes up top and with his opponents back to him he somersaults in the air, wrapping his right arm around the neck of his opponent hitting the 3/4 Face Lock Bulldog.

2) Eagle's Nest-Crooked Figure Four Leg Lock. As his opponent is on their back, Joey is facing away and grabs one leg and bends it sideways in front of one of his own legs and on top of his opponent's other leg, forming a "4" with his opponent's legs. He holds his opponent's straight leg, he pins their legs into place. He then falls to his side, forcing his opponent's legs to be bent at an angle. Joey applies pessure to his opponent's legs.

3) End of Fate DDT- Scoop Reverse DDT. Joey faces his dazed opponent and scoops him up as if he were about to go for a scoop slam, but instead of slamming his opponent he sends him around and drops him into a Reverse DDT position and in a flowing, but with power, Joey then executes the DDT with grace, usually knocking his opponent out cold in the process.

4) Emotional Damage- Brainbuster DDT. (Joey uses this moves as often as he can. It's amazing what he's capable of doing inside of the ring, especially against the big guys.) He lifts his opponent up into a brainbuster position and then falls back, DDTing his opponent's head into the mat.

5) Heaven's Wrath- Joey first swings his opponent into the ropes. When he comes back, Joey then kicks him in the gut, to stun him, and in one fluid motion, Joey rolls over his back as his opponent stands and wraps his right arm around his opponents head. The momentum slingshots Joey downward, smashing his opponents nose in a modified Running DDT.

6) Celestial Damage- Joey throws his opponent into the ropes and he bounces himself in the opposite direction. As both of them run back towards each other, Joey lunges forward towards the neck area and manages to wrap his arm around their head. Momentum swings him full circle and DOWNWARD in a Mid-air connection Neckbreaker modified into a Reverse DDT. Essentially Joey is spinning away from his opponent while hanging on, and dropping at a dangerously odd angle.

7) Final Flight- Once a regular finisher, now one of Joey's signature moves for those high points in matches where he really wants to make the fans jump out of their seats or even hurt his opponent. With his opponent laying on the mat, Joey goes up top to execute this Twisting Swanton Bomb.

The Eagle's Talon

In honor of his now retired cousin, Jimmy "Rock Hard" Jackson, Joey has perfected The Rock Hard Special and has given it a new, more suitable name. Joey takes his opponent up for a surfboard (half surfboard), but instead of holding his opponent's arms when he is upside down, he turns the surfboard into a Dragon Sleeper. There is no escape. This move can snap a man's neck.

Angel's Fall

3/4 Facelock Russian Legsweep. Joey stands at the side of his opponent and applies a 3/4 face lock (basically, his opponent's head is on his shoulder with him forming a headlock around the top of his opponent's head as he has his back to his opponent). He then uses his opponent's leg which is nearest their nearest leg of his opponent and hooks it. Joey falls back and sweeps out his opponent's legs dropping them to the mat and wrenching their neck.

Copyright 2000-2002 All rights reserved.
This layout was created by
Tom W and may not be used by anyone without permission.

Disclaimer: Jeff Hardy is property of WWFE and is only used as a picture base for "The Eagle" Joey Jackson. Joey Jackson DOES NOT look like Jeff Hardy, as Jeff is just a pic base used to represent what Joey may look like if he were a real person. Joey is not Jeff Hardy, and thus why he does not look exactly like Jeff Hardy, but shares a close resemblance. This statement goes for any and all characters used in the e-fed world. If you use a pic base of a wrestler or real person for your own character, it does not mean that's what your character looks like. It only means that's who resembles your character in the closest manner. Hopefully this will clear any arguements about pic bases up for future parties.