Easter in Europe WebQuest


Created by Csibi Erzsébet



Happy Easter!



Do you celebrate Easter in your country? How?

Would you like to know how other nations celebrate this holiday?


In this WebQuest you can find out about

how eight European nations celebrate the Easter holiday.





How do you say Easter in your own language?

Do you know where people use these words?


Velikonoce    Pääiainen  Húsvét  Ostern    Pasqua    Wielkanoc    Pascua    IIacxa


You can find about it in the quiz below.





Click on the painting bunny to do the quiz!




When you are finished go on to the next step.





Now you know how to say Easter in 8 different languages.


Can you tell what flags belong to these countries and languages?





Click on the juggling bunny to do the matching excercise.



When you are finished go on to the next step.






Now you know which flag belongs to which country.







Choose a flag and click on it

to find out more about a country's Easter traditions.









Group participation = 30 points

Completion of the Language Quiz = 10 points

Completion of the Flags Match = 10 points

Poster / Webzine = 50 points



Total score = 100 points






Content by Csibi Erzsébet, ecsibi@vnet.hu
Last revised Fri Feb 28 2003