McIntire Genealogy Pages

In Gaelic, 
known as  Mac an t-Saoir 
(son of the carpenter)

McIntire People

Did you know that Jesus is known as "mac-an-t-saoir" in the Gaelic translation of the Bible? 

Matthew 13:55 in English

"Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary? 

And are not his brothers James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?"

and Gaelic

"Nach e so mac an t-saoir? Nach e ainm a mhathar Muire? Nach iad a bhraithrean Seumas, agus Ioses, agus Simon agus Iudas?"

McIntire Research

The data on this site may be freely linked to but not duplicated or used for any commercial purpose without my written consent.  Although much reliable documentation exists for many individuals and families in these databases, make no assumption that all of the genealogical data in these files is the ultimate authority.  Please treat this site as a tool in your continuing research. If you have corrections, additions or questions, please contact me. Happy Hunting!
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Pictures of McIntires

Silas Crawford McIntire and wife Charlotte Hurley
George Lyall McIntire
Susan Lillian McIntire
James W. McIntire

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McIntire Stories

 Some Notes re: McIntires from 1866 (from Draper's Notes)
John McIntire, son of Charles (from Chronicles of Border Warfare)
William McIntire's (1750-1792) Last Days
Legend of the White Calf

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How do you Spell McIntire?

So many variations of the name McIntire exist that I thought I would list them here.  Don't forget to try all the variations when searching.  Sometimes that is all it takes!
E-mail me any other spellings you have run across.
Ever wonder why so many spellings?  Here is a story about that very matter contributed by Harold MacIntire:

"My name is spelled MacIntire, I do not see it on your list so thought I would pass it on.  It was changed from McIntire sometime between 1914 and 1938. When it was McIntire the c  was raised and had a line under it with two dots under the line.  My Grandfather was Harold Sidney McIntire and owned a milk business.  Every week my Grandmother had to write out the milk bills for his customers, this included signing her name.  She told me that one day she became so tired of drawing a line with two dots under it below the c that she changed it from McIntire to MacIntire.  The reason I can give you a time frame is based in birth records.  My father was born in 1914 and his name was spelled McIntire, I was born in 1938 and my name was spelled MacIntire.

I am a descendant of Philip McIntire who was captured by Oliver Cromwell in the battle of Dunbar, Scotland on September 3, 1650, and sold as a slave to the Saugus Iron Works which is now a National Historical Site in Saugus, Massachusetts.  Philip was transported along with 150 others on the slave ship Unity to the USA in December 1650. 

I am enjoying your WEB site, hope this is of interest to you.  Harold MacIntire"

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Contact Dian Moore at Hands for Hope