ADVENTURES UNTOLD The Invisible My French Teacher is an Evil Sorcerer Jaci's Story The Shroud BIOGRAPHIES
Welcome to my world of imagination written. This is where I reside when reality becomes too much. Actually, this is where I put up all of the things I dream up when reality comes to be far too much for my simple little mind to handle. In absence of reality, I am free. I am Earth_Fairy2000. Actually, that is simply what I shall be known as until I get hosted, then I'll change it to something better. Until that time which will probably never come, you may call me by that without worry. I ask only of my dear few visitors that they review. I put these up so that I may gain reviews, if you do not mind too terribly. It was the reason I put them up on the net, after all. Diverse, different audience and all that. And critisism is welcome! Please critisize enlessly about plot problems, but not grammar. Grammar is an evil demon that is out to steal my soul. I believe that is all I have to say for now. Enjoy the stories and leave a comment if it is not too much trouble. Thank you again and welcome to a temporary escape from reality. |