To find out more about Elke and her family you must click here!
my grown cats
my adorable kittens
animals do quotes.jpgs
animals do silly things
animals with special gifts
my Poems
animals jokes in pictures
stories about animals
I allways have kittens in the colours you see here :
  bi-colors: red/white, blue/white black/white or
  calicos: in red, black, creme white or
  tricolor persians: colors creme/blue/white 
  and of course 
  the same in Harlequin (more white)
Ich habe immer wieder diese Perser Kätzchen:
  bi-colors: rot/weiß blau/weiß schwarz/weiß
  Glückskatzen: rot, schwart, creme und weiß
  Tricolor Perser: Creme/blau/weiß
  und natürlich alles in Harlequin (größerer Weißanteil)