Club Constitution and By-Laws Article I Name This club shall be known as the Eastern Carolina VW Club or ECVW, with its main location in Fayetteville, NC and mailing address of: 417 Old Farm Rd, Fayetteville, NC 28314. Article II Object The object of this club is to promote the safe enjoyment of fellowship among Volkswagen enthusiast. while not excluding anyone due to race, religion or gender. Article III Members All persons becoming members agree to abide by the rules and by-laws of the club, including those guidelines set forth by the coordinator of any club activity in which the member is participating. Membership will be placed in one of two categories; Active Membership, a member that has paid current any dues owed during his/her participation in club activities and is thereby considered a member in good standing or Non-Active Membership, a member that is not current to date on membership dues and who has not participated in club meetings for at least three consecutively regularly scheduled meetings. A member shall be dropped from the roles after one year of non-activity or upon that members request. Article IV - Dues The annual dues for members shall be an amount recommended by the Board of Officers and voted upon by the general membership. Dues are payable in January of each year. This membership shall include families as well as individuals including spouses and children under the ages of eighteen. For purposes of fairness, only one member in a family shall receive any club package benefits (i.e.: club Tee shirt, fridge magnet, etc). Family members may purchase such items at a price that has been previsly set by the general membership. For members joining after October 1st in a given year, dues paid include membership through December 31st of the following calendar year. Once a member has paid his/her dues and later decides to withdraw his membership, he/she will forfeit all monies paid to date and will not receive a refund for any remaining months of that membership. Article V Officers Section 1. The officers of this club shall be a President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary Section 2. President: The President will be responsible for scheduling and holding all meetings. The President will also be responsible to the membership for communicating any and all actions of the officer committee. Section 3. Vice-President: Responsible for all the duties of the President in the event the President is unable to fulfill his/her duties. Section 4. Treasurer: Responsible for maintaining all financial records for the club. Responsible for reporting financial status of the club to both the committee and the membership on a regular basis. Section 5. Secretary: Responsible for creating a written copy of meeting minutes and providing minutes to the Officer Committee for approval and once approved, to the general membership for acceptance into the club archives. The secretary will also be responsible for the monthly publication of the club newsletter. He/she may receive assistance from any member while performing this function. Section 6. Removal of Board of Officers: Any one or more of the Board members may be removed by a vote of two-thirds of the members in good standing present at a special meeting of the club called for that purpose. Article VII Meetings Section 1. Meetings: Currently meeting of the club is on the first and third Saturday of each month. Other meetings as may be called by the officers upon request by ten members of the club. A special meeting may be called to consider a specific subject. The normal schedule of club meeting may be changed by a majority vote. Section 2. Voting: All questions, the manner of deciding which is not otherwise prescribed, shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present in person. Section 3. Order of Business: The order of business shall be as follows at all the meetings of the club, The Executive Committee: 1.Calling to order 2.Acknowledgement of guests and new members 3.Reading of minutes 4.Reading of financial statement 5.Old business 6.New business 7.Adjournment This order of business may be altered or suspended at any meeting by a majority vote of the members Present. Article XI Procedure "Roberts Rules of Order" shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not specifically covered by the constitutions and by-laws of the club. Article XII Amendments Section 1. These bylaws and all amendments or additions shall not be effective unless approved by Two thirds majority of VW Club membership at time of presentation.. APPROVAL OF CONSTITION AND BY-LAWS ADOPTED BY THE CLUB MEMBERSHIP: |