Vector ring

This structure is extremely important for marriage. It the most powerful in power engineering describes relations in the pairs of signs. In each pair is a servant and an owner. Each sign, consequently has its servant and its owner. Vector pair can arise in any signs. This does not depend on the means of thinking participants in the relations. Vector coupling appears and is developed against the will of man, besides his desires, unconsciously. The relations between the husbands in the vector marriage are developed according to the laws of the vortex, mystical structures, in which the direction of motion is clear, but the nature of motion is not clear. This is the energy storm, in which it is not possible to establish equilibrium and a reliable system. Life in the vector marriage is similar to life in the powder keg, something can happen at any moment.
The enormous energy of vector marriage can be the source of large shakings too, and the highest takeoff. Not in what attitudes of men it can so highly to rise in its sensations and experiences as in the vector marriage. Alas, for this it is necessary to pay. Sometimes the vector ring turns so that life is not be sufficient not in order to be selected from this abyss. Such relations are always defined as "fatal love", passion. And only those, who this tested on itself, can say that this not so much love, more something completely not explained.
When are encountered a man and a woman, generatrix pair servant- owner, appears the union, in which are destroyed all the shells which protect personality. Man, as independent unit, ceases to exist. Another paradox of vector marriage consists in the fact that people cannot exist without each other, but in this case they cannot live together. With complete confidence it is possible to say that these annular relations are not recommended for family life. Break up can become the only way out the situation. To justify vector marriages is possible only in the creative medium, since the nakedness of soul, which them accompanies, creates the base for the creative combustion.
In society the percentage of such marriages increases, as soon as installation to durable families weaken. Specifically, then to the foreground marriages passionate love leaves. Myusse wrote that the tendency toward disastrous passions can be only in people, which struck by the disease, whose symptoms are "disbelief, boredom, solitude". In the life of each person there is the place for the ring, even the most careful can prove to be in its networks: there is no one hundred per-cent insurance, yes it is not necessary, since the fact that they obtain from vector marriages, so is too much for many, that following after this etheral happiness torture does not seem too a high price to pay.
Morals, as the standard of behaviour, manufactured by humanity, are calculated for the free, independent personality. The ring deprives one of morals of both servant, and owner. Roughness and coldness of owner are amoral, but the general pardon of servant is also amoral.
The vector nature of relations is manifested in the fact that the servant did not exceed owner, altogether only the pedestal, because of which the owner himself becomes above, stronger and cleverer. Servant erects this pedestal voluntarily, with love and adoration. In the presence of the owner the servant will not be able to show all her merits, yes even owner will not be able to estimate them completely. The tendency of owner to alter the servant not without reason is so vividly manifested. Each owner - this is that unconscious, mystical ideal, for which strives for the servant. Only this is the base for adoration, the patience and the general pardon of servant. And this general pardon and adoration provokes the roughness of the owner.
It can seem that the position of the owner in this pair is attractive. But it is necessary to remember that before entering into any interaction, we change ourselves.
The constant location of the nervous system in the excited state, penetration is into each other, openness of all intimate sides of personality - all this is the reason not only for jealousy and quarrels, but also gradual, rapid or slow but irreversible worsening in the status of the health and psyche.
The mutual attempts to remove stress or to be pulled out from the ring do not improve the state of relations and health. Its victims found only two ways of such stress relieving: alcoholic beverages and attempt at treason. Servant never will be able to be pulled out from the ring, if its owner does not let go. But even in this freedom the servant can become a burden. To soften life in the vector union can be a large age difference, the conclusion of marriage at a solid age. If a servant - woman, will also survive more easily.
How to behave in the annular marriage? It is necessary to remember, the owner has always right in its eyes, eyes of those surrounding and even the eyes of the servant; therefore it is not necessary to attempt to prove anything to it. It is possible to try to be seen more thinly. It is necessary to remember - vector marriage does not give improvements. Owner must always pity servant, indeed we do not select our year of generation. After parting with the owner, do not attempt to take vengeance upon it.
In life frequently vector marriages, patients divorce, return to the circles there. It seems that such marriages go on in a more humane scenario. This is an illusion - ring does not know humanism. It can be a warning about the dangers of the ring and will not stop the new amateurs of sharp sensations. Council is simple - let the sharp sensations remain in the marriage. It is necessary to understand that the family is not the place for infinite battles and fateful passions.


RAT-owner of Horse, servant of MonkeyBULL-owner of Tiger, servant of DogTIGER-owner of Sheep, servant of BullRABBIT-owner of  Rooster, servant of DragonDRAGON-owner of Rabbit, servant of PigSNAKE- owner of Monkey, servant of SheepHORSE - owner of Pig, servant of RatSHEEP - owner of Snake, servant of TigerMONKEY - owner of Rat, servant of SnakeROOSTER - owner of Dog, servant of RabbitDOG - owner of Bull, servant of RoosterPIG - owner of Dragon, servant of Horse


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