She is born July 31 of the year 1972 in Teheran, Iran. She played the role of Childlike Empress (Moonchild) in the Neverending Story part 1. Unfortunately, this movie is the first and the last of her short acting career. Unofficial information said that her parents were against the fact she became an actress. Nevertheless, she started dancing. Today, she is currently working in the U.S. as a dance choreographer. She recently started working with an agent to try to get back into acting, but that it is hard to while running a dance company. I hope she will realize her desire.

NeverEnding Story, The (1984)...Moonchild

It's the lone movie you've made, but you have really made come true the Childlike Empress to screen. I will always have your image in mind when I will think about the Childlike Empress. 
