Political Oppression:
Sexual Permissiveness is a Vital Component of Chaos.

The Ecological Purpose of Chaos is to Ensure that NO Earthly Authority is ever able to assume Absolute Authority over ALL of Humanity.
Eathly Authorities are Created and Sustained through the use of
Genetic Selection.

Genetic Selection is the Very Facet of Ecology which Compels Chaos.

The More we utilize Genetic Selection to Sustain Authority,

the More we will Accelarate Chaos.

Genetic Selection is the Process which is Utilized to Compel Intellectual Specialization.
Genetic Selection can NOT be conducted without also conducting Genetic Displacement.

It is this Genetic Displacement which provides the Propulsion for Chaos.
Every portion of the Consciousness is of  Equal Value.
Thus if you seek to extract a Specific Portion of that Consciousness, to your own Advantage, you will always displace another portion of that consciousness of Equal Potency to your Selected one.

"For Every Action there is an Equal and Opposite Reaction."

Thus every Faulty mode of Authority will create it's own Destruction.

The only way Humanity can achieve Absolute Peace and Contentment, and therefore Valid Authority, is to CEASE Genetic Displacement.
The only way we can Cease Genetic Displacement is to Cease Genetic Selection.
When the Genome is Downforced or Oppressed, Fertility is expressed far sooner in order for the Species to Procreate more successfully.
Thus the appearance of what is interpreted as Sexual Permissiveness.

This condition is very apparent in the present time.
Those nations within our world which lead the foray into technology, not only perceive themselves to possess a civil advantage over others, but they also falsely perceive themselves to have a moral advantage over those other nations.

This becomes an accelarator for Chaos.

They merely express the blindness they have created to those portions of the Consciousness that they have CHOSEN to forfeit in their pursuit of that Technology.
They have become intoxicated in the aura of cleverness and have left themselves vulnerable to those vital portions of the Consciousness which they have elected to Displace.

In their drunken foolishness they propel themselves deeper and deeper into Chaos.
The "Y" Files
Suicide is a direct symptom of Displaced Consciousness.
The perpetual increase of suicide within all nations of our world is testimony to the perpetual deepening of Chaos.

Terrorism in all of it's forms, from arson to vandalism, from domestic violence to cancer and AIDS, are direct symptoms of Displaced Consciousness as a result of Genetic Displacement.

These are all Arms of Chaos.

Until we begin to permit all people the basic Human Right to be free to express all portions of the Consciousness, Chaos will continue to escalate until those forces which are compelled to divide the Consciousness are destroyed.
Those forces which are compelled to Divide the Consciousness are the same forces which are compelled to compound Intellectual Specialization.

Our Education Processes are the Prime Forces of Division.
Grading and Classing IS Genetic Selection.
It is also Genetic Displacement.
The Proof:  The Bell Curve.
Genetic Selection.