The Growth and Evolution of Continents

The earth's lithosphere can be divided into two major structural features: ocean basins and continents. Ocean basins, as we discussed in another essay, are formed at spreading ridges and consumed at subduction zones. The continents are a different story. How did the continents originate, and how have they changed over time? The origin of the earliest continental crust is still relatively obscure, but the evolution of the continents over time is not: the continents have clearly grown laterally over time via the process of accretion. To understand how this process works, we can consider the Pacific plate and its interactions with surrounding oceanic and continental margins.

The Pacific plate is created by seafloor spreading at the Pacific rise and moves slowly northwest in a conveyor belt fashion at about 8-11cm per year. As a result of this movement, the Pacific plate converges with surrounding plates. In areas where the Pacific plate is being subducted, the overiding plate is characterized by periodic deep-focus earthquakes and a ring of felsic/andesitic volcanoes a few hundred kilometers inland. The vast majority of all earthquakes occur at the three major types of plate boundaries: spreading ridges, subduction zones and transform faults.

Scattered throughout the Pacific plate are a variety of topographic features rising hundreds to thousands of meters from the ocean floor. These include island arcs and seamounts, such as the Hawaiian islands-Emporor Seamount chain, extinct spreading ridges, uplifted regions of ocean crust, and apparent continental fragments, such as the Ontong Java plateau. Nur et al estimate that are approximately 100 such features are present on the modern sea floor, covering approximately 10% of its surface (p. 7). Reymer and Schubert (1984) estimate that approximately 1.40km3 of new sialic crust is created annually in the form of new volcanic arcs and seamounts.

As the Pacific plate continues to move northwest, these structures arrive at subduction zones located at the margins of the Pacific plate. There they are fated to become detached from the subducting plate and accreted onto the margin of the overiding plate. Often a portion of oceanic crust will be sandwiched between the accreted terrane and margin. This process of lateral accretion at subduction zones has obviously played a major role in the growth and evolution of the Circum Pacific margins. Ben-Avraham writes:

"Recent investigations of the geology of the Pacific Ocean margins have shown that many sectors of these margins are composed of hundreds of pieces called tectonostratigraphic terranes . . . Terranes are fault-bounded packages of of rocks of regional extent, each characterized by a geological history that is different from the histories of neighboring terranes (Jones et al., 1983) . . . The Circum-Pacific terrane map (Howell et al., 1983) defines more than 300 different terranes within the Pacfic borderlands. Some of the terranes are truly exotic to their present surroundings and came from remote locations, while others came to their present location from nearby areas.

"The evolution of the Pacific Ocean margins involved accretion -collision tectonics, which prevailed along most of its sectors for a long time. As a result of this process, lengthy sectors of the margins of the continents surrounding the Pacific Ocean were built from bits and pieces that came from the sea. The collisonal events are quite complex and are usually associated with intense folding, thrust and strike-slip faulting, penetrative deformations, and recrystallization" (1989, p. 3).

Accretionary processes have added a significant volume of material to the margins of North America and Eurasia during the Phanerozoic. Howell and Jones estimate that the total area of accreted terranes added to Circum-Pacific margins during the past 200my is approximately 33 x 10^6km2 (p. 38). Condie (1989, p. 256) writes:

"The conclusion that much of the Cordillera in western North America is composed of a collage of accretionary terranes is now well established by geological, paleontological, and paleomagnetic evidence (Coney et al., 1980; Jones et al., 1986). More than 200 terranes that lie west of the Precambrian craton have been recognized in the Cordillera. Most of these terranes have been added to North America during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic, during which time the continental margin was extended by as much as 800km. . . Most Cordilleran accreted terranes appear to represent fragments of continents, oceanic plateaus, or portions of arc systems, some of which traveled greater than 5000km from their sources."


Allocthonous terranes on the North American margin. From the USGS server.

From late Proterozoic to early Jurassic time, the western border of North America was a passive margin somewhere in the vicinity of the Nevada-California border. Sediments deposited during this time were in the form of westward-thickening wedges of marine deposits (miogeocline). These typically grade from open marine in the west to shallow marine in the east east. Sediment sources were to the east. In overall structure the Cordilleran miogeocline was very similar to the Phanerozoic Atlantic continental margins.

Beginning in the late Paleozoic, there was a reorganization of plate movement, leading to the formation of a subduction zone along the western margin of North America. By Jurassic time, several accretionary events led to the emergence of highlands at the western margin, effectively blocking the sea from transgressing eastward over the craton. These events are reflected in changes in the geology of the Cordilleran foreland, where Protorozoic through Paleozoic open marine deposits with sediment sources to the east are replaced in late Paleozoic/Early Mesozoic time by terrestrial, fluvial, restricted marine and eolian deposits with sediment sources to the west.

Paleomagnetic evidence shows that, as expected, many of the terrances now found in the Cordillera and the rest of the circum Pacific margins, including China, Japan, Siberia, Alaska, and Canada, have traveled large distances before reaching their present positions. In some case, a previously unified terrane has become fragmented and its fragments widely dispersed. One example is the Wrangellia terrane, pieces of which are found in British Columbia, Oregon, and southern Alaska. Though fragments of Wrangellia are currently spread over about 24 degrees latitude, paleomagnetic evidence shows that the original spread was probably less than 4 degrees (Howell and Jones, p. 37).

How are paleomagnetic data explained on the basis of Noah's flood theories? Since large Phanerozoic basalts and plutons would have remained well above their curie temperatures for "weeks or months" after the flood catastrophe, they should possess remnant magnetization consistent with their present latitudes. Assuming that the dipole geomagnetic field has existed since creation, and that the only significant latitudinal displacement of continents occured during the "weeks or months" of the flood, then it seems that all igneous rocks, Precambrian or Phanerozoic, should document only a "creation latitude" or a post-flood latitude.

There is ample evidence that Phanerozoic style accretionary tectonic processes were operating well before the Cambrian, at least since the early Proterozoic, and that these processes played a dominant role in the growth and evolution of the continents (see below). All continents document an extensive Precambrian/Preflood tectonic history involving rifts, transforms, and collisions, along with their characteristic associations of rock types. Tectonic processes occuring during the Phanerozoic were just a continuation of tectonic processes which had already been in operation for well over a billion years.

To illustrate this point, we can compare the Phanerozoic evolution of Eurasia to the Proterozoic evolution of the North American craton. It is evident in both cases that these landmasses were formed by a process of lateral accretion of smaller landmasses. In Eurasia this accretion occured in several stages thoughout the Phanerozoic and latest Proterozoic, whereas in North America, this process of accretion was largely completed during the Proterozoic, the major exception being the Corilleran belt on the western margin of North America, which is composed of terranes which were accreted during the Phanerozoic, and a few Paleozoic terranes accreted to to east coast. Regarding the structure of Eurasia, Maruyama et al. note:

"The Eurasian plate is the largest in the world but is not composed simply of a large craton surrounded by younger orogenic belts like the North American plate. Instead, the present Eurasian landmass is a collage of six, once seperated, major cratons, cemented by a number of Phanerozoic orogenic belts of various ages" (p. 75).

"The major Asiatic Phanerozoic foldbelts, of decreasing age, are termed Caledonian (early to middle Paleozoic), Variscan (late Paleozoic), Indosinian (early Mesozoic), Yenshanian (late Mesozoic), and Himilayan (Cenozoic) . . . All of these foldbelts contain ophiolite and/or high P/T metamorphic rocks and are thought to be formed during accretion" (p. 78).

Wherever they are found, ophiolites are evidence of convergent tectonic processes. Ophiolites are slivers of oceanic crust which have been "scraped off" or obducted from the top of a subducting oceanic plate and accreted onto the margin of an overriding plate. From the top down, they consist of oceanic sediments such as cherts, followed by pillow basalts, sheeted dikes, gabbros, and certain ultramafic rocks (e.g., serpentinized harzburgite and lherzolite). Average thickness is about 5km. The distinctive sheeted dike complex [diabase dikes, >30cm thick, chilled margins] of ophiolites are generated by successive magma intrusions at spreading (divergent) plate boundaries, which of course implies plate motion.

Ophiolites are often abundant in foldbelts sandwiched between two seperate terranes, cratons or continents. Each of the Asian cratons (the Russian, Siberian, Indosinian, Sino-Korean, Tarim, and Yangtze, etc.) are flanked by ophiolites, and/or accretionary prisms and island arc assemblages. The cratons themselves are much older than the Phanerozoic foldbelts seperating them. For instance, the Indian Platform contains rocks well over 3bya, but the foldbelt seperating India from mainland Asia is composed of Jurassic-Cretaceous age ophiolites, ophiolitic melange,and deep-ocean sedimentary rocks (Gansser, 1980; Le Fort, 1997; Corfield et al.,1999). The Indian craton had a long and varied history prior to its accretion to Eurasia. Paleomagnetic evidence suggests that India, Australia and Antarctica were part of the same supercontinent during most of the Proterozoic (Condie, 1989, p. 324).

Plate Tectonics During the Precambrian

Young-earth creationism attempts to explain the large-scale structure of the earth's surface in terms of two events described in the book of Genesis -- the 2nd and 3rd "creation days," a less-than 48 hour event which occured approximately 4500BC (e.g. R. V. Gentry, 1988; K. Wise, 1992), and Noah's flood, which occurred about 2500BC, and which is said to have lasted less than one year. Roughly speaking, the boundary between "creation strata" and "flood strata" corresponds to the conventional Cambrian/ Precambrian boundary. On this view, all Precambrian geologic formations were created instantaneously and ex nihilo, by direct divine intervention, and have no actual prior sedimentological or tectonic history whatsoever.

This is actually an overgeneralization, since there appears to be wide disagreement amongst creationists as to which strata are flood deposits and which aren't. Several different pre-flood/flood and flood/post-flood boundary schemes have been proposed. Some creationists see many Precambrian strata as flood deposits, whereas others believe, as we said, that they were created instantaneously. Some creationists see all Phanerozoic strata as flood deposits, whereas others place the flood/post-flood boundary as early as the Permian (Steven J. Robinson, "Can Flood Geology Explain the Fossil Record?" Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, 10(1996):1:32-69). All creationists, however, seem to agree that many Archaean and Proterozoic formations are of preflood age, and that at least Paleozoic strata represent flood deposits.]

The Precambrian cratons of all continents are composed of numerous distinct terranes of different isotopic ages, structural trends, lithologies, and paleomagnetic and tectonic histories. These terranes are typically bounded by collisional orogens. Stratigraphic relationships can be used to show that North America (and the rest of Laurentia), for example, underwent an extensive tectonic evolution well before the Cambrian seas transgressed over the North American craton in the early Phanerozoic.

The North American craton is separated into seven such provinces. Examples of well studied Proterozoic orogenic foldbelts in North America include the Wopmay belt or orogen and the Trans-Hudson belt between the Wyoming and Superior crustal provinces in the northern US. A handy map of precambrian crustal provinces in the US can be seen here and here. Condie (1989) states:

"Field and geophysical data from the Canadian Shield, as well as results from boreholes in in platform sediment, indicate that North America is an amalgamation of plates, recently referred to as the 'United Plates of America' (Hoffman, 1988). The Archaean crust is composed of of at least six seperate provinces joined by early Proterozoic foldbelts. The systematic asymmetry of stratigraphic sections, structure, metamorphicism, and igneous rocks is consistent with an origin by subduction and collision. Such asymmetry is particularly well-displayed along the Trans Hudson, Labrador, and Penokean orogenic belts. In these belts, zones of foreland deformation are dominated by thrusts and recumbent folds, whereas hinterlands typically show transcurrent faults. Both features are characteristic of subduction zones. Some Proterozoic orogens have large accretionary prisms . . . " (p. 354).

Cratons, often thought of as the stable "basement," have Archaean "subcratons"(?) themselves, which are in turn surrounded by younger Proterozoic folbelts. For instance, the Yangtze craton appears to have been formed by collision/accretion processes operating during the Proterozoic (Guo et al., 1985). It consists of a late Archaean (2.86 U-Pb) nucleus to the northwest, flanked by progressively younger Proterozoic rock to the south.

Tectonically emplaced ophiolites are found at least as far back as the mid-Proterozoic, and disputed ophiolites or ophiolite analogs are found in much older Archean crustal provinces. These demonstrate the existence of spreading boundaries and plate collisions, and hence tectonic plate motion, since at least early Proterozoic (the YEC preflood) time.

"[O]phiolites occur in several Proterozoic orogenic belts and provide strong evidence of the existence of oceanic plates like those of today. The oldest is an ophiolite in the Cape Smith belt on the south side of Hudson Bay in Canada whose age has been firmly established at 1.999 billion years. There is a 1.8-billion-year-old ophiolite in the Svecofennian belt of southern Finland, but most Proterozoic ophiolites are 1 billion to 570 million years old and occur in the Pan-African belts of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and The Sudan, where they occur in sutures between a variety of island arcs" ( article Precambrian time).

See also An Introduction To Ophiolites, The Oman Ophiolites, The Masirah Ophiolite, The Josephine Ophiolite, The Troodos Ophiolite of Cyprus, Global distribution of ophiolite complexes, and some nice outcrop photos.

Another line of evidence which shows that plate tectonic processes were active during the Proterozoic is based on paleomagnetic data. While much less complete than Phanerozoic data, paleomagnetic data from Proterozoic formations (such as the massive Kaweenawan basalts [Halls et al., 1982] and the Grand Canyon Supergroup [Elston et al., 1973], etc.) show the "preflood" continents moving with respect to latitude over time during the Proterozoic, at rates comparable to, though slightly faster than, those measured today (<20cm/yr). Condie states that "rates of Proterozoic plate motions can be obtained from APW paths . . . results indicate that Proterozoic continental plate velocities (3-10cm/y) often exceeded those of present-day continental plates (which average about 5cm/y) and were equivalent to those of present day oceanic plates" (p. 219). Such gradual slowing is expected due to gradual reduction in the amount of heat generated within the earth by decaying radionuclides.

A characteristic feature of Phanerozoic and Proterozoic APW paths is the presence of loops with an average periodicty of roughly 200my. In Phanerozoic APW paths, these loops can often be correlated with orogenic episodes. Several loops in Proterozoic APW paths also appear to be correlated with major orogenic episodes (1150, 1750, and 1850 in North America; 1100 and 2150 in Africa; Condie, 1989, p. 333).

For instance, the portion of the mid to late Proterozoic APWP for the North American craton constructed from the Kaweenawan basalts and the Grand Canyon Supergroup "has yielded the temporally longest, stratigraphically controlled polar path yet developed for North America (~1250) to 800Ma)", and describes a prominent "loop." P.K. Link et al. note:

"The polar path for the Unkar Group, beginning at the level of the Shinumo Quartzite and extending to the lower member of the Nankoweap Formation, overlaps and coincides with the polar path reported from lower, middle, and upper Keweenawan rocks of the Lake Superior region" (p. 479).

"The composite polar path . . . from the Unkar-Nankoweap and Kaweenawan-Chequamegon poles, shows an overlapping, concordant, nonconflicting progression of poles, and a single polar path for the two regions. The concordant north- and then south-trending paths form a single loop that is here called the Unkar- Kaweenawan loop" (p. 480).

The apex of the Unkar-Keweenawan loop appears to coincide with the end of the Grenville orogeny and the cessation of Keweenawan rifting. Mafic sills of similar age in both Unkar and Keweenawan strata appear to have been emplaced at this time as well, indicating that whatever event is indicated by the apex affected a large region of the North American Craton.

Plate Tectonics Today

Accretionary continental growth continues to occur at the Pacific margins today. For instance, the Yakutat terrane and other allocthonous blocks are colliding with southern Alaska. Baha California is moving north along a transform boundary, and will probably eventually become accreted to Alaska as well. The Nazca and Juan Fernandez ridges are colliding with the western coast of South America, and the Louisville and Marcus-Neker Rises are colliding with subduction zones in the western Pacific (Nur and Ben-Avraham, p. 8). India is still "colliding" with Eurasia, and the Himalayas continue to rise. Numerous other terranes of diverse types are slowly moving towards the margins of the Pacific Ocean, where they are fated to be accreted to an already massive amount of accreted allocthonous terranes.

"The Ontong Java Oceanic plateau in the southwest Pacific Ocean has a crustal thickness of 36km and may be a rifted and now submerged continental fragment. In size, it is comparable to the Yangtze continental terrane of Asia. Accreted against the south side of the Ontong Java plateau is part of the Solomon islands volcanic arc, and numerous other volcanic arcs lie nearby. If one imagines the closing-up of the coral sea, this inferred continental fragment wreathed with accreted volcanic arcs would form a major addition to the Australian continent."

What might future supercontinents look like? Long terrm extrapolation based on present plate trajectories is likely to be less than perfectly accurate, since we know that plate motions can change or be reorganized over time. Nevertheless, some interesting conjectures can be made. For instance, Australia is moving north, towards Eurasia, at about 6cm per year. Between the two contienents are numerous island arcs and microcontinents, such as New Guinea, Indonesia and Malaysia. North America and Eurasia are converging with each other at a rate of about 2cm per year. Extrapolating from current trajectories, one could easily imagine a future supercontinent consisting of a unified Eurasia, Australia, and North America. Joe Meert's homepage has a graphic illustrating what the continents might look like in 250my, based on current plate trajectories. The graphic can be seen here.