EARNINGYOU is a High Yield Investment Program run by a group of investment professionals, We are backed up by Forex market trading, Financial market betting, Sports arbitrage wagers and various other investments in online and offline funds. We are well diversified to provide our members with a low but very safe return of 7 % a day for 25 days. You can think of this as a longterm secure investment pool.As you know, many programs out there promise extremely high daily returns which are virtually impossible to live up to. We don't make any ridiculous claims, we simply provide program with a lucrative returns. Interest will be paid daily at up to 7% flat rate until payout period is reached. We realize that there are no guarantees in this market, however, we feel that our strategy of diversification and risk management will allow us to provide you consistent returns well into the foreseeable future. In the future, we will design another plan for your long term investment as your diversification option in one place, in here. |