Hello! Welcome to the Edible plants arcive! Here, you will learn about plants you can eat while stuck in the wilderness. It may not be easy, and you probebly wont do it inless you have to, but it's always good to be sure! We'll start with a few plants, and a little bit about them: Pine Needles-They posess a slightly minty flavor. Make sure you boil them before you eat them! Wild Strawberrys- They may not be the best on your stomach, but it's better then starving. Cow Parsnip- They grow best in moist soil or loam, but also grow in clay. It can be found in- Washington, Alaska, Georgia, New Mexico, and Kansas. Spearmint, Peppermint, wild mint- Different varitys of wild mint. They have a nice flavor if you chew their leaves. Cucumber- Offten considered a domestic plant, this is also a plant that grows wild. Rose Petals- Beleive it or not, they are rumered to be very tasty. Dadilions- I don't know... seems a little odd to me, but if it's edible, and you're in the wilderness, go for it! They're accutully some of the most nutritional wild plants.They're rather bitter though... Wild Onion- Yes, those little bulbs your parents told you not to eat when you were little are edible, but they're not really good nutrition. Blue Camas- This plant is found mostly is mountain forests. It requires soil that is moist in spring, but not in winter. Gooseberrys- Tart, oval shaped berry. It's related to the current. They grow on shrubs near the Great Lakes area. Puffballs- These are wild mushrooms, but they are one of those that is safe to eat. Make sure they are fresh by making sure the inside is white and creamy. Indian Ricegrass-Grows in sandy areas of the west. Grows best in full sun. Cattails- Hummm... I whouldn't expect them to taste very good, but hey... You know what they are, right? Clover- Odd, but edible. As for wanting to eat it, that's a whole different thing. Hawkbits and Cat's-ears- These plants look alot like Dandilions. They grow in England. Hawk's-Beard- Related to Basil and Hawkbits. These plants come in two varitys, rough and smooth. Nipplewort- A commen garden weed, you could eat them to be rid of them! Chicory- Produces a deep taproot. It's flowers are blue. Sow Thisle- A comen weed with a large comen root. Plantains- Related to the bannana, these "Platain Bannanas" must be cooked before eaten, and are rather starchy. Mallows- An herb that come in several varitys-Munroe Globemallow, Chusion Globemallow, Rose Mallow, and Musk Mallow. Shephard's Purse- The whole plant can be used. It's German name is Hertentasche. Vetch-Also called Dodder, it is in the same family as Convolvulus. Wild Ginger- A fragrent plant that generally grows to be a feet tall. Bindweeds- It grows sulpher-yellow flowers. It has large roots that are genarally a yard long and a foot in circumference. Biting Stonecrops- Is a vine that grows on houses. It also grows in sandy places. Hedge Mustard-You can eat the whole plant. It grows by roadsides and in waste areas. Huneysukle- A commen plant you've probebly had before. Crabapple- A sour apple-like plant that grows on trees. | Sunflower- Also called the "Marigold of Peru", you should boil the plant before you eat it. Fennel- Grows both in the US and England. You can eat the roots, seeds, and leaves. Lillies- A pretty plant you can eat the bolbs of. Mulberry- The most common type is common, or black specie. Fig- A fruit that grows on trees. It is good fresh or dried. Golden Purslane- You can use the juices, seeds, and herb. It's also called Garden Purslane and Pigweed. Pictures-Click Here Sources- Click Here |