EarthRescue - Sustainable Markets Mean Good Business!

YOU can make a difference! Buy Responsibly!

Vote with your money - you spend it every day of your life. Take just a moment to learn what a Sustainable Marketplace (tm) is, and just how simple it is for you to have a tremendous impact on the future of the planet and all of its inhabitants.

Quote of the Month

"Consumers ultimately bear the responsibility for the condition of our planet. If consumers do not buy products which are harmful to the environment, businesses will not make them. The decision is ours and ours alone. Unfortunately, too many people buy only what TV commercials tell them to."

Ian Looney, 8/2002

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"The major cause of the continued deterioration of the global environment is the unsustainable patterns of consumption and production, particularly in the industrialized countries.

Developed countries must take the lead in achieving sustainable consumption."
--United Nations Agenda 21


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P.O. Box 10828
Oakland, California 94610
(510) 434-9955
Sustainable Marketplace (TM) and "Sustainable Markets Mean Good Business! (TM)" are trademarks of EarthRescue
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Last Updated August 1, 2002