WelcomeThis page uses CSS but if you have an older browser and you can't see any writing - highlight the page.(13/9/06) Hello - so I've finally returned to this site 6 years later. A large amount of the site is outdated, and rather then check all the links and coding I've decided to redo everything from scratch. If you've just stumbled on to the site, then apologies, almost all of the information here is quite old and may no longer be particularly relevant. I won't update this site anymore; I've decided I'd rather pay for hosting then have that massive geocities thing taking over the page. Everything else I'll leave intact, aside from this paragraph, since I was quite liked it when I made it first time round, and it might be useful to someone somewhere. The new site will eventually be here. Sorry I haven't done any updating on this in a while, but I've just added a game I wrote for download. Its in the funstuff section and its just called maze game. And I've written this program for physics for looking at diffraction patterns, which you can download be clicking here.
Welcome to my website. For those of you who saw the old one - content is pretty similar at the
moment but I've toned down on images and broken it up to cut down load time.
Mostly this is a collection of links to pages I think are useful, fun,
interesting and all that. There's a few bits and pieces I keep myself - the last few in the
list on the left - and I'm gradually adding to these as I find new stuff to add. So once
you see whats there, feel free to email with anything you consider worthy of inclusion. My
email address (if you haven't guessed from the url) is
eamonn81@yahoo.com and I'd also love for you to
sign my guestbook -
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This page has been visited FastCounter by bCentral times since 29 April 2000, plus 656 visits at old address since 11 Feb 2000. Whats Here?So whats here? I hear you ask. To answer your question heres a quick summary -