EJ's Place,
A Somewhat Classy Joint
Now that you are here what can you expect to find?


First, a segmented travel journal somewhat unimaginatively named
Travel Notes and Thoughts.  The desire to publish a journal of my travels is what originally inspired me to start this website.

I have undertaken two new projects which have slowed down my efforts on this website.

One is a
Hong Kong Blog on BootnAll .com.  It requires a lot of attention.  I comment on the ongoing scene here in Hong kong and how it might affect tourists.  It satisfies my journalistic impulses.  Please access it often as it has new material almost every day.

I've also expanded the scope of reporting on my European travels by writing detailed observations and opinions on the Igougo website.  I am reviewing individual attractions, such as museums and historical sites,  restaurants, hotels and other  experiences that are not readily classifiable.  You can find a list of all the journals I've written at
Ed Hahn's Journals on Igougo.com.

My previous efforts are still available.

1. The
Europe Blog from my summer 2004 trip with a Table of contents and summary page including links to specific days and locations.  

2. My 2005 Winter drive through the middle of the U.S. inspired me to capture some observations and opinions at
America the Beautiful....and the Ugly.

3. I also wrote down my thoughts, after a November, 2004 trip to Myanmar.  It's available at
Observations on the Situation in Myanmar.

I will continue to travel and continue to take notes as I go.  I plan to translate those notes into a narrative including opinions about my experiences, good and bad.  I provide links to tourist sites, restaurants and hotels when I have them.  Those links will be in blue and underlined.

Second, I will, from time to time, offer a rant about an issue, political or other, that I feel strongly about.  The rant will be clearly identified as such and the subject will be in the title, giving you a chance to pass on reading it if you don't wish to put up with my opinions on the issue involved.


Who am I to offer travel musings and opinions? 

My name is Ed Hahn.  I am a retired management consultant living in Hong Kong.  I have been here over 12 years.  Before that I lived in both Southern and Northern California.  I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, graduated from UW, Madison, and moved to California in 1962. 

Since I abhor "credentialism," I will only say that I have 45 years of experience as a consultant, corporate manager and psychological counselor.

I also have been traveling and living overseas for over 25 years and I believe that experience has helped me see things in a slightly different way.


I hope you will find the offerings here entertaining, at least a little bit valuable, and worthy of the time you spend reading them.  I also hope I can make you chuckle from time to time with my attempts at irony.

There is much in the world to criticise as there is much to praise.  My tongue-in-cheek comments are meant to get you thinking, perhaps a little differently, about the places, people and things I describe.


I am a feedback junkie so if you have any opinions please pass them on.  If they lead to a dialogue, I promise I will publish the correspondence.  Truth is, I hope this site will produce many dialogues.  I believe dialogue is one of the strongest methods for learning, growing and changing.

I also want to hear about broken links, misspelled words and other errors that will undoubtedly creep into my writing.

I am still learning how to create a website so this is, very much, a work in progress.  I suspect this site will continue to  go through many changes in the coming months.  My fondest hope is that you find it interesting over time.
My Favorite Links:
Google Search Engine
Frommers Travel Web Site
Yahoo Sports
Dilbert Cartoons and Commentary
Where To Send Your Feedback
Ed Hahn
Standing next to the Arno River in Florence, Italy, January 2004
Last Update
December 11, 2005
Fred on Everything
The Onion
Travel Notes and Thoughts
Europe Blog, July-August 2004
Observations and Opinions
Observations on the Situation in Myanmar.
America the Beautiful....
and the Ugly
Boots 'n All.com
Hong Kong Blog
Ed's Journals on Igougo.com