A wee bit about lil 'ol me



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A little bit about little ol' me.

I am 37 years old, and have lived in Michigan all my life. I'm about 5' 10" (WPTH) with brown hair and blue eyes. I have a mustache, and a goatee. I am a gay man who is at peace with his spirituality, and his God. I am a member of Praise Fellowship Christian Church. I am going to school so that I can fulfill God's calling in my life to be a Minister. What church? What denomination? I don't know, but God does!

(To read my Research Paper for English on Gay and Lesbian Inclusion in the church, click here.)

 What I Like

I have many different interests, among these are:

My Church. It seems interesting to look back over the places where God has led us. I started my Spiritual journey in The Salvation Army, where I remained for 28 years until I felt God's call to go elsewhere. It took nearly 8 years for me to finally decide to leave the Salvation Army, and when it was time to go, I knew where God wanted me to go.

I drove around the block six times at 6 in the morning before I actually set foot inside MCC Detroit. When I did, I felt as though I had come home. MCC Detroit provided a wonderful place for me to fully accept myself as a Christian gay man, and not feel like the two were incompatable. I served in various capacities at MCC Detroit, including editing and publishig the newsletter, working on the webpage, singing in the choir, playig my cornet in services, and finally serving on the Pastoral staff where my duties included preaching and leading the evening service.

After a few years at MCC Detroit, I felt God calling me away. This time, there was no specific place, no leading about where to go. So, I searched for a church. I found Lighthouse Evangel Tabernacle, and attended services there for awhile. But, it was not the place God was preparing for me to be.

In April of 2000, four friends of mine started a church in their living rooms. I had met Pastor Rick and his partner Wes at MCC Detroit where Rick and I had served on the pastoral staff. god had given them a vision of a new church in Detroit. A church that is charismatic in nature, and a spiritually safe place to be. Two more friends from MCC Detroit were helping them start this new church.

In September of 2000, Praise Fellowship Christian Church held its first public worship service. I was there, and have been ever since. While I don't always feel like I fit in with all the charismatic stuff (I'm not real good at hand-waving), I believe that this is the church God wants me to be in.

Writing. For the past five years, I have kept a (sort of) journal. In my journal, I write reflections on how I feel, reflections on scripture, or just write what comes to mind. I am the moderator of the Christian Gay Writer's Forum on Yahoo! Groups, where you will find a number of items I have written. You can also find a number of things I've written on this website in my "Writings" section.

 Music. I am a collector of Christian Hymnals and sheet music. I have over 250 hymnals in my collection. Having been involved in the Salvation Army for many years, I also have a large collection of Salvation Army band and vocal music. My collection of Salvation Army music is one of the most extensive personal collections in the world. I also have an extensive collection of Salvation Army Band and Songster recordings, the oldest of these are from the mid 1950's. I also dabble in musical composition, and have written a few hymn tunes and band items. My most recent composition is "For who I am God loves me" which talks about being used of God as a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender person. (Read the text of the song)

I sang in Detroit Together Men's Chorus for a short time, and had a wonderful time at met many new friends. I thank God for the experiences and the fellowship that came with being a part of such a wonderful organization. During the time I was involved with DTMC, they released their first CD. Stop by their web site and check them out.

Got to the Music Page to hear some of the music I like...

 Movies. I enjoy classic movies, among my favorite titles are 'Bringing up Baby,' 'Gone with the Wind,' 'Citizen Cane,' and 'The Ten Commandments.' Other films I like include; 'Mrs. Doubtfire,' 'Love, Valor, Compassion,' 'The Lost Language of Cranes,' 'Jeffrey' and anything 'Star Trek.' I definitely do not like horror films, however a good murder mystery can be interesting.

Friends. Over the years, I have met some very wonderful people. My friends are very important to me, especially those who have helped me through difficult times by offering a place to stay, an encouraging word, or some other act of kindness. Friends are the way God reaches out to bless us, and I thank God for all the wonderful people that God has seen fit to surround me with in my life.

Families can be an interesting bunch! I don't always see eye to eye with members of my family, but they have always been there when I have needed them. I enjoy the time I spend with my family. They have always been welcoming of my partner and myself. Although they do not consider my partner to be a member of the family, they welcome him with open arms because they know how important and special he is to me.

My Partner. Love blooms from various different places. There are many people who believe that love cannot bloom in the bathouse or the bar scene. Well, I met Paul 15 years ago at the Gold Coast (a local bar, of all places). Our relationship hasn't always been easy, but he has proven to be a good friend and supporter even when others seem to be running away.

Paul is very supportive. When others don't see the good in me, he does. When I feel like I'm at the end of my rope, he pulls me back into line. When I can't seem to make a good decision, he helps me see the realities that face us. He sees life through the eyes of a child, and has this uncanny talent for seeing things as they really are. I told a friend that Paul is very perceptive in religious matters. He doesn't understand very much about theology or church dogma, but he understands how God intends things to be.

Paul has been a continual blessing, even if it hasn't been very evident to me in the past. God sent me Paul, and for that I am very thankful.

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