Leonard's Music
Available on CD, Cassette and Video
Where to purchase Leonard's Music
Hand Painted Sky
This is the newest collection of Leonard's music. These beautiful songs have been cherished by thousands of people. Let the haunting flute take you away to that sancuary of the mind!
Songs: Wind Canyon, Angels, The Ancients, The Gift, Sky Father's Blessing and more...
Available - CD - $20
Cass. $15
Listen to 'Angels'
Listen to 'The Gift'
Whale Spirit - Shaman Journey of the Deep
One must search far and wide for something this special...the sounds of these whales as recorded in the High Arctic will astound you! Let the gentle sound of waterbirds, wolf and flute take you on a shaman journey. Includes a 13 minute spirit drumming session recorded live on the West Coast of Canada.
Listen to Arctic Whalesong'
Available - CD - $20
Cass. $15
Red Road - 1996
The premier CD from this First Nations songwriter. This album has travelled the world and will for a long time... contains the beautiful Wind Canyon and very touching Haida Lament.It's received great reviews from Northern Canada to Spain. Eleven songs adorn this first time creation from Leonard.
Listen to
Haida Lament'
Available - CD - $20
Cass. $15
(Canadian funds) add $5 shipping
Listen to 'In Dreams'
Listen to: 'Tobacco Plains'
Listen to ' Whispering Star' E-mail
Listen to 'Silent Night'
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