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Welcome To My Web Site!

I am Alaa Mohammed Alshobaki, I just want to welcome you and I hope you will enjoy with my web page and I'll be pleased to contact with you to share all that can be useful for each other.

Premium Picture                                  My Favorite Work

Data-Security Specialest
My master thesis dedicated in data-security field. The dessertation named with "Design & Implementation of Stream Cipher Based on LFSR & FCSR".

My Favorites Study
§  Cryptology (Cryptography, Cryptanalysis).
§  Authentication and Digital Signature.
§  Cryptographic Applications (E-Commerce, I-Security).
§  Computer Networks and Digital Communications.
My CV and research including my master thesis can be downloaded by the following links:

Last updated on Mar. 5, 2006                        Copyright © 2005-2006 by Alaa Mohammed Alshobaki  -  All rights reserved.
(سبحانك اللهم لا علم لنا الا ما علمتنا)

(اللهم صلي وسلم على أشرف خلق الله سيدنا ونبينا محمد و على أله وصحبه الاشراف الأبرار)

(اللهم انك عفوا كريم تحب العفو فعفو عني)