All those late nights and long hours have paid off.
You have reached:
The End Of The Internet!
There is nothing else to see.
You can now call AOL Customer Service, and cancel your
(Otherwise, everything will be reruns of old
information. Think of it as watching old Gilligan's Island episodes.)
Call AOL Customer Service at 1-800-827-3338
or AOL Cancellation Department at 1-888-265-8008
(No email cancellation requests please.)
Since you have now seen everything on the internet, forward
navigation through web pages will not be possible.
From now on, you must use your browsers back button to go
from place to place.
Attempts at forward navigation will cause your internet
connection to slow down.
(This can be proven by how much faster reverse navigation web
pages load than forward navigation pages.)
Your time online now is causing other people who have not
reached this point to continually get busy signals.
This is another reason why canceling your account is
(In order to encourage you to cancel, you may experience
disconnects more frequently than before.)
Hang up, and call to
cancel now.
Call AOL Customer Service at 1-800-827-3338
or AOL Cancellation Department at 1-888-265-8008
(No email cancellation requests please.)
Counter Reset January 30th, 1999
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This page
created for humorous purposes only.